Grow diary

  • Thread starter feildofdreams
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Finally remembered to take some pics before lightson. Boom,..
Spider og 19daysflower
LongLeaf 19daysflower
Killer 6weeks


that outdoor plant is kicking.How you doing with temps indoors?mine are bearly hanging in there.Still learning on the hydro.Had an issue with a timer and it threw my timing off on them.


-A/C runs a bit but I can keep it around 71 to 75.
-Hope you get your ladies back on schedule.
-They have shown their sex. Girl Girl and Girl.:)
I put a spider clone outside and it is going in a 15 gallon planter in about a week. All the girls outside are doing great but that one in the pic is just flat ass getting it on. She is already almost to my waist. Had to tie down the two main branches from when I topped it. Going to top those and leave it at that. Also this is the first time in a long time I have not put most my girls in planters. Those in the ground are lucky enough to be in the old chicken yard. Fricken earth worms that look like gardener snakes. I will get a pic in the tomorrow AM as soon as I go feed. They are mind boggling alfonso, never seen earth worms that big. As long as my forearm damn near and as round as my middle finger. Saw one outa the corner of my this morning and about shit myself. Thought it was a snake that got the best of me....lmao


Nice those worms will help a lot for your soil.And on top of that in area that has had chickens running loose what more can you ask for?
sky high

sky high

you will see the Kushes make a nice growth spurt very soon. I'm at 32 days or so and they have taken off nicely in the last week or so. Can't peg the spidy smell yet but the LL is starting to smell like a fruit basket.

hope all goes well from here on out....

s h


you will see the Kushes make a nice growth spurt very soon. I'm at 32 days or so and they have taken off nicely in the last week or so. Can't peg the spidy smell yet but the LL is starting to smell like a fruit basket.

hope all goes well from here on out....

s h

Fruit basket.. Awesome.,. Don’t have any prominent smells but they are starting to get stinky that's for sure. They are definitely looking better then a couple weeks back. Giving them the Guano tea every other day and then a good water in between. The one spider I put outside is a bootiful Green and loving the sun. The rest I cloned took root and are chugging along. I think it was the Techna nutes man that carried over the rust thing? might be mites but I have yet to actually see one? I can't say with any certainty what it is but it acts like rust. Responds to natural rust treatments well. Just keeping it clean and taking as much preventive steps as possible. I was fixing to send you a PM today,,, weird:) Good to hear from you P. Be over to check out your flying V this afternoon. Peace brother
sky high

sky high

Couldn't get in there worth a fuck but snapped a pic of the LL starting to bud from the side....
Long leaf 32 daze


Very nice shot and from your position it looks like you almost had to on Safari to get it. lol Like this---- " Gday m8's we ereee venturing deep in the welds of the netorious SKI EIGH RENCHHHH,. Keep yer ans in side the veicle et el tims m8's,, Thanx! en av en awsem ride "} haha or some crap like that. :)

Very beautiful plant man. I am amazed at how tough they are and how well they grow. It is like the don't stop even in flower. Also can take some pretty drastic environ changes without to much lag time. I took a clone that had been in a 5 gal for about 3 weeks and threw her in the 12x12 to experiment with some time lines. I'll post up some pics today of the clone I put outside and the one in the flower room.

My tea recipe, Still going to order some Gravity and brix,,maybe some bush master? Not sure about the bush. That helps induce the flower cycle if I am correct?
Another I been looking at but don't really know anything about is? "Snow Storm"?

1 gal r/o or de chlorinated filtered tap.
1/2 cup worm castings
2 tsp bat guano 10-3-1
1 tlb Happy frog 5-5-5
2 tlb of grandmas molasses diluted in warm water then mixed in the tea too brew for 22 hrs.
Something I get mixed answeres on is "When I brew my teas,. can I save it in sealed containers as long as the brew is active at the time of storage"?

Really glad to see you in the garden getting the girls plumped up. I am very excited for you and this grow sky,. Personaly, I find an odd serenity in my garden, whether it be veggys, trees, roses don't matter. I find my chill there and everyone knows where I will be if they need me, lol
Hope you all are doing ok and we be sending da love every day. Peace bro
sky high

sky high

I'm tryin to keep on keepin' on, bro. Feel OK one sec and in a puddle the next.

Gravity will tighten the nugs. I use it on the BB cus she will often bulk but not get super dense. The stuff works, fer sure.

Bushmaster is more touchy and I only use it sparingly...if at all. I did try it on the BB...worked OK....but forgot I had used it and reused the soil for the bB they are stunted and kinda weirdin;,,,,so I gotta transplant em and wait til they come out of it.... Good thing I grew TREES this time.... LOL. Oh well...I needed to slow down a bit...

I never tried storing my teas...I just use em up...weed....then outside to the tomatoes/flowers/etc. Then I brew more....

had to stake everything up a few days ago...gotta love it when that happens...

BTW....those clones were sprayed with Floramite before you got em...doubt there are any mites but the fuckers are relentless.

first thing you'd see is a "stippling" of the leaf where it looks kinda like water drops have evaporated on the leaf....

tell tale is to turn the leaf over. The are SMALL....brown or reddish.....and move slowly.... UNLESS you tear that leaf off and stick it up under the lamp...then you will/should see em moving around. (hope not but you get the pic) Farther into the game they will spin WEBS.... so a sprayer bottle with plain water on the finest mist you can get will help you ID/see the webs where you sometimes can't with just yer eyes alone.

good luck

s h


You seem to be doing good as can possibly be brother and keeping a grasp on what helps. Hang in there man. At the very least you can come by this thread and get some chuckles off my rubber maid grow room from time to time.. lol..JK man..

You were right! once I got hang of the cloning thing it goes fast man. One minute I am cloning the next I am scouting for buckets,, lol It is very cool though to be able and keep it perpetual. Now that I have this stellar grow shack.. hehe I can keep it rotating.

Sweet I am glad they were sprayed as I have been getting some advice to spray Florimite if I see em. I have washed em once with straight water and they liked it . Been doing good since but going in there here in a few and doing a fine looking over again. I'm going to do the mist thing and check reallllll good. Awesome tip.. Thanks for the description on what to look for. Hey when you say "stippling" do you me discoloration or like a shineyish spot left from dried up water? Another confusion I am having..'' can FLORIMITE be sprayed now in early flower if I do find the lil bastards?
Thanks for all the advice brudda.

Pics coming soon. Peace,,, May love rule the day.
sky high

sky high

by stippling I mean little dots....kinda whiteish....all over the leaf. Once you see it YOU WILL KNOW ......(hope ya don't).

Floramite is wicked shit. I only use it when ABSOLUTELY necessary....and only in veg.

lookin good

s h


Sweet. Thanks for that info man. Could never really get a yes or no. My gut always tells me not to put anything on em when their in flower. Glad I listen to it but wouldn't try anything for mites until I see one. I do take preventive measures though.
The only stuff like your description I can see is where I sprayed the Neem some time back. Thought I saw a mite on a leaf and put it under a x400 and still nothing. Top and bottom; nothing....It was a chunk of brownish sugary stuff. Maybe some molasses ? They are doing good and I don't see any probs with the clones or teenagers either other then getting more buckets,
Tanx again sky, O yea man I got a good wiff of the The spidey this manyan. She def smells like citris of some kind and the LL so far has a funcky chunky cheese smell? I really could have those backwards though? Memory is shit right now:)
Peace, Have a good day P... Lots of love....

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