the coffee shop

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mornin's saturday and today dutch and I are heading to casa depot to buy a few hundred trapeziod stones to make us a fire pit...the back wall of the area is a bamboo grove and I'm installing 4 pindo palms to kinda box the area in...gonna bring electricity and water over there as well...ambitious ideas for an old man and a dog with no thumbs...he ain't much help. but if he did have thumbs...
Black Lab

Black Lab

Good morning Farm. It is a spectacular day at the beach. Sunny and warm and not a cloud in the sky. Going to spark up and go for a walk with the dog.


Coffee and breakfast done. Time to get my shovel out. Last day of prep before I drop in compost tomorrow. Tiller still busted so i get to start mixing and turning in by hand. :banghead:
Thats next weeks project though.

Sunny, breezy in the 60s now, another glorious day.


Living dead girl
Good morning fine people. I/we have been in El Paso, TX for the past 8 days. Interesting place, for sure. Not as much good food as I thought we'd find, being Texas and all, but we did find some excellent grub at a car wash of all places, called H&H, right there in El Paso. Fan-fucking-tastic. The quotes I have from the guy who runs the place are unforgettable.

Was a good week and a bad week. We were on base only a couple of days when Dave received a phone call from his sister--his father passed away in her arms of a heart attack. The following Tuesday I got message that my grandmother was comatose and on oxygen, and that she was receiving her Last Rites. She mercifully passed away the next day, almost four long years after her beloved, my grandfather, passed away. Our ex-daughter-in-law has not only recently lost her 19yo brother, but only weeks after, the week before my father-in-law and grandmother, lost a cousin as well. I feel death around us more sharply than I ever have before, but the elderly passing grieves me not, it is a blessing for my grandmother to now be in God's arms and with Papai, and my father-in-law also lived his life as he saw fit, and lived it long. The young people? That is what grieves me so deeply, they had no chance to live a life.

Yet, blessed for us was to be with dear, dear friends when learning of the news, people who bring us comfort and joy and laughter and solace, and so I consider the awful timing of it all to be the blessing in itself and for that I am thankful.

When I can sort out photos and such, I may tell more of our visit, right now I'm playing catch-up and enjoying some of our best coffee, while trying to avoid drama with a family member who seems to practice this shit whenever another family member dies, a behavior I don't get at all. Aren't these the times when we're supposed to pull together, not tear each other apart? I totally get that people deal with death in their own way, but my God, take some care how you're remembered!

That's my advice, my desire--pay some attention to how you're remembered, if it matters to you at all. The rest of my thoughts are fairly morbid this morning, so I'm gonna do my best to move forward, and if I need a kick in the pants, let me know, k?


Living dead girl
Thank you Budmuncher. As far as my grandmother is concerned, I'm actually happy for her, it's time and it's been time for a long time. The others... yes. :) That's what made the visit with my friends so special, it highlights that our lives are made up of a series of moments, and what you do with them and who you spend them with are what make the lives we've lived good.


hugs from both dutch and I are on their way sea...such a hard thing to cope with, we love yas hon...
Black Lab

Black Lab

Thank you Budmuncher. As far as my grandmother is concerned, I'm actually happy for her, it's time and it's been time for a long time. The others... yes. :) That's what made the visit with my friends so special, it highlights that our lives are made up of a series of moments, and what you do with them and who you spend them with are what make the lives we've lived good.
Welcome back, I wondered where you were at. Hadn't seen you post for awhile. The young one's are a shame. Sounds like the old ones lived well. Peace to you Seamaiden :)


G'Afternoon, y'all. Sea our condolences on all those that passed on.
My parents are in their 90's so I haven't had to face that....yet.
Prime C

Prime C

Defender of Dank
Good morning all. Saw this and thought Id share.

Joke time:

A woman was very distraught at the fact that she had not had a date or any sex in quite some time.
She was afraid she might have something wrong with her, so she decided to seek the medical expertise of a sex therapist. Her doctor recommended that she see Dr. Chang, the well-known Chinese sex therapist, so she went to see him.
Upon entering the examination room, Dr. Chang said, "OK, take off all you crose." The woman did as she was told. "Now, get down and craw reery, reery fass to odder side of room." Again, the woman did as she was instructed. Dr. Chang then said, "OK, now craw reery, reery fass back to me." So she did.
Dr. Chang shook his head slowly and said, "Your probrem vewy bad. You haf Ed Zachary Disease. Worse case I ever see. Dat why you not haf sex or dates."
Worried, the woman asked anxiously, "Oh my God, Dr. Chang, what is Ed Zachary Disease?"
Dr. Chang looked the woman in the eye and replied, "Ed Zachary Disease is when your face rook Ed Zachary rike your ass.


Living dead girl
Thank you so much, everyone. :)

Based on some of the posts and contact I've had, seems we've got a whole GRIP of folks in that area of the southwest. Seems like some kind of a road trip could e in order. I'd need something to deal with my road-ass/road-butt, maybe one of those bead seat covers? Next time, I wanna head up towards Santa Fe, it's been over 30yrs since I've seen that city, and maybe for once go see Chaco Canyon, because it's always fascinated me.
I don't wanna know...
Right? I mean, yeah, there are times when I definitely would prefer to see it coming, but otherwise... I dunno.

We've got rain comin' in again, there may be some hope after all.



Coffee now, breakfast (ham and fried egg on bagel sandwich) in a few then off to the garden.
A family member dropped by one day and noticed me working in the garden, 2 buckets at a time and took pity on me. Got me a nice new wheelbarrow. Kindness begets kindness so I tossed out a jar of the good stuff and a good meal.

Hopefully, if the garden center guy got off his rear and got his orders in, I will have about 7 yards of compost/manure in this weekend. If not I will be trucking compost across socal instead of a few blocks away. Gonna make a giant batch of tea + a bit of caps bennies to give the spot a head start.

Any of you veggie gardeners think of something that might help new soil along? I am not expecting miracles this first season till the soil gets its ecosystem balanced out, but if there is something I can do to help....
Cort,Let me know if you need help getting that soil from somewhere else,i have a bigass dump trailer and truck and i gotta get out to DHS some time or another with it to pick up an old table that was my wifes grandmas ,maybe kill 2 birds with one stone.

Sea,Sorry for you and daves loss,was wondering where you disappeared too!

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