Goin down the rabbit hole

  • Thread starter mrfreeze682
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I know it was already said but MG really just sucks for cannabis. Regardless of what you do to it to "make it better"
It looks like your soil is compacted which is causing slow growth. Those should be much bigger for 28 days old.


I know it was already said but MG really just sucks for cannabis. Regardless of what you do to it to "make it better"
It looks like your soil is compacted which is causing slow growth. Those should be much bigger for 28 days old
oh man is what can i do? can i transplant yet?


Do absolutely nothing. Do not repot, do not feed, no training, and stop watering so much.

Your plants look over watered. This means they’re suffocating. They need dry back periods to allow the roots to get air and breath.

Pick up a similar sized pot with Dry soil. Next time your plants are of similar weight you can water them. Do not fully saturate all of the medium. The plants are too small and their roots have not filled out those pots. I would water them like a few ounces. Water slowly so it doesn’t run straight through to the bottom. Your plant should dry out within a few days. If not you probably are watering too much.

Your seedlings are “leggy” because they were stretching for light before you got your LED. Once they’re large enough to repot them you can bury a lot of the stem to keep them short and stout. Allow the seedlings to grow large enough that the tips of the leaves reach the edge of the pot.

Use tap water. If you can’t help yourself you can water in some kelp and fulvic acids but that is more than enough. With soil we don’t need to waste money on distilled or RO water.

You started this thread mentioning organic. Do you want to go organic? There is a lot of ways to skin the cat. Those Fox farm bottle will get you great results but it isn’t really organic. There is cheaper synthetic options out there if you want to save money. We can also help you do organic cheaply as well.


Do absolutely nothing. Do not repot, do not feed, no training, and stop watering so much.

Your plants look over watered. This means they’re suffocating. They need dry back periods to allow the roots to get air and breath.

Pick up a similar sized pot with Dry soil. Next time your plants are of similar weight you can water them. Do not fully saturate all of the medium. The plants are too small and their roots have not filled out those pots. I would water them like a few ounces. Water slowly so it doesn’t run straight through to the bottom. Your plant should dry out within a few days. If not you probably are watering too much.

Your seedlings are “leggy” because they were stretching for light before you got your LED. Once they’re large enough to repot them you can bury a lot of the stem to keep them short and stout. Allow the seedlings to grow large enough that the tips of the leaves reach the edge of the pot.

Use tap water. If you can’t help yourself you can water in some kelp and fulvic acids but that is more than enough. With soil we don’t need to waste money on distilled or RO water.

You started this thread mentioning organic. Do you want to go organic? There is a lot of ways to skin the cat. Those Fox farm bottle will get you great results but it isn’t really organic. There is cheaper synthetic options out there if you want to save money. We can also help you do organic cheaply as well.
man you answered my prayers because i dont know enough. im just reading and contemplating my next sabotage. I chose fox farms cuz i read alot of good stuff. i didnt have the money for the gaia green. ive only watered them 3 times in their whole life. im waiting for the dry soil then i water em. im only doing a few ounces like two chugs an adult would take of a beer or maybe one… ( i know some chuggers out there 🤣) but any info on how to go organic i would greatly appreciate. plus big shout out to @PhlizonGrowLight for the gifted light. This diairy is gona be a success cuz of the lights… just watch.


man you answered my prayers because i dont know enough. im just reading and contemplating my next sabotage. I chose fox farms cuz i read alot of good stuff. i didnt have the money for the gaia green. ive only watered them 3 times in their whole life. im waiting for the dry soil then i water em. im only doing a few ounces like two chugs an adult would take of a beer or maybe one… ( i know some chuggers out there 🤣) but any info on how to go organic i would greatly appreciate. plus big shout out to @PhlizonGrowLight for the gifted light. This diairy is gona be a success cuz of the lights… just watch.
Word I feel you. It’s overwhelming when you first start out. Do yourself a favor and stay out of hydro stores because they make their money convincing you to buy a 45 dollar 16oz bottle of water.

Gaia green got popular in cannabis from a YouTuber. It’s nothing more than a good quality dry amendment. Unfortunately Gaia doesn’t really have a foothold in the American market. We do however have a bunch of alternatives that are just as good. If you bought the fox farm off Amazon I would just request to return it saying you’re not satisfied. If you have a decent account standing they might just let you keep it.

Home Depot/ Lowe’s/ armstrong/ nurseries/ Amazon/ Walmart will carry nearly all you need. Dr. Earth and/or down to earth is a great starting place.

I would recommended Dr. Earth for now.
C100454D 6FFC 4E78 9857 AFA255CDB2BC
43B73AD7 BBC3 4912 BD23 D7CCD42F89EE

(Killer price by the way)

Only other thing you need is soil. You may need to hunt a little bit. Fox farm ocean forest is what 95% of every cannabis grower starts with. It’s very easy to find and every hydro store will sell it. If they try to charge you more than $16 a bag they are ripping you off. My local store will sell it for $12 - I however mix/build my own soil but that is a labor of love that you don’t need to get involved with yet.

Your final pot size should be 5 gallons or larger when growing in soil. The larger the better.

You really don’t need anything else besides this. Sure you can grab some pricey myco’s that help. Those dry ferts actually come with some beneficials added in. I would rather spend my money on worm castings. Worm castings are amazing and do so much good.

I’m all about doing this as cheap as possible without dropping quality.

You’re a new grower so you’ll be bored with this style. Use that energy by creating compost piles and worm bins. A lot of organic farming is about prep work. Once the prep is done you get to sit back and literally watch the fruits of your labor.


Do absolutely nothing. Do not repot, do not feed, no training, and stop watering so much.

Your plants look over watered. This means they’re suffocating. They need dry back periods to allow the roots to get air and breath.

Pick up a similar sized pot with Dry soil. Next time your plants are of similar weight you can water them. Do not fully saturate all of the medium. The plants are too small and their roots have not filled out those pots. I would water them like a few ounces. Water slowly so it doesn’t run straight through to the bottom. Your plant should dry out within a few days. If not you probably are watering too much.

Your seedlings are “leggy” because they were stretching for light before you got your LED. Once they’re large enough to repot them you can bury a lot of the stem to keep them short and stout. Allow the seedlings to grow large enough that the tips of the leaves reach the edge of the pot.

Use tap water. If you can’t help yourself you can water in some kelp and fulvic acids but that is more than enough. With soil we don’t need to waste money on distilled or RO water.

You started this thread mentioning organic. Do you want to go organic? There is a lot of ways to skin the cat. Those Fox farm bottle will get you great results but it isn’t really organic. There is cheaper synthetic options out there if you want to save money. We can also help you do organic cheaply as well.
I'm a lazy gardener so I like to use synthetic nutes.

PPC's suggestion is a good way to go. I prefer bottled nutes because they allow me to steer my crop and fix whatever issues that may come up quickly. That's one of the few issues I have with dry amendments. Once they're in the soil it's much harder to remove what is causing the problem. Don't get me wrong, dry amendments are a good way to go if you don't want to have to mix up nutrient every feeding but I like that I can tailor my nutritional program to the girls immediate needs if I see any deficiencies or lockout.

I use FloraNova Grow and Bloom as my base and add a few amendments but for the most part it's pretty much just base. A quart bottle(946ml) of each will run you around $20. A bottle will usually last me around a year or a little less.

PPC is correct in that you need to let your plants do their thing. Don't force the issue. Do what they need to thrive then leave them alone.


so are fox farms nutes synthetic now?? i figure i already started with the nutes and spent the money no returns. i would like to do the worm castings and mycorrhizae and build my soil. This is going to take time and i have room outside for areas i can use to build compost etc. @PahPahCee i would like to pick your information on gow to start my soil because i work in the restaurant industry and we cook eggs, fish, alot of protein wich i give my dog. i saw some of his dino poos and weeds are humongous! on top of the poo. I wanted to start gathering his excrement and build a soil sorta. I started the swamp water but i duno if im doing it right


some fox farm bottles are and some aren’t. It’s hard to do bottled organics and a lot of companies won’t spend the money to get certified.

I would suggest starting worm bins with the kitchen waste. Meats/oil/citrus aren’t going to work on in worm bins. I’d just bring a 5 gal bucket to work.

The animal waste composting is out of my wheel house. It’s totally doable and I know poor farmers in other countries have been using human waste for centuries with no issue. I’d just be extra careful so you don’t accidentally spread an illness.

As far as building my soils go I have had great success following “coots mix.” It’s fairly simple to build.

what’s the purpose of the swamp? Does it have fish living in it? Aquaponics is super cool but requires a lot of prep work before it’s up and running.


So update guys. 25 days into grow on day 24 early in the morning i gave the gals sum sum to drink down. I went shopping today because i got some cuts comin and i need to be prepared. I got Worm Castings at wal mart for like six bucks. Got some promix on sale for eleven. I cant get clonex root gel fast enough so i got what was available in the garden section. I want some mycorrhizae but cant get some near me fast enough. Ima order online. Im looking for breathable cloth pots and had a question. Can i use t-shirts like bag cloth pots ? like just use old t-shirts and tie em in knots tight to where soil wont exit. Im shopping for a better fan and cleaning the shed back out back to buy another light and do a DWC next run. Been reading and its exiting stuff. So yeah off to a rocky start but im trying to keep it kosher and chuggin along. Thx for the advice guys!!!
D2D2734E 8ED1 4123 8206 4814E9F0F0B0
6A6A3499 0857 41FC B5CE 4B6C87C39DD5
4D55A7FE 7AA2 47F2 ADA0 36F5396909E8
4038F831 2EAC 4A05 A92C B0AE15963290
C28A98F9 46F7 453F 8C42 DB7707455505
9125C15A 7A32 432E A6DF 7AB99198CF52
5873FE4C 8B51 4D29 B71B 2856388DD7DC
A4B7D890 DB3E 4244 A949 DAAF1B197F1E
1CC5BE8B 2173 48F8 9AB6 BAA92505C2BA


some fox farm bottles are and some aren’t. It’s hard to do bottled organics and a lot of companies won’t spend the money to get certified.

I would suggest starting worm bins with the kitchen waste. Meats/oil/citrus aren’t going to work on in worm bins. I’d just bring a 5 gal bucket to work.

The animal waste composting is out of my wheel house. It’s totally doable and I know poor farmers in other countries have been using human waste for centuries with no issue. I’d just be extra careful so you don’t accidentally spread an illness.

As far as building my soils go I have had great success following “coots mix.” It’s fairly simple to build.

what’s the purpose of the swamp? Does it have fish living in it? Aquaponics is super cool but requires a lot of prep work before it’s up and running.
The swamp water is from a youtuber old man that says just to put a 55 gal outside and throw everything in it and let it rot and strain the water and use it as your watering water. something like that. as far as worm bins i was looking into it and i think its doable. im slowly getting this show on the road. If i find a Pheno i wana keep i wana do a perpetual grow. but first im still learning EC RO Plant food etc. Never knew gardening could be this fun 👩‍🌾


The swamp water is from a youtuber old man that says just to put a 55 gal outside and throw everything in it and let it rot and strain the water and use it as your watering water. something like that. as far as worm bins i was looking into it and i think its doable. im slowly getting this show on the road. If i find a Pheno i wana keep i wana do a perpetual grow. but first im still learning EC RO Plant food etc. Never knew gardening could be this fun 👩‍🌾
It's fun as shit!!


You should definitely look into Korean natural farming. The concept of swamp water is definitely utilized in fermented juices.

There’s a saying with growers; cannabis isn’t addictive but growing it is.


Word I feel you. It’s overwhelming when you first start out. Do yourself a favor and stay out of hydro stores because they make their money convincing you to buy a 45 dollar 16oz bottle of water.

Gaia green got popular in cannabis from a YouTuber. It’s nothing more than a good quality dry amendment. Unfortunately Gaia doesn’t really have a foothold in the American market. We do however have a bunch of alternatives that are just as good. If you bought the fox farm off Amazon I would just request to return it saying you’re not satisfied. If you have a decent account standing they might just let you keep it.

Home Depot/ Lowe’s/ armstrong/ nurseries/ Amazon/ Walmart will carry nearly all you need. Dr. Earth and/or down to earth is a great starting place.

I would recommended Dr. Earth for now.
View attachment 1338668View attachment 1338667
(Killer price by the way)

Only other thing you need is soil. You may need to hunt a little bit. Fox farm ocean forest is what 95% of every cannabis grower starts with. It’s very easy to find and every hydro store will sell it. If they try to charge you more than $16 a bag they are ripping you off. My local store will sell it for $12 - I however mix/build my own soil but that is a labor of love that you don’t need to get involved with yet.

Your final pot size should be 5 gallons or larger when growing in soil. The larger the better.

You really don’t need anything else besides this. Sure you can grab some pricey myco’s that help. Those dry ferts actually come with some beneficials added in. I would rather spend my money on worm castings. Worm castings are amazing and do so much good.

I’m all about doing this as cheap as possible without dropping quality.

You’re a new grower so you’ll be bored with this style. Use that energy by creating compost piles and worm bins. A lot of organic farming is about prep work. Once the prep is done you get to sit back and literally watch the fruits of your labor.
Gr8 advice here...


I think MG may get the rap as Armorall, but the products have been around longer than me and I am 74 y.o. but it is not organic.


Update: One girl got steamrolled i guess and have 4 gals i popped from @QuestionPoint goin strong on 1/2 dose of the fox farms dirty dozen regimen. I also got some clones from @ImpulsiveGrower the grape gas and another f1 phenom if im not mistaken. Planted clones in promix , black velvet and worm castings from earth science. Got some root hormone powder from wal mart. I have a humidifier inside my grow closet space hoping it will help with humidity. Im new to messin with clones and this is my first grow but am goin head first in this thing. I contemplate i will learn a ton from this grow and the Farm with all the great advice. Here are some photos. Waterd the gals i popped last night and just
got the clones in the mail today not even 40 minites ago. I hope i did something right. 😂 if not its groovy still.
4AD7B83C 7AC6 4E4C 94C3 BF303A3B1F4D
49D350C0 A33D 46AC 80CB D5172C38A175
DEF8F37C 9FC4 4E9B 8931 7F4F50A4ADE2
BB20CB84 7CAA 4364 B3D7 925BEEEF53E2
8DED87DF 2A7F 4985 8B34 585FBA379784
6FAAFB5A 1F83 4A80 947D 3BE613A8941E
AD047A68 4345 4F3A AD82 28FFE739E67A
A8F0D7B8 36AD 4E2A B844 8F66136F51CF
51C9FEB3 C7C6 405C B5C1 F11F0F973858


Looking a bit rough make sure to give them slot of humidity as they weren’t completely hardened off. I’ve been giving them too much love with the mister bottle when before they weren’t getting as much attention at the old spot. I’m gonna hold back from misting the domes as much. I’ve had to resend some clones due to them basically going into shock from the dry air. If you need anything resent I got you 😉. This is how they looked before being sent. Glad they are alive but this isn’t up to my standards. Keep the line of communication open fam and thanx for the support 🙌
B7B0D0DA 0B6A 4974 A9A3 A526EC138832


Looking a bit rough make sure to give them slot of humidity as they weren’t completely hardened off. I’ve been giving them too much love with the mister bottle when before they weren’t getting as much attention at the old spot. I’m gonna hold back from misting the domes as much. I’ve had to resend some clones due to them basically going into shock from the dry air. If you need anything resent I got you 😉. This is how they looked before being sent. Glad they are alive but this isn’t up to my standards. Keep the line of communication open fam and thanx for the support 🙌View attachment 1340244
definitely arrived alive. Some TLC and we should be good. i just couldnt get the clonex on time and i got some fans and a tent in the worx for next pay day. right now i just want them rooted nicely so i can scrog em in my back yard shed. Thx for the BomB genetics. Im a happy customer, no regrets. 🙌


I’m pretty sure you got a wifi 43 (white fire OG #43) that came out of a 500+ seed phenohunt that focused on finding the most OG Kush leaning pheno. I would have to check out messages but I ran a promo on the last few clones.

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