Alien Rock Candy in the 619

  • Thread starter 619ster
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Goodsen Cranium

Goodsen Cranium

Thanks for the pics, 619. Starting to stack nicely! Hope you figure out what's going on with the branches. Geez, I can't wait for flower.... lol


Well bro and please don't take this the wrong way but these were the plants left in the cup's for as long as I ever seen and your running your temps in the 90's , and you don't count the days . So I am assuming you don't keep a detailed log on your plants life development's either. If you love your plants they will love you back imho... You need to take better care of them , there like kids if you let them run wild they will more likely end up in trouble . I enjoy your post and encouragement on mine , SO PLEASE do not take offense to this post i am just offering my opinion , not trolling or being critical..... Blessing's SoSer ...


Thanks for the pics, 619. Starting to stack nicely! Hope you figure out what's going on with the branches. Geez, I can't wait for flower.... lol
Yea it's a new one to me. I've seen dampening off caused from rockwool do that to mainstems. But these are branches that are nowhere near moisture..... hmmmmmm! Can't wait to see yours in action as well.
Well bro and please don't take this the wrong way but these were the plants left in the cup's for as long as I ever seen and your running your temps in the 90's , and you don't count the days . So I am assuming you don't keep a detailed log on your plants life development's either. If you love your plants they will love you back imho... You need to take better care of them , there like kids if you let them run wild they will more likely end up in trouble . I enjoy your post and encouragement on mine , SO PLEASE do not take offense to this post i am just offering my opinion , not trolling or being critical..... Blessing's SoSer ...
Hey Soser! I take all criticism positively, especially constructive criticism. And you're not offending or trolling or coming off negatively at all bro. All gravy baby lol. I understand your thoughts and concerns. I agree, in most any other persons hands in my position this grow room would be full of hay by now the way it is environmentally. Trust me the love is there!!! Just working with what funds I can scrape up, and can't do much about my weather and this house with no insulation in the walls or central cooling. My little portable a/c has a whole 2 strory 90 degree house to cool. But my buds and plants always make it. And they look darn good and smoke good too. I'm from Cali and have homies that own dispensaries so trust me bro I know what good weed is. Mines is usually right up there. I wouldn't be surprised if I've had many of the growers on here product on more than one occasion. Just not me getting it. My boys that got their dispensaries go up north all the time and come back with like 10 diff flavors of all top grade dankery! Anywho, just rambling lol. I will get things dialed in one day, and then shit is gonna be NO JOKE!!!!


Yea it's a new one to me. I've seen dampening off caused from rockwool do that to mainstems. But these are branches that are nowhere near moisture..... hmmmmmm! Can't wait to see yours in action as well.

Hey Soser! I take all criticism positively, especially constructive criticism. And you're not offending or trolling or coming off negatively at all bro. All gravy baby lol. I understand your thoughts and concerns. I agree, in most any other persons hands in my position this grow room would be full of hay by now the way it is environmentally. Trust me the love is there!!! Just working with what funds I can scrape up, and can't do much about my weather and this house with no insulation in the walls or central cooling. My little portable a/c has a whole 2 strory 90 degree house to cool. But my buds and plants always make it. And they look darn good and smoke good too. I'm from Cali and have homies that own dispensaries so trust me bro I know what good weed is. Mines is usually right up there. I wouldn't be surprised if I've had many of the growers on here product on more than one occasion. Just not me getting it. My boys that got their dispensaries go up north all the time and come back with like 10 diff flavors of all top grade dankery! Anywho, just rambling lol. I will get things dialed in one day, and then shit is gonna be NO JOKE!!!!
Well in that case you are making the most of a bad situation and I am off base with my statement , By all means work with in your means , I totally understand that bro.... And the lesson I have learned from growing is no matter what you grow, it will be 100 times better than the day's of buying seedy mexican weed plus the satisfaction that you grew it ... Hope you figure out what your issue is and best to you bro... just didn't wanna come off like a dick but obviously you didn't take it that way..... Respect SoSer


Ok now time for a 4 week update. Actually just shy of a month. I started flowering on August 30th, and that should make this lady just about 29-30 days old. Doing VERY well, and looks to be right on track with what I'm used to. The frost on this lady is just rediculous!!!! And the early calyx formation is always a sign of good things to come :)

So...... ARC 1 month flowering:

I haven't had any of the branches with that prob have issues yet (still 2 with the symptom), but still curious if any of you have seen or dealt with something like this? Does anybody know what could cause this?:


Looking good. What are those last 2 photos showing?

they are showing an abnormal growth on his stems , and he is asking if anyone knows what it is , I myself have never seen anything like it . So I cant help but am curious. The stem appears to be turning brown , starts out normal looking then kinda turns into a brown punk looking plant limb and I believe he said they break off... thoughts anyone


Premium Gardener
they are showing an abnormal growth on his stems , and he is asking if anyone knows what it is , I myself have never seen anything like it . So I cant help but am curious. The stem appears to be turning brown , starts out normal looking then kinda turns into a brown punk looking plant limb and I believe he said they break off... thoughts anyone

Thanks SOSerious, and good morning to you.



Thanks SOSerious, and good morning to you.

your welcome and I though I got up early if I am not mistaken while I was posting at 5am you were at 2am - unless still up from Sat night Have a great sunday bro... got some time on my hands today as my team plays the late game and boy am i fighting the urge to pop more beans badly ..


I bet nmeeks could tell you what it is , that is causing your limbs to look like that if you really wanna know i'll ask him to check it out bro, got me curious as hell now ... I'll ask him hold on


Thanks all for the kind words.

@Outwest- there were 3 stems on the plant with that wierd growth on the stem near the main stalk where they start. It's like there's some kind of embolism at the point where you see the stem looking like it's trying to die. I looked one day and found a top that was withered, so I examined closer and noticed that growth on the branch. I had to cut that one branch (pics on previous page show the cut one), and two with the same symptoms still remain healthy, but I don't know for how long. All good though as there's a good 10 or so tops and plenty secondaries. If any of the two die at this point and on it'll be considered samples lol.

@soser- thanks bro! I'd appreciate that alot if you could bring it to Meeks attention.

Peace all!


Soser brought this to my attention, so I'm here to share what I know, but I would be happy to ask a couple of my professors about this problem, because it looks serious and I am curious myself as to what is causing it. Clearly your stem is being girdled by something, and I am assuming you would have removed any physical ties or anything else that could be mechanically girdling the stems. That leads me to assume there is a pathogen of some kind causing the symptoms we are seeing, since I don't know of any cannabis pests that would cause a problem like this. The reason I am so concerned with what is going on in your plant, is because girdling as severe as you have it, and with the swelling taking place above the girdle, means your Phloem is blocked at that point, and no sugar being produced by your leaves on those couple stems is making it below that point. . . . which means more sugar is being taken away from the other stems to make sure the roots are getting all they need. That means your plant is spreading its energy a bit thinner to cover everything, which leaves it more susceptible to other pest and pathogen problems, especially because it looks like there is rotting tissue at the site of your girdling! So now that I have given you all my concerns without even trying to diagnose what is causing the problem, I have to say I would be curious to know how those couple stems are growing above the girdle and I will do my best to find out the names of a few things that could cause symptoms like this in Cannabis.

*Edit* Just saw that you said one of the stems affected has already withered and died, which means the girdle eventually is progressing to cut off the Xylem along with the Phloem, which means no water from the roots was making it up the stem past that point. . . . If it were me, I would probably cut my losses and removed the remaining two stems with this problem, to avoid the rot festering something else you don't want and spreading more rapidly.



Soser brought this to my attention, so I'm here to share what I know, but I would be happy to ask a couple of my professors about this problem, because it looks serious and I am curious myself as to what is causing it. Clearly your stem is being girdled by something, and I am assuming you would have removed any physical ties or anything else that could be mechanically girdling the stems. That leads me to assume there is a pathogen of some kind causing the symptoms we are seeing, since I don't know of any cannabis pests that would cause a problem like this. The reason I am so concerned with what is going on in your plant, is because girdling as severe as you have it, and with the swelling taking place above the girdle, means your Phloem is blocked at that point, and no sugar being produced by your leaves on those couple stems is making it below that point. . . . which means more sugar is being taken away from the other stems to make sure the roots are getting all they need. That means your plant is spreading its energy a bit thinner to cover everything, which leaves it more susceptible to other pest and pathogen problems, especially because it looks like there is rotting tissue at the site of your girdling! So now that I have given you all my concerns without even trying to diagnose what is causing the problem, I have to say I would be curious to know how those couple stems are growing above the girdle and I will do my best to find out the names of a few things that could cause symptoms like this in Cannabis.

*Edit* Just saw that you said one of the stems affected has already withered and died, which means the girdle eventually is progressing to cut off the Xylem along with the Phloem, which means no water from the roots was making it up the stem past that point. . . . If it were me, I would probably cut my losses and removed the remaining two stems with this problem, to avoid the rot festering something else you don't want and spreading more rapidly.

Thanks a ton Meeks! I had the same thoughts on the situation. I did not do any girdling myself. I think I'll take your advice and cut the two. Or maybe I'll wait a bit and let the buds on them get a little bigger :D It doesn't seem like it's spreading, but that's just as far as what I can see. Who knows what's going on inside. I'm interested to know what you find out about this if you find something. It's pretty much an anomoly to me at this point as I've done a ton of reading on others journals and have never seen this anywhere. Hopefully her clones don't carry it if it is a trait.


Thanks a ton Meeks! I had the same thoughts on the situation. I did not do any girdling myself. I think I'll take your advice and cut the two. Or maybe I'll wait a bit and let the buds on them get a little bigger :D It doesn't seem like it's spreading, but that's just as far as what I can see. Who knows what's going on inside. I'm interested to know what you find out about this if you find something. It's pretty much an anomoly to me at this point as I've done a ton of reading on others journals and have never seen this anywhere. Hopefully her clones don't carry it if it is a trait.
I think you are aware enough of the situation that you will be able to handle it just fine, just keep an eye on it and don't be afraid to chop if things get worse, especially if that rot progresses closer to your main trunk.


Ok just a quick update. Will get better close up shots soon. But I did snap a couple plant shots after I defoliated her. Buds are pretty small still, but with 3-4 more weeks to go, there's room and time for some more bud swelling. So for now, some post defoliation shots:
Iphone 008
Iphone 009
Iphone 010


Very Nice 619
They will blow up in week 6

Are you growing under LED's?

That's good to here cgk!! Almost there!!! Yup I have a 1000w HPS surrounded by 600w of LEDs. Really adds to the resin to the buds and makes my plants hardier IME. These LEDs I use are no punks! I have a thread in the LEDs forum here that shows what I was doing with them before I added them to my hps. They kick ass on the solo, and not all LEDs do that.


Yea noob they are definitely beginning to shape up nicely. Definitely OG dominant in structure, but the smell is incredible!!! Not that Piney lemon fuel scent like most OG, I definitely smell something resembling "candy" sweeetness, with a sour twang in there. So excited!!! I've really been neglecting my other two cuts. Looks like I may or may not flower them. Decisions decisions!! I will take cuts for sure for future runs, but they are a little overgrown, and still in cups ahahaha:p Don't hate me guys they are well taken care of for the small space I can keep them in (hence small pots/cups or they won't fit and overgrow space), and we shall see them (or their pheno) in action in the near future still. But I can already tell I like this cut, and already have 3 clones from her vegging away nice and healthy.

Anyway, was snapping some photos and my camera died, but here's what I did get. Pretty darn nice for 5 weeks if you ask me:
Sd card 028
Sd card 029
Sd card 030
Sd card 031
Sd card 032
Sd card 033
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