Tim Tipton: The CO MMJ scam

  • Thread starter Mr.Sputnik
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tim was not even answering her phone calls.Her cries for help that was promised by tim was ignorned by him.Then tim asked everyone to give a prayer for her about 6 weeks after he kicked her out of his event.How much lower can you go tim you heartless scumbag(timothy tipton).I partly blame you tim for her break down.REST IN PEACE ERIN M.

Yeah, that sounds like Timmy.

I like how he says that HB-1043 is going to make it so he can't hold the events anymore.

Smoke and mirrors.
I guess he can't just come out and say "Everything they say about me is true, and it is public now, so it is getting harder and harder everyday to find more suckers! Maybe I'll move back home to Michigan, plenty of suckers there. But I could get shot out there a lot more easily for how I screw people. I'll just try to stay out of Flint and Detroit."

Char Richardson

I just wanted to reply to the Warrant issue. I have 2 OJW's (outstanding judgement warrants) for 2 tickets- both non-moving violations. One for improper use of my seat-belt and the other because my car had a head gasket leak, and was smoking terribly. (I was on my way back from the DMV from registering it, I had just gotten the car) I have not paid those fines yet, hence the Warrants. I was the one who Founded Phoenix Tears Foundation with Rick Simpson's permission and blessing. Tim Tipton came along with Craig Sahr (Litro Grow) and Janet Sweeney and offered to "help out" and become part of the Foundation, at the time when my Mother was fighting and dying of Cancer in a Montana hospital. I was financially destitude at the time (I'm on SSI and am an MMJ patient myself) with no attorney, just the registered trade name: Phoenix Tears Research Foundation, and the will to help anyone with Cancer who wanted to try Hemp Oil. Since I had no garden of my own at the time, I was getting patients signed for 75 plants and hooking them up with caregivers that had product on hand and would give the oil to the patient for free. I would share the "recipie" and give the caregivers the Phoenixtears.ca website as a refrence or guide. Sharing this Empowerment is what it is all about for me. This was, and still is my intention. Janet Sweeney said that if I signed caregiver of my plants over to her (Jan 2010) that she had a garden and would give me the oil that I so deasperately needed to get to my mother. Finally on March 28th of 2010 she met me at the Bemis Librairy and gave me 14 grams of oil. Not nearly enough to get through 2 weeks of treatment. My Mother passed on March 31st 2010. Only 3 days after Janet gave me the oil that she promised me in Jan. when I signed over my plant count of 75. Three months of precious time lost, that could have saved my Mother. All of the time that I was trying to deal with loss of my Mother and my dear Friend Jack Herer who passed 2 weeks after my Mom, Janet Sweeney was communicating with Rick Simpson via email, telling him that I was ripping off patients and charging $20,000 for oil. She told him lie after lie about me and asked Rick if she could take over the Foundation. She changed the name to Phoenix Tears Foundation and that was that. Rick himself being on the run from prosicution in his homeland of Canada (for cultivation charges) had enough on his plate to worry about and gave her permission to do that. By the time I realised what was happening it was too late to do anything about it Rick would not talk to me, and Janet Sweeney sent me a cease a dissist order from using the name "Phoenix Tears". No matter....I will STILL continue to help anyone who has Cancer, in anyway that I can. I have signed recipts of the 100's of grams of Oil, Tincture's and even a vaporizer that I have given to Cancer Patients.
I believe that what Rick Simpson was trying to do in Canada was a wonderful thing, and now even he himself is deemed a "criminal". I'm not going to waste my time defending my actions. I'm not hiding anywhere, or going by a different name. People can say whatever they want to about me~ I will just Soldier on, DOING the WORK, instead of wasting my time trying to save my name and reputation, I know that I'm helping people and the TRUTH will always Win. There are too many True Patients that are very ill and still need help. I will continue to do the very best I can, to help those patients that ask for it, within the ever-changing bounds of Colorado MMJ laws. I fully support Rick Simpson and his work, eventhough our relationship was destroyed by greed mongers who are only in this for themselves. I have NOTHING to do with Tim Tipton, Janet Sweeney, Craig Sahr or Phoenix Tears Foundation. Nor do I accept or ask for donations, only that the Caregiver take care of their Patient, afterall...isn't that what CareGIVING is all about? I hope that this will set the story straight, like I said I have enough witnesses and email evidence of all of these events to probably crucify these people in Court.....why bother ? If anyone has a problem with that, then YOU hire a lawyer and sue me.There is too much work to be done, and there are too many Patients that need our help.


Char - I actaully know you. Let me thank you for all of work you do. I've seen you testify at numerous hearings for the patients at the Capital, and at the BOH. Keep up the good work.

Sorry to hear about your Timmy story. It really makes my blood boil to here all the crap he has been involved in. What makes me even hotter is hearing people TRY to defend him. Really - where are those people coming from? To defend a obvious user/loser, one has to be an equally low person... or just really stupid.


First off I would like to thanks Mr.Sputnik for his hard work and this awsome web site.I was also wandering if anyone knows of anyone using the name scooby.To me it`s scoopy who is looking for a piece of shit like tim and his fallowers to scoop up.Maybe in his eyes if he picks up enough pieces of shit like tim then they might be the shit.Nothing more,nothing less.Until then if there not all together there nothing more than a piece of shit.Next time find out the facts you dip shit miss scoopy.Maybe we can meet at tims next one love event and not to shake your hand miss scoopy.Next time don`t be afraid to use YOUR real name,unless your tim hiding behide fake names to hide from the truth.Also thanks to all the caregivers who treat there patients like patients and not like customers,you guys are true heros for helping out the true patients of the state.If anyone goes to the cargivers cup notice how you have to pay to look at donated meds.Then look at tims pocket.That in its self tells you what tim and his fallowers are all about.I want what you owe me tim,and I know you`ll have it so I WILL be there to collect.

Char Richardson

Char - I actaully know you. Let me thank you for all of work you do. I've seen you testify at numerous hearings for the patients at the Capital, and at the BOH. Keep up the good work.

Sorry to hear about your Timmy story. It really makes my blood boil to here all the crap he has been involved in. What makes me even hotter is hearing people TRY to defend him. Really - where are those people coming from? To defend a obvious user/loser, one has to be an equally low person... or just really stupid.

Thank you Jerome, Its very important for all of us to come together to stop this maddness, this outright assualt on the true patients and caregivers of this State. Sadly decieved by a con-artist and taken advantage of while fighting for their lives. This has to stop. Thanks again, we gotta stick together on this one! Much Greeen Luv~


Thanks for posting your story Char! Let's move these assholes out of CO!


Thank you Jerome, Its very important for all of us to come together to stop this maddness, this outright assualt on the true patients and caregivers of this State. Sadly decieved by a con-artist and taken advantage of while fighting for their lives. This has to stop. Thanks again, we gotta stick together on this one! Much Greeen Luv~

Hey Char,

I know you by reputation and would really like to take this opportunity to clear the air surrounding some nasty rumors. At least three patients (two in Denver, one in Fort Collins) have claimed to me that you offered to get them the pound they'd need to make their cancer treatments at a really great price, but that after they paid you, they never saw you again with their meds, their money, or their Phoenix Tears. Please understand that I'm not accusing you of anything; rather I'd like to ask you for your side of the story in these (and similar) cases while we're on the topic of trustworthy people in the movement here in CO.

Your thoughts?

Char Richardson

Thanks for posting your story Char! Let's move these assholes out of CO!

No, Thank YOU Mr. Sputnik, for starting this thread on this Forum.... and Aaaaaamen to getting the GREED Mongers out of Colo. Brother!

Char Richardson

Hey Char,

I know you by reputation and would really like to take this opportunity to clear the air surrounding some nasty rumors. At least three patients (two in Denver, one in Fort Collins) have claimed to me that you offered to get them the pound they'd need to make their cancer treatments at a really great price, but that after they paid you, they never saw you again with their meds, their money, or their Phoenix Tears. Please understand that I'm not accusing you of anything; rather I'd like to ask you for your side of the story in these (and similar) cases while we're on the topic of trustworthy people in the movement here in CO.

Your thoughts?

Thank you for giving me the chance to adderess these "rumors" I try not to spend too much time on this because it is mostly a bunch of drama, steming from a situation in particular that involves one of Tim Tipton's patients as a matter of fact. I was approached at the 2010 4/20 Celebration in Denver by a gentleman named Alan Trinary(turns out he is a former roomate of Tim Tipton's). He asked me if I worked specifically with patients that had Cancer. Said he had a friend that had a badly infected foot and had just gotten out of the Hospital after 8 days of treatment. Dr.'s said that they did all that they could for her aside from amputation of her foot. They sent her home with a foot that was purple and swollen and had a huge oozing scab on top of it, she could not walk on it. Alan told me that she was a registered patient and that her caregiver was Tim Tipton, this was the first time that I had really heard of him. (had no idea that Co Midnight Rider was him, so actually I had heard of him, just didn't put 2 and 2 together until, at his insistance, I actually met him.) so, anyway, Alan asked me if I could come and have a look at her foot. (let me remind you that this occured before the passing of HB1284 and SB109)
A week later I drove to Denver to meet with the patient. I brought 10 grams of oil with me in a saringe. I had no idea what the oil would do for her, or how much she would need, but she was in such pain and need of hope that she wanted to try it. She did not have Cancer, but there was no way that I was going to deny her. I took off the bandages and was horrified at what I saw, I can't believe that the Dr's just gave up on her and released her. I dressed her foot, showed her how to apply the oil so that she could feel empowered by this experience and learn to help herself become well. I GAVE her the full saringe of oil. Three days later I got a call from the patient, she was crying with joy and thanking me for the oil, the swelling and infection had gone down significantly, enough so that she could walk again. She said that she called her Caregiver, Tim Tipton, to tell him about this amazing oil that had healed her foot. She said he was amazed and would like to meet with me, could she give him my number. I remember thinking to myself, "great I can show her caregiver how to make the oil and he can take care of her", boy was I in for a shocker.......
Hence the beginning of my roller coaster ride with Tim Tipton. That is the only patient I ever treated in Denver, she was indigent, and did not have Cancer. I gave her all of the medicine she needed in one saringe, no need for a pound there I'd say. Besides she already had a Caregiver. I do not sell anything to anyone, I try to find compassionate Caregivers for these patients, ones that have product on hand to make the oil that is necessary to treat the indivual. Once they are cured, then the caregiver can charge an appropate fee for the medicine required to maintain their state of wellness. That's my plan and always has been. I think that it builds community and responsability for the patient who, for some of them, their very lives' are in their Caregiver's hands. I have never promised any patient that I could get
pounds for them, only that I would try to find them a Caregiver that could take care of them. At that time I was just this side of homeless my ownself, and did not have a Garden of my own, and thought it would be easy to find Caregivers if the patient came to them with a higher plant count. I am one of the people that fought to have that put into the HB 1284, which was still in developement at that time. Finding compassionate and responsable caregivers that are willing to actually take care of these mostly indigent patients has been an uphill battle with all of the current GREED that has infected the Co MMJ movement. The patient in Ft. Collins.....a whole other ball of wax. I will respond to that in greater length at a later time. I will say this, I have signed recipts from that patient, that state that I brought her over 4 oz of raw product, tincture, 10 grams of oil and a Vaporizer, all while trying to find her a Caregiver. I never promised anyone that I could get pounds for them. Only a Caregiver that could provide for them. I spent my own money driving to Ft. Collins to deliver meds several times for this patient as it was taking some time to find her a caregiver and get her signed up with them. Ben G and his girls even went with me one time to deliver meds to this patient. She was also friends with Alan Trinary, and very mentally unstable due to Brain Cancer and several other ailments. She just turned against me when I was having a hard time finding her a caregiver and getting her signed with them. I could not afford to bring her anymore meds, that I had mysef paid for to keep her going until the caregiver came through. I never charged any patient for that, I made no money myself. I have been mostly broke all of my life, I'm used to it, and I certainly am not trying to make money off of the backs of patients who are fighting for their lives. I lost my Mother to Cancer~ no one should have to experience that....if there is an option for a cure. I just wanted to continue the work that Rick Simpson started and had to give up because he has now been deemed a "criminal" and can not return home for fear of prosicution. I will hold strong and fight the good fight legally under the rights provided to me by Colorado's Amendment 20. That is the only way that this will work....I really can't help too many people from behind bars. Dan Herer, one of Jacks son's told me to keep fighting rightously~ something that his Father encouraged me to do as well. They both told me to "never give up".... I will continue on.

Stop the Greed~
Plant the Seed~


Thanks for speaking up against these rumors, Char! It's important that people know and can verify that the Phoenix Tears organization is trustworthy, compassionate, and truly committed to its purpose because you guys are doing so much for patients and have so much more to offer.

Char Richardson

Thanks for speaking up against these rumors, Char! It's important that people know and can verify that the Phoenix Tears organization is trustworthy, compassionate, and truly committed to its purpose because you guys are doing so much for patients and have so much more to offer.

Just a quick one to clarify, I started Phoenix Tears Foundation, with the permission and blessing of Rick Simpson and was "taken over" by Tim Tipton, Janet Sweeney, and Craig Sahr. I have nothing to do with the Phoenix Tears Foundation. Please go back through this thread and read about that story. These are the Rumors that caused Rick Simpson to hate on me enough to post a YouTube video entitled "Who's oil can you trust?" This all stems from those three people telling Rick Simpson fabricated horror srories of me so they could take over my Foundation, which was just in the fledgling state and did not have money for an Attorney.

Char Richardson

Thanks for speaking up against these rumors, Char! It's important that people know and can verify that the Phoenix Tears organization is trustworthy, compassionate, and truly committed to its purpose because you guys are doing so much for patients and have so much more to offer.

The "Phoenix Tears" organization is run by those three which include Tim Tipton.....it certainly can NOT BE TRUSTED!!


No one ever said this shit is easy.

Also I think it was Kermit who said, "It aint easy being green"

For those who are in the good fight, thank you and keep on keepin on! For those who are fakes and are just playing the game for all you can. Fuck you!

Directed at no one in particular and to everyone. If you think it fits, it probably does.


Just a quick one to clarify, I started Phoenix Tears Foundation, with the permission and blessing of Rick Simpson and was "taken over" by Tim Tipton, Janet Sweeney, and Craig Sahr. I have nothing to do with the Phoenix Tears Foundation. Please go back through this thread and read about that story. These are the Rumors are that caused Rick Simpson to hate on me enough to post a YouTube video entitled "Who's oil can you trust?" This all stems from those three people telling Rick Simpson fabricated horror srories of me so they could take over my Foundation, which was just in the fledgling state and did not have money for an Attorney.

Well that's unfortunate, awful, and not surprising given Mr. Tipton's whole M.O. I happen to know that Derek Cummings (previously of In Harmony Wellness, now associated with the Silver Lizard) makes a separate product he calls Colorado Phoenix Tears using a method other than Rick Simpson that has gotten some fantastic results.

Char Richardson

No one ever said this shit is easy.

Also I think it was Kermit who said, "It aint easy being green"

For those who are in the good fight, thank you and keep on keepin on! For those who are fakes and are just playing the game for all you can. Fuck you!

Directed at no one in particular and to everyone. If you think it fits, it probably does.

You got that right! Kermit was a wise Frog

Char Richardson

Well that's unfortunate, awful, and not surprising given Mr. Tipton's whole M.O. I happen to know that Derek Cummings (previously of In Harmony Wellness, now associated with the Silver Lizard) makes a separate product he calls Colorado Phoenix Tears using a method other than Rick Simpson that has gotten some fantastic results.

That is GREAT to hear. The method I use is a little different from Rick's, and getting fantastic results also! Nice to know that people are actually catching on!!


I am NOT a thief! These old tired lies continue from scammers against me like Ben Garcia and Char Richardson, whom "I" understand has a current warrant. "i" am NOT with Phoenix Tears In Denver. Dr. Janet Sweeney is the ONLY person with the Phoenix Tears Foundation who accepts donations. I have not even seen Ben Garcia in over two years and have NEVER used, taken, or stolen Anything from him. ALL lies from a mentally troubled young man. An attorney will soon be contacting him regarding a filing of libel, slander and defamation of character against these individuals. This website and posting thread, in particular will be a part of that filing. You may wish to consider removal of thus harmful post thread, real patients deserve nothing more than the TRUTH. Ben Garcia is even attacking RICK SIMPSON, sheesh. Get EDUCATED!
I got some e mails from Rick Simpson thanking me for the information on tim.I think tim got mad for me telling Rick about tims scandalous ways.After that I found a e mail to cease and desist from janet sweeny over the internet. Sheesh. GET EDUCATED!Bring it to my front door so it`s legal,and then we can see if what tim says is true.O yea tim I have no fear when it coms to scare tacticts or when I want what you owe me.By the way I got alot of proof from last year when you screwed me over,including copies of bills in your name to pictures and statements from many.I still have the court papers from when I tried to get you served,and you hid out like a scared bitch.So keep telling the lies because your just hanging yourself every time you open up your mouth. DON`T BE A VICtIM OF tIM tIPTON. By the way tim you may wish to consider removal of the state because I`m not going to stop trying to get what you owe me.Also tell your friend MISS SCOOPY to get his b`s and p`s right next time.


Char - one last thing - could you clear up the circumstances surrounding your brief relationship with the Peace in Medicine Center in Denver?


Hey Char I would like to take a minute to tell you thank so much for the help you and your friends did for me and the girls when I had those last sezuires.You made sure that both me and the girls were well taken care of as I could not stop throwin up and having sezuires for 10 days.Thank you for the other time when I needed help to get into the hospital and you help me out with the twins.Your grade A on my list.Not like tim who put me in a house full of mold and asbestos as I was sick to make sure he got his grow rooms going all for his profit in his pocket.He didn`t even want the mold or asbestos removed, he wanted to grow with mold and asbestos.Shows how tim again is only thinkin about the money to be made not about the patient.So hats off to you Char for the donated meds and for being a true stand out person.I will be there for you on any level to fight for the truth and going forward to help patients.The girls also want to thank you for everything you have done to keep thier minds off of watching me fight with the devil for my life.Now it`s time for another fight all legal to give tim what he deserves and what he owes.


After that I found a e mail to cease and desist from janet sweeny over the internet. Sheesh. GET EDUCATED!Bring it to my front door so it`s legal,and then we can see if what tim says is true.

"Internet Tough Guy"
It's Not Just for Growers Anymore! (copyright, ME!)
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