Colorado gathering

  • Thread starter sky high
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sky high

sky high

Heya folks. A friendly reminder......

Make sure ya renew or purchase a State-issued Vegetarianism License (LOL) at yer local sportin goods store before headin' up next weekend. Like MMJ....reelin' in the sharks in CO is all about payin the fee and havin the right paperwork on ya to be able to steer clear of the lowc'l authorities.


It'll be myself +1
Looks like we'll be pulling in roughly 2pm or so on Saturday afternoon.
Might be in a small RV or renting a room back in town.
As far as food goes, I was hoping to cook up some Thai food but after reviewing my schedule this week, going to have to order it instead from the Jamaican place. Probably will order oxtail & also rice (both oh so tasty!)
sky high

sky high

I recieved a couple of inquiries about "food".....what to bring/etc.

SATURDAY NIGHT is gonna be the POTluck. This will be the only true communal feast of the weekend.

For the remainder of the weekend, please plan accordingly and bring what you need for you/yours for each meal/snack/etc. We all eat differently and it looks like we're gonna have a LARGE cooking HUGE meals will (IMO) get far too complicated.

My "best laid plans" include heading up there sometime this week pre-gathering to take a few pallets/wood to the site. Anybody else that has wood around that they can toss in their vehicle...please do so. If we don't burn it (yeah, right) we'll leave it for the next lucky participants.

likewise...if folks are short on camping stuff...speak up. Somebody might have a spare this/that they can bring to cover yer ass (this could be literally in the case of a sleepin bag/etc...LOL) and keep you from making a bunch of purchases if yer not one to camp/etc all that much.

damn..somebody cut me off from the coffee....
true grit

true grit

Well Ty, scoop me something tasty and ill make sure to smoke ya out real good bro! Lol. Maybe I just need to get in with this jamaican place! its around town right?


im gonna make some bomb ass vegetarian jambalaya and maybe some bbq chicken wit my homemade rub and sauce for the meat eaters :)


man i just read threw all this and this is awesome. some really good people getting together and chillin out. and colorado is just beautiful.. have fun everyone...
sky high

sky high

I'm conservately counting about 15 adults at this point, ty. There are still a few folks who haven't chimed in and a few guest mentioned that aren't "for sure" as of I expect we'll top out around 20

wow. should be a hell of a good time!


Hey, I'm gonna load up some PTO pain pills and let you all try some this weekend. If you never have, you really need to ... I can't think of one patient who wouldn't benefit MORE from the oil than they do their weed ... except for those who need immediate nausea relief or appetite enhancement. Kind of like edibles, but WAY more effective! :)

Ask AltFarm ... every one of his patients, that he has turned on to the oil, love it! It's not about a head buzz w/the oil, though it can damn near be psychedelic in effect if you get too much ... and that's what kind of confuses people. They expect to get stoned to get relief. And it just does so MUCH! MS? Diabetes? High blood pressure? Need to lose or gain weight? Can't sleep? Pain? Cancer? Depression? Anxiety? Oh yeah ... works on all that! :)



Agreed, Mel. My folks have been skeptical until they tried it. When you have the dosage perfect, there is no cloudy or debilitating "buzz", but your body feels incredibly alive. And usually pain-free. I have found that it is also excellent for bad habit control; there's no cravings for tobacco, alcohol, sugar, smoking (anything, including pot), or over eating. (Ironically, the sex drive seems to remain rather healthy). This is my experience, and that of my folks, not my claim of what it'll do for you. You may have the opportunity to try it in the near future, and you can judge for yourself. Peace!


Eeeeeew, I just checked the weather forecast .... windy! Dang, I do not like wind! Ah well, so I just stay in the camper more .... LOL



Eeeeeew, I just checked the weather forecast .... windy! Dang, I do not like wind! Ah well, so I just stay in the camper more .... LOL

Might be a good clear out the smoky fog around the campsite! :rofl
sky high

sky high

As I said previously, those folks planning on attending should come prepared for ANY weather good old Mom Nature might toss at us. To give you Front Range folks a gauge, there aren't any leaves on the trees up there yet and it looks more like Winter on those hills than Summer.

Bring WARM clothes!

I tried to take a load of wood up this AM to the site but there was a camper parked almost in the middle of the road that cuts off to camp. I didn't wanna drive right through their camp and be rude so I backtracked a bit and ditched the wood a bit down the road behind some downed trees near another occasionally used spot. I hid it as best I could/ we'z gonna hope there isn't much/any use midweek in this particular spot and that no one enjoys our pile of wood.

We're also gonna hope like Hell this spot is open on Friday....or else we'll have to do some serious readjustment "on the fly". The Forest is first come, first served... so we can only hope that things are wide open on Friday.

s h


i will NOT give my wife this update lol

As I said previously, those folks planning on attending should come prepared for ANY weather good old Mom Nature might toss at us. To give you Front Range folks a gauge, there aren't any leaves on the trees up there yet and it looks more like Winter on those hills than Summer.

Bring WARM clothes!

I tried to take a load of wood up this AM to the site but there was a camper parked almost in the middle of the road that cuts off to camp. I didn't wanna drive right through their camp and be rude so I backtracked a bit and ditched the wood a bit down the road behind some downed trees near another occasionally used spot. I hid it as best I could/ we'z gonna hope there isn't much/any use midweek in this particular spot and that no one enjoys our pile of wood.

We're also gonna hope like Hell this spot is open on Friday....or else we'll have to do some serious readjustment "on the fly". The Forest is first come, first served... so we can only hope that things are wide open on Friday.

s h


SH, some dead trees? I'll bring an axe, I think I was a lumberjack in a previous life (SERIOUSLY). The forestry service appreciates it when you thin out some dying trees. There is something very therapeutic about hacking down a dying tree or hacking up a dead one. It will probably be cool and windy, typical CO spring camping. 3 things to do for cool; get moving around, get in a sleeping bag, or sit by the fire.

sky high

sky high

I'm sure there are a few beetle kill pines hanging about on the hillside if yer feeling that energetic, Sput. I'll bring a camera. LOL.

hey winta...don't blame ya for keepin that one under wraps. You might also wanna skip letting her watch the weather over the next day or so. Looks like Winter is not yet done with the area. I'm hearing this AM that 4-8 inches are expected tonight in the Northern and Central mtns.. It'll melt pre-gathering if it does snow... but such a storm is a direct indication that we can see any kinda weather @ this time of year here in the HIGH country.

s h
true grit

true grit

Its all good, I was peeping my "comfort level" sleeping bag last night...comfort meaning comfort at temps between 5-20 degress F... hehe.
sky high

sky high

Smart man... you can always unzip that sleeping bag to cool off but you can rarely warm up if yer cold.

And when yer old like me, you'll have a warm sleeping bag AND camper with a heater in it. (and maybe an old lady too) snicker, snicker...


ELK SHISHKABOBS?????? Hell to the YEAH!!!!!!! Oh, this might do really wondrous things for my failing appetite! :) Can you believe? I only managed about 900 calories yesterday even WITH a good indica to vape! :( :(


I'm still planning to be on the road friday morning. Not sure if bigsur is going to make it this time. I'm thinking I ought to bring my grill and the fixings for elk shish ka bobs. I wanted to smoke a brisket and bring that but the darn weather just hasn't cooperated and now I'm running out of time. See you all next week end.
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