Growing in 3rd World Conditions (Cuba) att #2

  • Thread starter Zerberus
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I do have a compost, it's been cooking for a few months, it will probably be ready for late October... I'm trying to give it 6 months at least before even thinking about using it.

And yes, I am using rice hulls and styrofoam bits to get better aeration in the soil since all the soil around here compacts easily like freaking cement 😂, have never seen clovers around, will keep and eye out though. I did already mix dry cow manure in the soil pre planting and the final pot will have it also mixed in.
Awesome sounds like you got a pretty solid plan. Another thing you could add to your soil is some Silt from a river bed. That mud at the bottom of a river is generally rich in nutrients but you would only want to use a little in the mix as it can also retain a lot of water so if you just used river mud you'd likely end up drowning the plants but in the right quantity it could add needed nutrients.

Also I know you said you added labs but here is another type of microbial solution you can make that someone just suggested to me The other day in another thread that might be of use to you.

Anyways im interested to see how this grow goes so I'll be watching. Good luck my friend!


I do have a compost, it's been cooking for a few months, it will probably be ready for late October... I'm trying to give it 6 months at least before even thinking about using it.

And yes, I am using rice hulls and styrofoam bits to get better aeration in the soil since all the soil around here compacts easily like freaking cement 😂, have never seen clovers around, will keep and eye out though. I did already mix dry cow manure in the soil pre planting and the final pot will have it also mixed in.
I forgot to mention earlier with the compost when you are ready to use it your gonna want to sift any big chunks out of it to avoid anything that is still composting getting into your soil. I bought a cheap one on Amazon but as that isn't available to you you can make a sift for cheap with a couple 2 x 4s and something like chicken wire that will do the job.


Nitrogen deficiency 🥲 poor soil aeration, and just a absolute lack of nutrients are stunting growth, one stayed dwarfed sadly the other has grown a little better, on the 4th I'm going to Havana to but some nutes and I will also bring back prepared soils that have worm castings, Coco coir, and a few other amendments that should benefit the plants greatly. I'll post some pictures now so you can see the plants...


For now I'm not giving them anything, just plain water, I'm not going to mess with them until I transplant them into the new soils and see how they react to it.

After a few days of them in the new soils I will start to feed them extremely low doses of the nutes once a week. (About 25% recommend dose) to see how they react and I'll slowly increment the dose % over time.

If you have any tips lmk.

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I think it's nitrogen deficiency because the bottom leaves in both plants got yellow and died, I removed both of the yellow leaves from the tall plant and I tried saving the short ones leaves by just cutting off the affected tips but as you can see the yellowing is still advancing slowly.


I think it's nitrogen deficiency because the bottom leaves in both plants got yellow and died, I removed both of the yellow leaves from the tall plant and I tried saving the short ones leaves by just cutting off the affected tips but as you can see the yellowing is still advancing slowly.
If you have access to chicken poop, you can bump up the nitrogen that way. Aside from the couple of leaves they look pretty good to me.


Find someone with a chicken or cow or goat and beg for their poo lol, ive even seen people giving out tortoise.
Yeah goat poop is supposed to be usable without having to be composted. I've also used horse poop on tomatoes without composting with good results.


Hey guys I arrived yesterday from Havana and I have all the nutrients and soils here now...

Soil compositions...

Soil 1-

35% Worm Castings
50% Sugarcane Fiber
10% Plantain Bark
5% Agro-amendments

Soil 2-

35% Worm Castings
50% Sugarcane Fiber
10% Coco Coir
5% Agro-amendments

It's all their was, I got the same nutrients that i I showed in the pictures some days ago...

While I was gone my girlfriend forgot to give the plants fresh air, she never opened the closet and I was gone for a good 36 hours, when I saw the plants they were all fully droopy, bottom yellow leaves, just dying from lack of CO2 and they were in need of a watering, so I opened the door for them, watered the soils down, and I got the nutrients from LyBofan that are 11-6-8 NPK + micro and I diluted it down to 20% recommend dose and foliar sprayed them... (That LyBofan I used is recommended for foliar spray use) so I put them to sleep with the door opened a bit also, to get air in there. And today the plants fully recovered here are them now...
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Hey guys I arrived yesterday from Havana and I have all the nutrients and soils here now...

Soil compositions...

Soil 1-

35% Worm Castings
50% Sugarcane Fiber
10% Plantain Bark
5% Agro-amendments

Soil 2-

35% Worm Castings
50% Sugarcane Fiber
10% Coco Coir
5% Agro-amendments

It's all their was, I got the same nutrients that i I showed in the pictures some days ago...

While I was gone my girlfriend forgot to give the plants fresh air, she never opened the closet and I was gone for a good 36 hours, when I saw the plants they were all fully droopy, bottom yellow leaves, just dying from lack of CO2 and they were in need of a watering, so I opened the door for them, watered the soils down, and I got the nutrients from LyBofan that are 11-6-8 NPK + micro and I diluted it down to 20% recommend dose and foliar sprayed them... (That LyBofan I used is recommended for foliar spray use) so I put them to sleep with the door opened a bit also, to get air in there. And today the plants fully recovered here are them now...
View attachment 2019686
They're looking none the worse for wear! 👍👍


Yeah I'm not leaving them to my girlfriends care anymore everytime she's in charge something terrible happens, first time she opened a window and a plant bent Soo much trying to reach the light during the dark cycle that the stem snapped in two and the plant died, second time she let the door open to the balcony and the dogs ate the plant, now this time I get home and this 😂 but at least once she told me she didn't open the door I knew exactly what it was that was killing them.
They're looking none the worse for wear! 👍


Yeah I'm not leaving them to my girlfriends care anymore everytime she's in charge something terrible happens, first time she opened a window and a plant bent Soo much trying to reach the light during the dark cycle that the stem snapped in two and the plant died, second time she let the door open to the balcony and the dogs ate the plant, now this time I get home and this 😂 but at least once she told me she didn't open the door I knew exactly what it was that was killing them.
A year ago last June I had a three week business trip. I had nobody to watch my ladies so I turned the light down to the lowest setting, watered until the water well was full, put some plants outside and prayed for rain.

Most of the plants were fine when I got back. One plant inside had grown into the light. It didn't rain and there were two casualties. But it went much better than expected, and I was relatively happy with the outcome.


Day 34

As you can see the plants have struggled a little during this time a few set backs have stunned their growth quite a bit, however since they are photoperiod I'm hoping I can just stretch the Veg period and recover that lost time, I know have the new soils and the nutes, PH meter, and some other stuff arrive this weekend.... For now all I did was top dress with about 2 inches of the new soils, I'm going to wait about a week more before transplanting I just want them to be stress free at the time of transplant and they are just recovering from a 36 hour period of low CO2, but they look ok to me, I removed the bottom two leaves that where yellowing...

I have a question what should I do about those little sprouts around the main stems? Should I keep those or remove them to promote growth in the other areas ?

Here are the plants now.

Plant #1

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Plant #2

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You will probably want to remove them eventually and focus on the upper canopy.
You can let them grow out a little and you can clone them.

None the less, they look great!


Day 34

As you can see the plants have struggled a little during this time a few set backs have stunned their growth quite a bit, however since they are photoperiod I'm hoping I can just stretch the Veg period and recover that lost time, I know have the new soils and the nutes, PH meter, and some other stuff arrive this weekend.... For now all I did was top dress with about 2 inches of the new soils, I'm going to wait about a week more before transplanting I just want them to be stress free at the time of transplant and they are just recovering from a 36 hour period of low CO2, but they look ok to me, I removed the bottom two leaves that where yellowing...

I have a question what should I do about those little sprouts around the main stems? Should I keep those or remove them to promote growth in the other areas ?

Here are the plants now.

Plant #1

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Plant #2

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Yeah and it depends on how you want to train them. If you bend the whole plant over they're new colas but if you're going to do traditional topping, then like @PahPahCee said, keep a couple for cuttings and remove the others before going into flower.
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