Winta's wonderland part 1: Underdawg #1

  • Thread starter winta
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i would bro but the sucky thing is my storage is 2,000 miles away from where i am now :( i just started the nutes 2days ago so we'll see

Looks like too much water and not enough nutrients. It'll be an easy fix.

Get your ass to storage man! :tongue0011:

hearin things more than once helps u learn :) the only thing i was giving them was RO water until 2 days ago i started givin them flora nova and humega. ill be gettin bigger pots or bags tomorrow and cal mg next week and im just waitin on my new ph/ppm tester to come in the mail. see i had a big move across the country and 90% of my grow gear is still over there and i wont be able to get my stuff out for 3 4months :( so im pretty much startin over and didnt have everything tight and ready so i got issues here and there. thanx for the info and for stoppin through next time bring some of that fire RMD ;)

It looks like a Mg deficiency at first glance, but looking at the light color green of the whole plant, I'd say it's pH lockout or underfeeding. You sure wouldn't hurt those girls to transplant them into larger pots. Be a Nazi on that pH, brother, it's the key to healthy plants. All the extra additives in the world on which we spend so much money won't do a bit of good if the pH is out of range. Check your pH before you water, and then check the pH of the runoff. It should fall between 6.5 and 7 (6.6-6.7 is what I run). You'll need to adjust your solution pH so that the runoff reads in the zone. I water with ph 7.3. After it goes through the pot, it comes at at 6.6-6.7, due to the organic soil amendments in the pot. Sorry if you already know this, but it's an important step; not to be skipped by a successful grower. There are those who have perfect pH tap water for their situation, and grow great bud without ever picking up a pH meter, but that is the rare exception, not the rule... Hope this helps; peace.

yea that might be bro cuz i didnt start with the nutes til 2 days ago :( but by next week ill have what i need (pots,cal mg,ph tester, etc) thanx for poppin in!

Hey Winta looks like you need some CalMag dude. I can't see the stems what color are they? You may also have a phosphorus deficiency too, dark veins lighter leaf color. More nutes, and since you're using RO get some CM. I've had a similar problem in the past. Oh yeah they're gonna out grow those cups real soon dude, maybe some 1 gal pots. And run don't walk to the hydro store and get a ph/ppm meter. :ridinghorse:


Chillin' in the Shade...
Lots of good info and advice from everyone for you winta... Just thought I'd toss in my 2 cents as well... I set my pH around 6.3 for my soil mix of FFHF and FFLW. Here's one of my fav links on PPM's and pH:

Also, you def need CalMag if using R/O... On a side note, your curled leaves look heavy from over watering IMO. Here's another good link for you to read on plant moisture stress:
Finally, it seems as though you really need to dial-in your ambient environment to get your humidity and temps in check. Remember I mentioned that huge fan next to the plants? There is such a thing as Vapor Pressure Deficit, I've experienced it and it can mimic certain nutrient deficiencies. Here's a good link to read and at the bottom is a post on VPD:
Hopefully it helps... :itwasntme


thanx alot shady shady :)

Lots of good info and advice from everyone for you winta... Just thought I'd toss in my 2 cents as well... I set my pH around 6.3 for my soil mix of FFHF and FFLW. Here's one of my fav links on PPM's and pH:

Also, you def need CalMag if using R/O... On a side note, your curled leaves look heavy from over watering IMO. Here's another good link for you to read on plant moisture stress:
Finally, it seems as though you really need to dial-in your ambient environment to get your humidity and temps in check. Remember I mentioned that huge fan next to the plants? There is such a thing as Vapor Pressure Deficit, I've experienced it and it can mimic certain nutrient deficiencies. Here's a good link to read and at the bottom is a post on VPD:
Hopefully it helps... :itwasntme

yea he is on point bro :)

Shady you are one web crawlin mofo. Great info dude.


Day 26!!

So its day 26 and everyone is lookin nice and happy :) i cut the ugly leaves off them 2days ago and transplanted into 1gal pots yesterday. they seem to be feeling better now that they have room to breath and less baggage lol :rofl so here are some shots of #5 and #4!:cool0044:
Ud 5 day26 a
Ud 5 day26 b
Ud 4 day26 a
Ud 4 day26 b


Premium Member
Wicked bro! Shit looks dank already aha...Can't wait bro


Winta glad you got them in something larger and good to see some ore pics. In looking at the pics I see red stems and drooping leaves. I've had the same problem with both. The red stems came from not enough nutes and the drooping leave came from over watering. My red stems never went away but it didn't occur in the new growth.


oh ok thanx for the heads up! yea i gave them nutes late :( they got droopy cuz i was drying them out extra to not overwater again and they started to droop. but now that i transplanted they should stand up in no time :) thanx for stoppin through my dude!

Winta glad you got them in something larger and good to see some ore pics. In looking at the pics I see red stems and drooping leaves. I've had the same problem with both. The red stems came from not enough nutes and the drooping leave came from over watering. My red stems never went away but it didn't occur in the new growth.


Illlll. Those plants should be standing and taking off in no time.


Winta I look forward to watching those girls get nice and frosty, make sure you posts lots of pics so I can go walking thru your Winta Wonderland.


Chillin' in the Shade...
:( they got droopy cuz i was drying them out extra to not overwater again and they started to droop.
Looking better winta... :friday: I like to lift the pots and feel by weight, as well as observing the way the plants look before watering/feeding. I will water/feed once the pot is almost half the weight as compared to the full weight after watering... IMHO, Don't let the pot dry to the point of droopy leaves as the mycorrhizae network and roots will become too dry as well, not to mention damaged cellular walls in the leaves and stems...

Again there are many variables involved such as plant size in relation to pot size, ambient temps, humidity, wind speed, etc. that will determine how much and when to feed or water. You'll start to notice a pattern of not needing many frequent waterings after transplant and as the roots fill the container, you'll notice more frequent waterings are needed...:icon_dizzy:


Any news on the sex of them winta?

Mine are about a foot tall and one is confirmed female and im pretty sure the other is a male, should see in the next few days.


Damn shady's information is definitely quite helpful. I saved some of the links in my bookmarks to check out later for sure.

Winta that lady is looking pretty healthy except for the watering issue. It always takes a little bit of time to get use to the watering frequencies, but as shady said a good rule of thumb is to pick up a dry container of soil, and to pick up a fully saturated container of soil in order to feel the difference. Then water when the pot is lighter instead of heavier, and of course always pay attention to if your ladies look like they want it or not haha.

IMHO a medium with good air/water ratio should have to be watered every 2-3 days for small plants(or just transplanted) and every 1-2 days for established plants. Obviously different conditions like temp, humidity, ect affect the numbers, but that is what I prefer.

For example my last run with Roots Soil didn't hold enough air for me. Even when they were established I still only had to water once every 2-3 days, and about once every 4-5 days when they were small. Didn't like that. I could tell they suffered from oxygen deprivation not to mention other deficiencies and such start to occur when the root zone doesn't have enough oxygen to uptake certain nutrients.

Winta I can't wait to see what those girls look like in the future! I want to see a winta wonderland!:anim_19:


Damn shady's information is definitely quite helpful. I saved some of the links in my bookmarks to check out later for sure.

Winta that lady is looking pretty healthy except for the watering issue. It always takes a little bit of time to get use to the watering frequencies, but as shady said a good rule of thumb is to pick up a dry container of soil, and to pick up a fully saturated container of soil in order to feel the difference. Then water when the pot is lighter instead of heavier, and of course always pay attention to if your ladies look like they want it or not haha.

IMHO a medium with good air/water ratio should have to be watered every 2-3 days for small plants(or just transplanted) and every 1-2 days for established plants. Obviously different conditions like temp, humidity, ect affect the numbers, but that is what I prefer.

For example my last run with Roots Soil didn't hold enough air for me. Even when they were established I still only had to water once every 2-3 days, and about once every 4-5 days when they were small. Didn't like that. I could tell they suffered from oxygen deprivation not to mention other deficiencies and such start to occur when the root zone doesn't have enough oxygen to uptake certain nutrients.

Winta I can't wait to see what those girls look like in the future! I want to see a winta wonderland!:anim_19:

When I use roots soil I throw in a little coco and sometimes perlite into the mix. Great stuff.


When I use roots soil I throw in a little coco and sometimes perlite into the mix. Great stuff.

I could see coco and perlite definitely helping with the aeration on roots soil. But ya that soil really is excellent quality. I would throw some more perlite in it for indoor use as you do, but for outside use it is perfect all ready to plant in. I prefer the soilless version for indoor use as I don't have to add anything extra to it because it already comes with extra perlite.

Hey winta how often do you water in what size containers? What are the temps and humidity lately? I see that you use Happy Frog. Did you end up cutting it with Light Warrior or did you just use it straight?


Day 29....dam its been a month? lol

its just about a month and is amazing to me that it went by so quick :) these babies are gettin funkier by the day let me tell u! #5 is still leadin the way in smell but #4 is lookin beautiful! they seem to really love there new 1 gal homes i wish i would have trans sooner cuz they would be further along but next time ill be ready from jump! justiceman my temp has been about 83 and the rh has been 35-40%. i have been only spraying the bottom of the leaves once a day so i dont get any more spots and im lettin them dry out more before watering (i listen guys :)) im thinkin #5 is more dawg leanin and #4 is more ghani but what do i know lol heres some shots
Udz day29
Ud 5 day29 a
Ud 5 day29 b
Ud 4 day29 a
Ud 4 day29 b


Chillin' in the Shade...
Veru nice update winta! Those babies look much better my dude!!! :cool

Just curious if you are spraying them w/o the HPS on cuz water drops could act like mini magnifying glasses on those leaves... :itwasntme


yea i was sprayin on top for a while unfortunatly :( but over the past week week and a half i have just been sprayin the bottom of the leaves. should i spray with the lights off?

Veru nice update winta! Those babies look much better my dude!!! :cool

Just curious if you are spraying them w/o the HPS on cuz water drops could act like mini magnifying glasses on those leaves... :itwasntme


^^^^ second that after spraying leave the lights off for an hr or 2. But the girls are lookin better Winta, greenin up.
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