the coffee shop

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I have a sister who's REALLY into ghost-hunting, she's done the Queen Mary, the... oh shit, what's the place in Old Town San Diego..? Crap, I can't remember, she's done a bunch of places. I used to stop in at the Coronado often when boating when I lived in San Diego, and there's a vibe in some of the areas of the hotel that can only be described as... it's like The Shining.

We've got a LOT of haunted hotels, B&B's and then the Preston Castle downcountry from us. The Union Inn in Volcano has a lot of sightings, it sits next to the old courthouse and the hanging tree used to be right in front of the building.
I've never seen a ghost though we supposedly have many haunted places around here.I know several people that swear they've seen ghosts and even long departed loved ones.I have been to many of these places but never seen anything out of the norm.Maybe I'm not wired to see these things who knows.Seriously though,what would I do if I saw a ghost?I'd probably drop dead from a heart attack!


Thought I would put this link out for any of the hardcore connoisseur's of coffee here since I didn't see A mention of it anywhere in the post. Definitely reminds me of A "Farmer" finding that "Special" cut.

The guys that "Make it Happen" - > - > - >

The Show "Dangerous Grounds" (about Coffee)
- > - > - >

The Coffee Shop with "Some of the Best" direct from the "Farmer"
- > - > - >
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Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

I have a sister who's REALLY into ghost-hunting, she's done the Queen Mary, the... oh shit, what's the place in Old Town San Diego..? Crap, I can't remember, she's done a bunch of places. I used to stop in at the Coronado often when boating when I lived in San Diego, and there's a vibe in some of the areas of the hotel that can only be described as... it's like The Shining.

We've got a LOT of haunted hotels, B&B's and then the Preston Castle downcountry from us. The Union Inn in Volcano has a lot of sightings, it sits next to the old courthouse and the hanging tree used to be right in front of the building.

The Coronado kinda looks like the hotel from The Shining, at least I thought so the first time I was in there.

Here is what it looks like outside my window today.
IMG 7301
IMG 7309


I had a '99 t5 turbo I wrapped around a telephone pole at around 70mph... don't think I would be alive if it hadn't been a volvo. Awesome car, even though I like rear wheel drive much better.
I did the EXACT same thing with an old 240 i had cap,fire dept had to cut me out of it,told me i would have been dead except the columns in volvos are pinned and collapse on impact.My wife still drives a newer s60 turbo because of the safety factor.


Guess some just go for Maxwell House... ;)

1 Example from above post:

NepalBag 1024x1024

Nepal - Syangja Lot 2 (Limited)

  • COUNTRY: Nepal
  • REGION: Gandaki Zone
  • FARM: Syangja Village
  • PROCESS: Washed
  • ALTITUDE: 1100 meters
  • CUPPING NOTES: Smooth, sweet nutty tones dance in the elixir, gentle and not overbearing with mild acidity.
A rare bean from outside the "coffee belt" and hailing from, of all places, the Himalayan slopes of Nepal. Naturally organic and grown on small plot farms surrounding the village of Syangja in Northern Nepal, this micro lot is a reflection of the tenacity of the Nepalese farmer. A mild coffee, giving meaning to the word smooth, its sweet nutty tones dance in the elixir. Gentle and not overbearing with mild acidity making it a favorite morning cup. Check out more photos here from the sourcing trip.

For a limited time only.

Napal 1

Napal 2

Napal 3

Nepal 0


Good morning~

Woke up at 3am and had a really bad feeling I needed to chop plants asap. not sure WTF, but I went with my gut and chopped... Could be nothing, and I hope so... but you have to trust your gut..

Now all that remains is empty pots and some dried tears. The only silver lining is I know I can clear the rooms in under 30 minutes.

Close to 100 2-3 month olds gone. Sad they only took up 1 big trash bag... :(

Our state pharmacy board is discussing legalizing soon, but who knows.. Anyhow, back to the real job for a while.

I plan to stay on the site, my bean stock is still quite high... :)
Thanks for all the knowledge thus far everyone.



Good morning~

Woke up at 3am and had a really bad feeling I needed to chop plants asap. not sure WTF, but I went with my gut and chopped... Could be nothing, and I hope so... but you have to trust your gut..

Now all that remains is empty pots and some dried tears. The only silver lining is I know I can clear the rooms in under 30 minutes.

Close to 100 2-3 month olds gone. Sad they only took up 1 big trash bag... :(

Our state pharmacy board is discussing legalizing soon, but who knows.. Anyhow, back to the real job for a while.

I plan to stay on the site, my bean stock is still quite high... :)
Thanks for all the knowledge thus far everyone.


Hang in there LG!! Times like that don't last forever . The Tree will be FREE SOON!


Good morning~

Woke up at 3am and had a really bad feeling I needed to chop plants asap. not sure WTF, but I went with my gut and chopped... Could be nothing, and I hope so... but you have to trust your gut..

Now all that remains is empty pots and some dried tears. The only silver lining is I know I can clear the rooms in under 30 minutes.

Close to 100 2-3 month olds gone. Sad they only took up 1 big trash bag... :(

Our state pharmacy board is discussing legalizing soon, but who knows.. Anyhow, back to the real job for a while.

I plan to stay on the site, my bean stock is still quite high... :)
Thanks for all the knowledge thus far everyone.

sorry to hear this LegalGrow //// what happened ???? //// you talk with anyone before you chopped ???


Good morning Farm. What a totally badass suspension bridge above.. Sorry to hear about the chop, Back in the day and pretty close to the mason/dixon line, I couldn't find solid sleep, always watching over my shoulder... All for just miniscule amounts of dope. where I was, five plants was a felony- and a felony in some really fucked up prisons at that.

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