What have ya got planned today?

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:D Leafy as fuck and I suck at trimming. If I was better at it, I probably wouldn't hate it so much..
I trim for a half hour,,and take a half hour break...lol

Gotta pace myself ya know...;)
Wish I was trimming today. Five weeks out and running low.


Living dead girl
Here you go, copied and pasted from icmag.....this is for using the powdered pool shock(chlorine)

If you think cloning is easy and doesn't take any effort at all, and you can't understand why anyone would have any problems. Congratulations, I envy you. This thread is not for you. Please move on.

I know exactly how you feel. Cloning can be one of the most aggravating parts of gardening. For so many people they have such an easy time with cloning. I have read stories over and over about how some people just take a pair of rusty scissors, make a cut, and just stick a cutting in some random medium. Then have roots in a few days. While I am so happy for them, it drives me crazy!

If you are like me and have researched just about every forum, forum thread, article, etc to learn the secret combination that could solve my cloning problem, you will notice some very interesting patterns.

One of those in particular is that there are many people who have been cloning successfully for years and years, and then they move to a new location and can't clone for the life of them.

I have heard many people attribute this to some "mystery of cloning", dumb luck, bad luck, etc. This has never sat well with me because in theory, if all elements are the same, the result should be the same. Which lead me to the belief that there must be a missing link in cloning that is not obvious, and is causing SOME people to fail miserably, and or just take a very long time to get clones to root.

Not by a discovery of my own, but some random thread I found recently, I believe (for some of us, this is not inclusive) that link may have been found. WATER

I know the idea of quality water is not new to cloning. Just about every manual, article, forum post, etc talks about it. Though there is a particular aspect that I have not seen discussed until recently. CHLORINE levels in the WATER. Or calcium hypochlorite/soduim hypochlorite.

Interesting enough, this really isn't a new discovery. Cities, Agricultural Industries, and other businesses have been using CHLORINE for over 200 years as a safe way to sterilize water. So in fact, the very water that you have coming out of your faucet, may contain a low level of CHLORINE. At low levels it is considered safe and used on a very large scale. Even biologists and the agricultural industry believe that plants actually require chlorine (low levels) as a key element and helps them thrive.

So, getting to the point finally, we all live in different places. Each one with different water sources. Some on city water (with varying water treatment techniques) and others with well water. I would safely bet that the mass majority of us are using city water and that city water contains chlorine. Personally, I have well water and not city water.

So recently I experimented with adding calcium hypochlorite (shock chlorine) to my well water for my clones. I also ran clones without any chlorine added. Everything else being the same. Guess what. I got roots in 6 days with the chlorinated clones. It was an ah ha! moment!

So the thread that I read that lead me to this point was written by this person who tried a relatively new product on the market made by EZ-Clone called "Clear-Res". Clear-RES is used by adding 5ml (of clear-res) per gallon of water and re-added every 3 days in the same amount. This product is relatively new, but if you search around you will find that the people who use it have pure success. So anyway, this person checked out the ingredients of Clear-Res and discovered that it was simply Chlorine water in a bottle. 16oz of chlorine water for $20. Two and two together, an experiment was done to discover how much pool chlorine would be needed to reproduce the same strength found in Clear-Res. Using a non-ph buffered pool shock (or pure calcium-hypoclorite) that you can commonly find at most hardware stores and walmart, the formula was discovered.

Here it is:

Basically, this pool shock comes in powered form.
1 gram of this powdered chlorine should be mixed into 1 gallon of water, to make what is almost an exact replacement for a bottle of Clear-Res.
Then, once you have this bottle of chlorine water, you would use 1 liquid oz per 5 gallons of water. Repeat every 3 days.
Wow, what a pain in the ASS finding sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite has been! I finally found the sodium hypochlorite, in liquid form, not granular, it's a 10% solution so I'm not really sure how much I should be using.

Everything else I found called 'pool shock' was a long name I can't remember. Tria-somehing was in there.

So much for shopping local. Good Christ.


Fear Not!
Wish I was trimming today. Five weeks out and running low.

i have a few that are a least five weeks out still..
This one got confused when I shut off the supplemental lights
But it worked out nicely...
I have stuff in all stages of flower, so I will trimming pretty steady for a good couple months


i have a few that are a least five weeks out still..
This one got confused when I shut off the supplemental lights
But it worked out nicely...
I have stuff in all stages of flower, so I will trimming pretty steady for a good couple months
I am in pretty much the same situation most of the time. Just catching up from a summer slow down. I try and work it out so I harvest every 3 weeks. Got some new strains going and trying to adjust to their own wants and needs. Chemdog 91 is showing a ca def and the Super Lemon Haze is wanting extra N. Taking notes and will adjust accordingly.


Premium Member
FISHON>>>> hittin it from noon to darkthirty...


Way to funny. I have been hesitant to have my furnace/ac and water heater checked because they are right next to.....well, you know what. Finally I got the courage to call the guy I used for years at work. When I called I asked it he would be offended by a small grow op. He just laughed and said no.
He showed up today and everything checked out fine...I mean everything!! He didn't have some parts that needed simple replacement that I volunteered to do myself. Had no choice but to show him pretty much everything....should have seen the look on his face!
Anyway long story short when it came time to settle up he didn't want money he just wanted to trade. So I will be doing some simple hvac work today.
I now have a plumber, electrician and an hvac guy.


Wow, what a pain in the ASS finding sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite has been! I finally found the sodium hypochlorite, in liquid form, not granular, it's a 10% solution so I'm not really sure how much I should be using.

Everything else I found called 'pool shock' was a long name I can't remember. Tria-somehing was in there.

So much for shopping local. Good Christ.
This the one you want Seamaiden local hardware store or walmart should carry it


Premium Member
River stained no fishing just whishing. Nap....


Don't know which day, but........I plan on getting my hands on someone yummy. Don't know who yet, but he's gotta love music and dancing. Wish I would have had this late life "awakening" 20 yrs. earlier tho:banghead: Now, that's really throwing it out there!

Again, just one more post that I probably should have edited before actually typing it.
sky high

sky high

Had an early morning date with the bubblebags and some frozen (Tahoe/Blueberry mix) trim this AM after checking the forecast last night and seeing that the temps were forecast to drop like a rock....which they did....making for decent, but not optimal (15F outside is kick ass hashmakin weather) conditions. 33F here......and some thick frost on the rooftops all around.... here it comes...

but not before a string of glorious "Indian Summer" days....70F and sunny. Hopin this lasts for a few months....LOL

Trees are turning above about 10K.....and if you lay down and look upward....this is the feast yer eyes will see....
Cabin 054


Fall in Colorado is my favorite time of year. Great sleeping weather and the days warm slowly to a perfect comfortable day. Tourists are mostly gone from the hills and the locals have it to themselves before the lifts start running.
Great shot Sky.


Fall in Colorado is my favorite time of year. Great sleeping weather and the days warm slowly to a perfect comfortable day. Tourists are mostly gone from the hills and the locals have it to themselves before the lifts start running.
Great shot Sky.

Fewer roads to drive to enjoy the scenery this year...


fucking manzanita!! :woot: I want some! My wife and I both love fucking Manzanita! ...lol
Grows everywhere just up the road a bit but not at our place.

You know people big pay money for those branches right?

I have 40 acres of the stuff mixed with oak, madrone, fir and pine. It makes hunting the morel mushrooms in March a little more difficult. One of the hottest firewood around. I HATE manzanita.


Living dead girl
Bumpalump for summittoker, et alia. I have sodium hypochlorite, not calcium hypochlorite. It's a 10% solution. I need to get some cuttings going and I'd really like to continue using the aerocloner. Can anyone help me figure out how much of the 10% sodium hypochlorite solution I need to use to properly sterilize the cloner?


last day of kid free weekend, got my flower tent, res, portable res, and veg tent all broke down and cleaned (final battle to make sure the mites are done) Did some pruning, repotted some rosemary into 5 gal smart pots. Everything spic and span :D Today will be sterilizing pumps, airlines, pots etc With the cool weather coming I can wait to final get these tents full! Have decided come June I will shut my tents down to avoid the heat, too many issues the last two summers.

Time for some football and some vape balloons :D Good Day farmers!
sky high

sky high

Was a rainy afternoon/evening down here n the valley yesterday...and there's a nice dusting of snow on the peaks this AM.
Here it comes....

Hopin to snag some nice trees/bushes this AM for the 10 holes I dug yesterday. We both said we wouldn't plant anything here at this property because it's already so wooded but the former owner..in his infinite wisdom (and because he owned heavy equipment) decided to "make a road" to access the upper property >where there shouldn't be a road<...and in the process he pushed down a number of trees/bushes that offered privacy from the main road. So...we're re-vegging his fuck up/destruction. God I hate that shit. Such is why I dug/do everything by hand. It just takes too long (10 years+) to reveg things at altitude...and the first stuff too try to come in after you destroy the native vegetation is non-native weeds and dandelions. Yup! (Billy, you idiot) In the long run the best thing to do is leave it...or clear it by hand.....unless that is you want to completely defoliate the area. :rolleyes: Nope. Not here. Besides re-vegging....the plantings will also offer cover for my future outdoor adventures....

looks like the rain has passed but it's definitely "Fall" like out there....and much cooler than yesterday AM


You can say that again sky. Woke up around 5 this morning freezing. Needed an extra blanket. Forty eight when I got up. Fishing tomorrow and thinking I need to make an adjustment on my attitude or am gonna be cold.
Taking some cuts for the dome this morning. Gonna meet up with a fellow grower and trade some stuff this afternoon and Watch the Broncos destroy the Raider hoard tonight. That is if we have enough guys out of jail to field a team tonight. Looking like rain right now...hoping it clears up by tonight.


looks like I will be acquiring 12-14 new teens today. nice assortment too gsc, sour deisel, og kush#18?, blue dream, critical mass, 2-4 each. Should give me some nice moms, a jump on flowering and hopefully some full tents :)
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