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Good morning Black Lab.40's here but at least it's rain and not snow... I don't have the need for extra heat in my tent but if I did I would probably use this fan I have that has a built in heater with a thermostat.Just have to cover the red power light.Good luck!


Living dead girl
Dave called an old school friend of his yesterday for his birthday. The poor man is sick, away from home and stuck in the hotel because all the roads are closed. He's in North Carolina, poor guy.

Black Lab, I spent over 30yrs in SoCal, and you and I both know that June ain't the only month of gloom. ;) No, that temp isn't too cold at all. Use my Electric Blanket Sandwich. Cost effective, and effective. Be sure to get the type that don't have an automatic shut-off. $30 from the Wally World, works great as long as it doesn't have auto-shut-off. Uses a fraction of the watts a heater would, too.
Good morning Farm. Another day of shoveling. I am going to be ripped by the end of winter with all this shoveling I have been doing.

Sea, I hope you get those gnats under control. Personally I never really worry when I see them. As long as there is a good amount of organic matter in the soil they really don't seem to cause too many issues with the plant growth. I am sure you have tried using diatomaceous earth, there is also a relatively new product call Gant Nix from Growstone. It's recycled glass and works almost exactly the same way DE does.

Ken, I dig the avatar.
The FGs are a constant issue, I have them year-round and see them everywhere. In the garbage, around moist areas on the north side of the house, EVERYWHERE. Last year they killed off a bunch of seedlings, quite a lot, and that's the problem I'm afraid of because this year I've got a few hundred $$$ in beans down there. If they get bad, everything's going back outside because while I know they won't grow quickly, I know they'll LIVE. Right now I'm workin' @Capulator 's bennies HARD.
What kind of volvo- I'm totally stuck on the old 240's. I've had a few of them and everyone is my favorite. I have a line on an old 142- the series before the 240s and I think I'll jump on it if the owner really does want to sell.

Colorado knows all about cracks in windshields... down in the flats its probably 3 in 10, in the hills its probably more like 50% of vehicles have chips. Pain in the ass.

DTE works great- so does bacillus thuringiensis- if you can find the BT that comes in a liquid form it's pretty cheap but it dilutes down to the point that it'll last you forever- something like one drop per olympic-sized swimming pool- give or take...
DTE I use around doorways during summer- don't breathe the dust.

I hardly even know what shoveling snow is like anymore- we've had plenty snow but the winds just comes and blows it around to the point there is no longer any reason to shovel. My driveway for instance: its all pickaxe work- windblown drifts. Better off parking on the street and walking up except for the plow will push your sled right off the road.

Southern girls are definitely where its at. Update: I need another dog and a southern girl and a volvo and...

Good morning Farm

'99 S80 T6. I like the older Volvos, but for comfort, luxury and POWER? I love my turbo-charged baby. Actually, I FUCKING LOVE my turbo-charged baby. Oh my God I love mashing the pedal down HARD! I LOVE how she takes the curves on these mountain roads! Ooo.. I'm getting excited and have to stay inside to trim today, better stop right here and now. In the meantime, I was really impressed with the repair work the folks at Glass Doctor did. You can't see the crack, you can only barely see what at first looks like a smudge, but it's the chip the rock took out. Up here we get windshield cracks from the pines dropping cones, too, and sometimes they'll break right through. This is the first time I've experienced this from a rock on the freeway. The only other times I've had it happen rocks were sliding off the mountainside, hit the side of the car.

Hoo boy! Good morning fine people! Right now we've got sun shining, but I'm hoping that goes away and we get a wee bit more rain as predicted.
Black Lab

Black Lab

Maybe ten minutes would heat up the tent? Also, sarcasm in the morning warms up every room in my house. :jimlad:
PB I see you're in Colorado. I taught skiing at Gold Peak in Vail back in the 90's :) Colorado was the coldest I have ever been and I grew up in Canada. Bone chilling dry cold in the Rockies. The snow can be so light and dry. Fun to ski in but a bitch to shovel. I loved the summers in Vail. Best anywhere :)


Yeah black lab- best winters (excepting after point where you are sick of the wind) and best summers(excepting being down in the flats) Its so terribly funny to me watching Texas wanting to shut themselves in on all sides with fences and inevitably I'll meet some Texan up around 8 or 9k feet up here in the summer- first time in forty some years he's ever left the state and thinks he's found heaven... The winters are def not for everyone. Hell, my dog has the best winter coat of anyone with the exception of Anthony Hopkins in 'The Edge' and there are days(weeks, months?) that she refuses to go outside... 4 million acre backyard and I get to step on frozen dogshit first step off the porch- wtf?


Fear Not!
Mornin Farmers :)

Good morning Black Lab.40's here but at least it's rain and not snow... I don't have the need for extra heat in my tent but if I did I would probably use this fan I have that has a built in heater with a thermostat.Just have to cover the red power light.Good luck!
I did this for a couple weeks when it was cold:jimlad:
it did the trick...
I didnt even think of putting it inside..if I had, I would never have thought to cover the light!:p


Im in socal too b-lab just a little higher elevation then you;),beautiful morning here too mid 60s so far.Having said that i keep a boat in dana point harbor and am pretty familiar with your part of the world too,both above and below the waves,lol.


likes to smell trees.
I had a '99 t5 turbo I wrapped around a telephone pole at around 70mph... don't think I would be alive if it hadn't been a volvo. Awesome car, even though I like rear wheel drive much better.


Living dead girl
All my serious accidents have been caused by other people. I've had one where the vehicle was totaled, and at that time I was glad I was driving a Subaru. Love my Volvo a bit better'n my old Subie.
well Newport has thousands of slips..some getto areas for sure like any big place

Dana Point is small.very clean...Ritz Carlton is there
Yep, familiar with the area. :) It is! Have you ever stayed there, or at the Coronado? The Coronado is haunted. F'reals.


Fear Not!
Yep, familiar with the area. :) It is! Have you ever stayed there, or at the Coronado? The Coronado is haunted. F'reals.
No Ive never stayed there..i wish...maybe someday..huh?
My wife would love to stay at a Haunted hotels!...
I took her to the queen mary a couple times...we didnt see any gosts though
I didnt know about Coronado


Living dead girl
I have a sister who's REALLY into ghost-hunting, she's done the Queen Mary, the... oh shit, what's the place in Old Town San Diego..? Crap, I can't remember, she's done a bunch of places. I used to stop in at the Coronado often when boating when I lived in San Diego, and there's a vibe in some of the areas of the hotel that can only be described as... it's like The Shining.

We've got a LOT of haunted hotels, B&B's and then the Preston Castle downcountry from us. The Union Inn in Volcano has a lot of sightings, it sits next to the old courthouse and the hanging tree used to be right in front of the building.
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