the coffee shop

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Fear Not!
Morning Boo
I was thinking the same thing last night. The moon was mega bright here too
Casting shadows, bright. I just shut off my supplemental lights in the Greenhouse a couple days ago.
But they plants probably haven't noticed yet :)


Living dead girl
Moon only 'shut off' a few minutes ago here (about 7am), when it's this bright, as it's setting it can wake me up during the night as it casts its light through the sliding doors. You can almost read by it, but the supermoon a couple of years ago? Now, that was bright!

I keep forgetting to ask Dave what he's got roasted up for joe, but once again this morning's is top notch (and he wouldn't have it any other way!).

I've been getting a good bit accomplished with the tractor, but I'm going through the diesel. I, we, truly never thought we'd get to see the back of our property outside the jungle hikes we'd occasionally take with the grandchild. Now? I'm halfway there! I've already doubled the flat area, which would allow for all kinds of things--a greenhouse, a pig pen, more chicken coopage... but not a pool. Maybe a pond on another part of the property, though.

I'm trying to remember what I had planned for today and I think I had nothing planned. If I'm wrong, oh well!


Fear Not!
Gotta take my Dog to the vet today..
She has been shaking her head like there something wrong with her ears..
we were at the vet a few weeks ago and I had him look at her ears, he said the were just real dirty and cleaned them.while showing me how to clean them(with vinger and water) I have done it a couple times now
and they seem clean..
But she still shakes her head Im taking her to a different vet this morning


Living dead girl
Gotta take my Dog to the vet today..
She has been shaking her head like there something wrong with her ears..
we were at the vet a few weeks ago and I had him look at her ears, he said the were just real dirty and cleaned them.while showing me how to clean them(with vinger and water) I have done it a couple times now
and they seem clean..
But she still shakes her head Im taking her to a different vet this morning
Hm, I was taught to do it with rubbing alcohol so they don't stay wet at all. My old lab mix had very tiny ear holes, you'd flip her ears back and couldn't see inside like you can with most other dogs, so she had a lot of problems, ears always dirty, always flipping her head if I didn't stay up on keeping them cleaned out. The other problem with that dog was foxtails, and she'd get them up her nose and inside her ears, a LOT.

Goodmorning Seamaiden :)
Good morning brother. :)
I so envy you guys with a tractor.... I need one!
Don't we all! We really have to thank Dave's mother for it, because it was due to her choices that allowed for us to be able to make the purchase. Otherwise, we'd be looking at brush still and forevermore, because at between $250-$350/day to rent one, there's no way we'd have been able to afford to do what we're doing, let alone take our time with it. When I think about what I spent just to get a little 125'x30' area terraced and fenced...? Let's just say it would have been a down payment on a tractor.


Fear Not!
I have used iso alcohol in my own ears to prevent swimmers ear..
I hope she doesnt have swimmers ear :(Its Painfull!


There's medicine u can buy online that will help with ur dogs ear infection ken.. It's also a lot cheaper then getting the stuff from the vets office... GOOD MORNING everyone!!! Even though it's my evening hahaha


Living dead girl
I hope she doesn't have foxtails in her ear, those are painful, too! I don't know about your vet, but the one I used for my old dog wouldn't let me be in the room with her when they did the deed (anesthetized her and pulled out the foxtails, she had a couple). I explained to him that I'm as familiar as any of his techs with lots of procedures being done on animules, but he wouldn't hear of it. The vet we have up here, he was totally cool and when it was time to put that old dog down, he came outside to do it instead of making us bring her inside. She HATED going to the vet, absolutely hated it. Loved going for rides, but knew the moment we pulled up to the vet clinic, every time.

She always got them in her ears and nose because of how she was always rooting and digging for vermin. That dog was good, I tell you what.
There's medicine u can buy online that will help with ur dogs ear infection ken.. It's also a lot cheaper then getting the stuff from the vets office... GOOD MORNING everyone!!! Even though it's my evening hahaha
Where you at? Other side of the dateline?


Living dead girl
God am I glad I'm done with that shit. And rotating shifts. Fuck rotating shifts, I'd rather be on foal watch.


Living dead girl
Ah, she's a midnight farter, eh? I know the feeling. Err... Dave knows the feeling.


Nah lol.. She's workin while I sleep and I don't like teddy bears!


Funny how you almost forget what a dutch oven is after being single so long...

So there's at least one reason for being without partner.


how does one survive without the trusty dutch oven...linda got me a le crueset enameled on a decade ago and I use it all the time...I never for a million years would have thought that at this point in my life I would be a widower...strange cooking for one...

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