White Urkle in Coco, CO2, Dual-Arc, 2nd Grow Log!

  • Thread starter nMEEKS
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You're slaying that White Urk's vahjeen. A couple weeks ago I wanted to say the keepers might be front right and back left but I'm thinking it may be the complete opposite now....this will be interesting. Keep slaying WU vahj Meeks!

Ha! :pimp: Thank you very much D!! I think the secret to how happy they have been the last 2 weeks is the slow and steady watering they have been getting ever since I put micro (very micro) sprinklers on the ends of my drip lines. I used to run my pump for 1-2 minutes tops before I was getting 20% runoff without even trying, now these new drip emitters let me regulate the flow and adjust the flow individually on each emitter! I run my pump for more like 10 min and get 5-10% runoff, and the plants get watered twice as often (once or twice a day now). The WMK and WU seem to be LOVING it!

Now I have officially created the problem I was predicting, by not clearly marking each phenotype with its assigned letter in my posts and just saying 'back left' or 'front right', I managed to confuse that system by posting a picture from a different orientation. . . . now I don't know which plant you mean when you say anything describing position. . . . I will remedy this ASAP by going and confirming the letters on each plant and then posting a picture clearly marked with each phenotype letter! <-- this has been done, check my previous post!

Wow meeks those buds are hella huge

Yessir, I could tell from early on that Phenotype B (in the back left corner of the picture with blue lighting) was going to be massive, but the others have really put on weight over the last 10 days to my surprise! Thanks for checking out the limited pictures I had up last night, I am going to edit in the rest of the photos now, so go back and check those out for some macro bud shots!



Beautiful pics again, great bud-building and also nice autumn colouring of the leafs


Beautiful pics again, great bud-building and also nice autumn colouring of the leafs

You may not believe me, but the color has gotten twice as good in just 24 hours! Every leave exposed to direct light on Pheno C has now begun to change color at least slightly! I will post pics in a few days and there will hopefully be a dramatic change! I am considering chopping C and A in the middle of next week. . . they were ready a while ago I think! Thanks for following along on all my logs Krasi!



IG @delae_632
OK so I was thinking pheno's A and B were keepers but now I'm thinking C and D. This is based purely on appearance of course. Any big differences in B and D? It looks like D caught up to B from the pic.


OK so I was thinking pheno's A and B were keepers but now I'm thinking C and D. This is based purely on appearance of course. Any big differences in B and D? It looks like D caught up to B from the pic.

Thanks for the clarification D, I will do my best to do a concise bio of each for you, based on how they are right now.

Pheno B: Stretched the most, has the largest fan leaves, has swollen far and beyond any of the other phenotypes in the tray, produces a MUCH more intense smell than pheno D, frost coating is not as much on the leaves as pheno C, but the calyx give Pheno C a run for its money on frostiest!

Pheno D: Stretched almost as much as pheno B, had much tighter node spacing, developed much slower and would most likely have preferred to be treated as a 10-12 week crop, remained very healthy throughout the growing cycle, much leafier and fluffier buds compared to all other plants in the tray

Pheno C: Had the most frost from beginning to end, and produced a wide range of smells throughout development including citrus and vanilla, but is now heavily dominated by grapey tropical punch. These buds are solid golf balls but will yield significantly less than pheno B and D just based on my training and skirting before knowing the final stretch and size of each phenotype.

Pheno A: This pheno as you pointed out while you were here is leaning mostly towards the Urkle side of things, a much different looking coat of frost than pheno C (which clearly has the frost gene from the white) but coated none the less. the buds are not quite as dense as pheno C, but still sturdy golf balls and the tops of each branch have very nice color to the calyx.


P.S. Here is my High-idea for the evening, I think sharing it might let it get farther than just writing it down and losing the paper haha. I am thinking of a story written about some fantasy world (or to play off the hype, an alien race) that has a world world based around a very different way of communicating. The story would introduce this fantasy world as a place where these martians communicate using only smells! Rather than speaking or writing, they release smells that trigger emotional and intellectual responses in the martians around them and thereby communicate a feeling or idea. . . . I am not the most creative person, but I don't think I have ever heard a story like this before. . . . maybe someone with more skill in writing could turn it into a kids story or something?! Anyways, free reign on that intellectual property for anyone who doesn't think it is just another stupid stoner idea, just make sure you post what you write (or draw) here for me to see! I will probably read this in the morning and think the idea is not so great myself, so no offense taken if you laugh at the concept!


Nice! Thanks for the rundown Meeks

Np, needed to get it posted anyways, your question was the prompt I needed to bang it out quickly when I did.

Looking good bro.

Thanks a bunch HS, I wish I had your photography skills, but I get great results for using a simple point-and-shoot digital camera from years ago! The amazing genetics from OGR make my job a little easier too!



A friggin master gardner and a poet, lol... what else do you do meeks? ;-)
And I think in your book Marijuana should be the universal currency, and food staple. It would kinda be like today, the poor would have mexican shwag and eat ganja pizza, while the rich roll in Supreme Indicas, and eat White Urkle kobe steak! lol

Keep up the killer thread..

Be Kynd,


damnnnn meeks or should I say M Night Shyamalam, lol those ladies look killer.....they are covered in frost and you seem to have a few phenos which all look sick...that hurricane is gonna get it's usage for sure....and those buds look super chunky nice work as usual my friend you are running raskals's gear with great results keep her up!

and how does that bong hit??? I always wanted to try one now seeing your pic I want my own!


very beautiful meeks.........coming along really nice.....are you feeling a lot more comfy now with the H&G nutes and everything? those suckers are frosty as hell dude!


Did a great job bro! :harvest:

Thanks Pura, harvest is just 2 days away now and I am pumped! Sorry for the late response.

A friggin master gardner and a poet, lol... what else do you do meeks? ;-)
And I think in your book Marijuana should be the universal currency, and food staple. It would kinda be like today, the poor would have mexican shwag and eat ganja pizza, while the rich roll in Supreme Indicas, and eat White Urkle kobe steak! lol

Keep up the killer thread..

Be Kynd,

Hahaha, thanks Bayou, yea I had a feeling anyone from this forum who actually wrote on that topic would incorporate cannabis in some way, but that is hilarious! I guess I'm gonna be rich then! Sorry for the late response.

damnnnn meeks or should I say M Night Shyamalam, lol those ladies look killer.....they are covered in frost and you seem to have a few phenos which all look sick...that hurricane is gonna get it's usage for sure....and those buds look super chunky nice work as usual my friend you are running raskals's gear with great results keep her up!

and how does that bong hit??? I always wanted to try one now seeing your pic I want my own!

Thanks a bunch Mitch! There is going to be some serious thought put into which phenotypes I keep, but I have already begun to prepare 4 clones of pheno B to follow the White Master Kush. The hurricane is getting used often, even though I was hoping to have it be a special occasion piece, I just enjoy it too much, and it is a great change up from my 2' straight shot ROOR (my everyday piece). The clear is awesome, because it has a carb, but it is way different than any other bong I have hit, and it takes more lung space that I expect every time I clear it! Plus I love the excuse to stare at the tube while someone else is ripping a fat bowl! I got it for a deal from a homie, but they can get pricey if you find a store still selling the originals (not the tsunamis). Sorry for the late response.

very beautiful meeks.........coming along really nice.....are you feeling a lot more comfy now with the H&G nutes and everything? those suckers are frosty as hell dude!

As I told you yesterday, I am dropping the H&G nutrients as soon as I go through enough that I don't feel like I am throwing money in the trash. I am getting the hang of them just enough to still hate them for how hard they are to dial in for flowering. But as I also told you, they are amazing for veg growth! I can't wait to get going with some organic soil, maybe with round 2 of the White Urkle Pheno B!!

OK, I have been online pretty often this week, but never had enough time to do a ton of posting or share any new pics, sorry for the delayed responses and for keeping everyone in the dark about the plants leading up to harvest.

Here are some shots to get your interest peaked again! Harvest is in 2 days, and these shots were taken yesterday! I am more than stoked to get these ladies down and start sampling this amazing looking medication! They will have had a full 14 day flush on the day I chop! Should be a great smoke!


Group Shot:


Pheno C:


Pheno B:

(This is the lowest bud on the right in the previous picture)


Obviously I will do a big upload of photos after I get through harvest over the weekend. :harvest:

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life! I have to stop procrastinating studying for a test tomorrow, and go work, enjoy the photos!

-Meeks :pimp:


Looking killer nMEEKS.. Your WU turned out stellar bro. Really digging pheno b bro, but pheno C sure does look frosy as hell... Good job bro. ~ODB~


Amputating Fakeness
Hell yeah bro, they look delicious, killer job! I just started one of these myself (only one because of limited space and 6 other strains cracking along side it) cant wait to see what she does. Again, GREAT WORK BRO! Keep it up Meeks. Peace brotha! Motiv


Meeks, Those are some frosty buds. Good job!

Thanks Single, they are really coated at this point!

Looking killer nMEEKS.. Your WU turned out stellar bro. Really digging pheno b bro, but pheno C sure does look frosy as hell... Good job bro. ~ODB~

Thanks ODB, pheno C stood out as an obvious keeper just for quality reasons from the beginning, but Pheno B has packed on the weight and the frost and my prediction is that it will yield at a least 2-3x as much as pheno C.

Great quality budz, very trichome rich, how is the smell??

The smells are all amazing, grapes and lavenders with hints of citrus and mint. Each phenotype has its own smell that is distinct from the others, with pheno B having my favorite smell out of the 4! Thanks for checking in Krasi!

Hell yeah bro, they look delicious, killer job! I just started one of these myself (only one because of limited space and 6 other strains cracking along side it) cant wait to see what she does. Again, GREAT WORK BRO! Keep it up Meeks. Peace brotha! Motiv

Nice, good luck finding a lucky keeper out of your 1 bean, I have 2 that I will run again for sure, and all 4 could stand as possible keepers if I didn't them them to compare to each other. Thanks for the kind words!

Looks killer Meeks!

Thanks D, I think you will really like this stuff! I wish it had the dark purple throughout the way your GA does though.


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