Maybe I am missing something.
You are willing to pay $116.00 for a single board of Kingbrite 125W Pre-assemabled QB288 Quantum led board with LM301H mix red
Cree 660nm chips.
252pcs SAMSUNG LM301h+36pcs
cree 660nm
The closest apples to apples would be this.
$85.00 for the exact same thing. But with Epistar. Kingbrite 125W Pre-assemabled QB288 Quantum led board with LM301H mix red
Epistar 660nm chips.
252pcs SAMSUNG LM301h+36pcs
epistar 660nm
This product is no longer available.
So my main 3 questions are these.
Why pay 36% more per board to upgrade 14% of your total diodes? Do you buy the value proposition of Cree vs Epistar that much?
Why are you looking at 125w boards? Don't you think 240w 2 panel boards make more sense? You would need about 12 of these single boards. It seems like a wiring mess without added benefit to even distribution of light. I also can't imagine it's as efficient cost-wise either upfront or with electricity.
What do you mean UV on a switch? Like, get UV only on a switch? Not the 660nm or IR too? I never considered that as a possibility.