DD inspired bubblebins

  • Thread starter jack the reaper
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do the roots smell on her? I would probably do a res change and run something for root rot

jack the reaper

thanks mrdiz,
they dont smell but i was planning on swaping the nutes tomorrow and adding SM-90 but i dont have any experience with it. i was planning on adding .5 or 1 ml/ gal with the nutes, or maybe just the SM-90 and water for a night then dump and add nutes, i dont know. what do you think diz? or anybody?



Maybe a little h202 if you think it is a root issue..

Sorry if I missed it-

What is your nute schedule???
Do you use a chiller??
What are the temps of your water???..My temps range from 62 to 68...

Its so strange, they looked great before going into the system...

Do you have more photos of the others???

One other note, I had put a fixed screen at the end of my 4" return to catch debris and have noticed it can be used to check for root problems (slime or dead roots will get caught in the screen)

Hope everyone is doing better..

jack the reaper

Nutes -n- roots

im using GH and trying to cut their recommended dose in half while targeting the same ppm levels as dds.
if the mix is weak then i ad micro and grow (in veg) or micro and flower (in bloom) to get the ppms up.
this OG is new to me so i am juggling the construction, nuances of the rdwc, and the needs of the OG.
i would say in veg this strain likes GH x1/2 and in flower so far 2/3. maybe by the end we will get it up to full power.
h2o2 huh, seems a little heavy right now but folks on here have been victims of overnight devastation...
chillers chillin, same temps as you...
fish scooper at the end of 4" catchin snapped off ends...
we must be long lost twins or something...

mcattak--i have a bunch of other pix, anything in particular you are interested in?

jack the reaper


mcattak- these are my first pix, they are in the system about 26 days at this point but under increasing light.

foto 5- thats Ella on the left. shes as big and healthy as Eve and Erin.

foto 9- thats Esther by the MaxFan.
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Ode to Ella :)

Loving all the pics, bro. I'm down to see anything you have to post.

I really like your drip ring. What size water pumps are you running? 9 or 11 girls? Just wondering what pump you have for the drip rings and how much pressure is coming out of them. I have a 1200 gph for 5 girls and it's a tremendous amount of pressure...probably too much. I was just gonna switch my top feed to use a 700 gph but then I had an idea while tinkering with my tubs last night. Since I have so much pressure in my top feed, I'm gonna add an extra rain drip or two off the drip ring and run the lines through the top of the mini-res to add a little more oxygen action. It should spray a good stream if you have a big pump. Just a simple tweak that may or may not help lol

jack the reaper


Ode to Elis :)

Loving all the pics, bro. I'm down to see anything you have to post.

I really like your drip ring. What size water pumps are you running? 9 or 11 girls? Just wondering what pump you have for the drip rings and how much pressure is coming out of them. I have a 1200 gph for 5 girls and it's a tremendous amount of pressure...probably too much. I was just gonna switch my top feed to use a 700 gph but then I had an idea while tinkering with my tubs last night. Since I have so much pressure in my top feed, I'm gonna add an extra rain drip or two off the drip ring and run the lines through the top of the mini-res to add a little more oxygen action. It should spray a good stream if you have a big pump. Just a simple tweak that may or may not help lol

hey thanks easy, i cant take credit for the drip ring though. i have thought about trying to do away with the dual watering system and build a drip/spray/blast ring that is attached to the inside bottom of the lid and surrounds the net pot. early in veg the nozzles could be turned in toward the plant and splash the root zone through the mesh and hydroton (or bio ballz?!) and then later they could be trained down toward the water to inject more air into the solution.
i would use 6 Tees for the ring, they would each be 4-6 in apart.
i wonder if the action might not be too violent for the delicate roots. i agitate the heck outta mine already and the tips break off and get caught in my net, but it appears ok...
there are 11 lovely ladies
and Emma

i was going to name one Eleven since there are 11 sites. but there were 12 ladies sooo, E names it was, but no Eleven:smirk

THE PUMPS are Pondmasters. there are a pair of 1200s in opposition loop (so, 5.5 per pump more or less) running the top feeds and a pair of 1800s running the main feeds.
my main pressure was weak at the top of the loop (farthest from the pumps) so i put in some flow controllers. i went with the stiffer poly cuz its cheap and rigid.
the rings on the other hand are made of vinyl and therefore an ADAPTER
must be used, and adapters and such start to drive me a little bonkers after awhile, so my next one will be streamlined and more than likely 100% vinyl tube.
the pressure in the rings is great, i had to put flow controls on them to regulate/equalize the pressure from bin to bin and the by product of installing the flow controllers is PRECISE control. which is what we are shooting for right?
so, using the full mesh netpot, rings inside the bin soaking the hydroton, splashing into the water OR blasting against the inside walls of the bins. each water ring gets a flow controller and you dial your desired pressure!

i do like the undercurrents though, and i have an idea for something kinda like that but bigger.

jack the reaper


preliminary results on Ellas autopsy--
when i removed her she was a little wobbly and upon pulling she came out pretty easily right below the rockwool. there is a slight odor but not offensive and the little jumping bugs (fungus gnat larvae?) could be seen hoppin about. the cube was saturated, i squeezed it out and out came about a cup of microbials and water.

sorry, my camera battery is dead, i will take some fotos and post em.

been reading about sm-90 and supposedly its the real deal. less harmful than h202 and it selectively kills anerobic pathogens while not inhibiting areobic bennies!
folks were using 2-3 ml/gal in mod DWC systems (sounds kinda like mine...)
im gonna add 1 ml/gal to start.

also, the pathogens do better in a low pH from what i understand, 5.8 could be too low for this strain...


looks great bro, are those the drains, the grey ones in the pic? thats the only thing making me nervous

is that last pic a blower or a pump?


Do you have an opinion about using reflective plastic on top of the res's? I know we need to keep light out of the res, but it also reflects light on the bottoms of the plant leaves. In nature, they never receive light on the bottoms, so, can this be harmful?


I dont think the amount of lumens bouncing back off the top of the tubs equal to much of anything. I do think that rockwool can cause stem rot though. have you cut the stem, if there is a black ring on the center of the stem then its stem/root rot. the topfeeding lines really need to be as far to the outside as possible as to not constantly soak the rockwool

when I had my trouble I have overgrew a plant in a 4in cube, then constant feed it in buckets, there were enough dead roots in the 4in cube and it was so packed with roots it turned to mush after about 2wks of feeding


yo jr.
i'm riding with dizzle; sounds like ella's problems may have stemmed from rockwool saturation. is the bottom of your rockwool sitting in the nutrient solution? if so, you might wanna chop some length off your drain towers to let the rockwool breath.
also, anyone here have an opinion as to whether myccohryzae/beneficial bacteria can become toxic for these girls?


dizzle, any problems with the coco staying too wet? I hope I don't end up with the same problem with too many roots in the coco pots. They stayed in the clone tray too long and had a shit load of roots coming out the bottom, growing through a bed of hydroton.

mello is right with the drains...you're the only one that can do that with your setup. The rest of us have to raise the netpot with some kind of spacer.


coco holds less water that rockwool, has a better air ratio, and naturally is hard for root rot to form in.

the difference in the coco net pots is they air prune the roots, so nothing is decaying, the rockwool the roots get matted and die

but either way you have to make sure you have an inch or two from the bottom of your rockwool to the water


friends, thanks for your wishes, diz, lost and boss, for the moving rendition of that well loved anthem.. *tearing
regretably, i must inform you that with fond memories and heavy hearts we decided to allow Ella to come to the end of her voyage here on this plane...

Hate to sound harsh but....Grind her up & Compost her! :happy

R. Face

WOW Jack, I know its been said numerous times in ur thread, but the cleanliness and how tight and professional your room is, is genuinely impressive.

I know that took work, bc its easy to get lazy and leave soil bags here, nute bottles there, but man, your laundry room is my fav room of the house! I love the Galaxys all stacked apart all neat, and then the HUGE AC dedicated to the room. Forgive my listing the obvious but its how clean an efficient the room looks built that im sure is really helping along your success..keep it up!


Chillin' in the Shade...
-duct that vents laundry room into fireplace needed to be insulated, resulting in temps max 85 and night low 65.
see anything else i should attack? please let me know..
more than happy to field questions.
whoa... :cool Friggin' killer setup and girls! I would love to do something very similar someday... :itwasntme Do you have any Picts of the vent tie-in for the chimney? I've got a B Vent for my gas fired fireplace on the other side of my garage and it would be sick to tie into that...

BTW the way I just read your entire thread and I really like the names... poor Ella though, she's in a better place... :angel


-Just wondering what the other ladies look like now....
-I am using a ecoplus 3900 to drip my 15 buckets 24/7 but make sure to try and not saturate the rockwool...I figure the more gph on the drip increases the total flow of the system..the more the better...
-If rockwool seems to wet just divert the drip stream into the bucket, so you can keep the flow..
-My netpots are not on risers but the rockwool is in the upper 20% of the netpot..Even with the sag the rockwool is 3-4" above the water level in the bucket
-I use h202 at 1/2 ml per gallon with no nutes during every rez change...Then add my nutes 1 hour later...then add sm-90 at about 1/2 ml per gallon every other day along with a little cal mag and my base nutes to get to the target ec...
-I use the h202 because I have no benificials in my system--

Good luck...


-Just wondering what the other ladies look like now....
-I am using a ecoplus 3900 to drip my 15 buckets 24/7 but make sure to try and not saturate the rockwool...I figure the more gph on the drip increases the total flow of the system..the more the better...
-If rockwool seems to wet just divert the drip stream into the bucket, so you can keep the flow..
-My netpots are not on risers but the rockwool is in the upper 20% of the netpot..Even with the sag the rockwool is 3-4" above the water level in the bucket
-I use h202 at 1/2 ml per gallon with no nutes during every rez change...Then add my nutes 1 hour later...then add sm-90 at about 1/2 ml per gallon every other day along with a little cal mag and my base nutes to get to the target ec...
-I use the h202 because I have no benificials in my system--

Good luck...

I never had good results with h2O2. When I change to bene's it made a huge difference. If I might suggest Roots excelurator and Great white with some Multizyme to break down the plant wastes. I feed them a splash of sweet every 3 days or so. Healthy roots = tight huge frosty buds..

jack the reaper


here is a series of Ellas exam.
-the stem was strong and dry, no discolored or soft rings, center or "bark".
-the cube was wet, and i was able to squeeze out this water with residue of the Oregonism treatment.
-there was a suspicious film on the water, THE SLIME starting (brown algae?)
-there are insects/larvae on the surface, thats NOT good.
-i havnt excavated the hydroton yet, i have some things to do first.
-there was no "horrible odor" rotten eggs etc (ive smelled that before..) but the smell was NOT "poppin fresh" like i like it...

as the plant grows and gets heavier it is starting to sink or sag deeper into its plastic nest. now the netpot sits lower in the water and i think i should cut the tops of my drains 1/2 to 1 inch, maybe in 1/2 inch increments over the next couple days to ease the transition.

any thoughts?
also, SM 90 or Physan 20 ? does anybody use these products? recommendations?

sorry bout the spelling, i feel half retarded right now. long night...
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