How much are dispensaries donating for a pound of top shelf meds

  • Thread starter Don007206
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put the marijuana black market out of business? ha! the state of WA might be able to put dispensaries out of business, but nobody will ever put the black market (for anything, not just pot) out of business.
Agreed. About the only thing that'd dent it severe enough to potentially take it down is offering 24/7 delivery service. That's the ticket for black market, convenience and proprietary genetics. You don't have the shit I want and you're not at my place in half an hour? My pack money is going elsewhere, done deal.


Name a commodity that is produced with higher quality by government supervision than by free market competition. Just one.
Supervision in this case only means having set standards for what is able to be sold. While I agree with your statement to a certain extent, standards are standards regardless of whether its a state licensed gig or a "homegrow". The cream will rise. I am with dynamite. I know a few folks with over 100,000 watts on their key ring that can STILL out grow most 1k to 10k rooms. Its all in the hands of the grower. Now whether or not they let that skilled grower get a license or give it to someone who thinks a PLC will do all of their job for them is the question. You can automate a grow room , you can't automate a particular green thumb's dank unless you are that thumb.


Supervision in this case only means having set standards for what is able to be sold. While I agree with your statement to a certain extent, standards are standards regardless of whether its a state licensed gig or a "homegrow". The cream will rise. I am with dynamite. I know a few folks with over 100,000 watts on their key ring that can STILL out grow most 1k to 10k rooms. Its all in the hands of the grower. Now whether or not they let that skilled grower get a license or give it to someone who thinks a PLC will do all of their job for them is the question. You can automate a grow room , you can't automate a particular green thumb's dank unless you are that thumb.

This sounds like oversight and regulation, or more like the Health Dept. than Government Greenhouse. Not what it sounded like at first, and I agree with this. Grades and standards are a good idea and good standards will drive quality in the marketplace.


This sounds like oversight and regulation, or more like the Health Dept. than Government Greenhouse. Not what it sounded like at first, and I agree with this. Grades and standards are a good idea and good standards will drive quality in the marketplace.

One can hope. Unfortunately everything I've gathered from this still screams government greenhouse. Bill Gates was one of the largest contributors to this via "sensible washington" and "new approach" groups. Guess who also bought 500,000 shares of Monsanto just prior to 502 passing. What is the largest agri-giant who can bid the largest sum of money for these licenses that washington is giving out? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to follow the money. Followed by this is the Monsanto protection act that guards them on a federal level. Don't be so surprised that most legalization bills are worded the same or are similar from state to state. They are setting themselves up for being the only pot producers in the country. Makes you think twice about the potential for fusarium in chem trails :)


That would sound like paranoid conspiracy theories- except that all the dots are there andthey're doing a great job of connecting themselves for us.

We The People must demand that legalization didn't merely mean MONOPOLIZATION by the United Corporate State of America.

That means YOU, people! Don't just vote, write letters- to your congressman, broadsheets, radio talk shows, make NOISE!


That would sound like paranoid conspiracy theories- except that all the dots are there andthey're doing a great job of connecting themselves for us.

We The People must demand that legalization didn't merely mean MONOPOLIZATION by the United Corporate State of America.

That means YOU, people! Don't just vote, write letters- to your congressman, broadsheets, radio talk shows, make NOISE!
Amen. I'm all for Cascadia if these chumps can't take care of their people. You should read Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach. Way ahead of his time. The government actually gave out quality cannabis seeds to its people to make sure quality genetics were widely taken advantage of and utilized. No monopoly was created or possible because they took out the money in the equation. Imagine that.


Amen. I'm all for Cascadia if these chumps can't take care of their people. You should read Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach. Way ahead of his time. The government actually gave out quality cannabis seeds to its people to make sure quality genetics were widely taken advantage of and utilized. No monopoly was created or possible because they took out the money in the equation. Imagine that.

Yes! I CAN imagine that. I can imagine demanding it from my government. HERE. TODAY.

Maybe if people like you and I, and the like-minded reading this, can inspire others to imagine such a world, we can all make it so. They can't stop ALL of us ALL THE TIME. Even P.T. Barnum knew that.


That would sound like paranoid conspiracy theories- except that all the dots are there andthey're doing a great job of connecting themselves for us.

We The People must demand that legalization didn't merely mean MONOPOLIZATION by the United Corporate State of America.

That means YOU, people! Don't just vote, write letters- to your congressman, broadsheets, radio talk shows, make NOISE!

I am happy to report that in town meetings and other political gatherings across Washington state, The People are making their voices heard loud and clear about their feelings.

It seems that they think legally protected corporatization and monopolism of our sacred plant is not a viable alternative.

Consider their example a call to action and protest of your own!

And only Mr. McGoo would think that such political action can or should stop with just this issue.

Change starts with you. I'm doing my bit to raise awareness, educate, participate, and, yes- rabblerouse, here and everywhere else I can. I realize it may seem strange and you may not have heard of it on TV.

It's called, "Advanced Citizenship"- and it happens BEFORE Voting Day.


Living dead girl
I just herd a prediction that 502 weed with tax will be about 500 a zip and it will raise black market weed up to 300-400 a zip. I like status quo not a huge fan of how fast this is blowing up
I recently read a very good and cogent few articles via making just this statement. They worked the numbers pretty hard and the prediction is this--if WA doesn't figure out how to structure taxation and production so that the cost of a zip is only equal to or less than a black market zip, they're going to be furthering black market product. They were comparing how WA and CO are planning on handling their legalization. Let me see if I can find the articles again.

Here we go:


I recently read a very good and cogent few articles via making just this statement. They worked the numbers pretty hard and the prediction is this--if WA doesn't figure out how to structure taxation and production so that the cost of a zip is only equal to or less than a black market zip, they're going to be furthering black market product. They were comparing how WA and CO are planning on handling their legalization. Let me see if I can find the articles again.

Here we go:

It's funny how we love capitalism and free markets- right up until there's a buck to be made, lol


Name a commodity that is produced with higher quality by government supervision than by free market competition. Just one.

How bout alcohol? Tobacco? Pretty much any pharma drug you can think of? Before government regulation (or during prohibition) people were dying because of lack of regulation (bathtub Gin, for example). Of course, no one can die from pot, but history has shown that products usually improve when they are government regulated (like automobiles). The government is not some big scary entity that corrupts anything it gets its hands on. Yes, on a grand, federal scale the government is crooked, like the FBI, CIA, DEA, most of congress, and the judicial system. But that is NOT the entire government!! I'm really starting to have faith in the washington state government. And Really, the government is just a bunch of people, who in the case of regulating pot in Washington are concerned are actually worried about quality standards and making as much tax money as they can off of this. There is a mutual vested interest in eliminating the black market over time, the people in government are smart enough to know that the only way to do this is with quality and affordable prices.


How bout alcohol? Tobacco? Pretty much any pharma drug you can think of? Before government regulation (or during prohibition) people were dying because of lack of regulation (bathtub Gin, for example). Of course, no one can die from pot, but history has shown that products usually improve when they are government regulated (like automobiles). The government is not some big scary entity that corrupts anything it gets its hands on. Yes, on a grand, federal scale the government is crooked, like the FBI, CIA, DEA, most of congress, and the judicial system. But that is NOT the entire government!! I'm really starting to have faith in the washington state government. And Really, the government is just a bunch of people, who in the case of regulating pot in Washington are concerned are actually worried about quality standards and making as much tax money as they can off of this. There is a mutual vested interest in eliminating the black market over time, the people in government are smart enough to know that the only way to do this is with quality and affordable prices.

That's government regulation, not actually government controlled production, which is what I was referring to.

Otherwise, were on the same page re. quality and safety standards.


You know, I'm not convinced that prices will be sky high. Honestly, I'm not convinced they will really be that much higher than black market prices. And even if it is higher, there will still be PLENTY of customers for the commercial stores. The average stoner just wants to get his bud and smoke it. Usually, that entails calling your guy and waiting for him to be available. I'm sure we ALL know the term dealer time and how it came about. Instead of waiting on a dealer for as much as several hours (even a day or more if you only know one person and he or she is shoddy at time management), you'll soon be able to go down to your local budtender and chose from a variety of buds, albeit lower quality and more expensive. But there's no waiting, there's no being stuck with shoddy weed cause that's all your guy had, and there's no worry of being ripped off by unsavory dealers... on this dry ass side of Washington I am on, good luck finding an ounce of high quality herb for less than $250-275. But then, that's really not too bad, honestly. And the taxation on it is actually manageable, provided growers are smart and apply for a production and processor license. Start with a pound at $2,000. That makes it $2,500 for the distributor after taxes. Add a 40% markup for the retail store, makes it $3,500 ($4,375 after taxes). That leaves final retail price at $273.44 per ounce. Ten bucks an ounce, almost. Seems like pretty fair pricing for some mids, considering the safety, reliability and consistency that is inherent in commercial production and sales, not to mention the new product standards.


I'm on record now as saying that sooner or later the going price for smoking herb will be $250/lb. That's right, not per zip, but by the pound. And it will be mids or better. This might be five, ten or twenty years, but eventually it will happen. If there is one thing America does better than anything else, it's drive the price down!


I agree, as much as it is sad to say it... I already know people that pay around $500 a pound (granted, that's 10 or more at a time) for crappy outdoor from Cali. They just take it to the other side of the country and wholesale it for four or five times their original cost. Once there's no market for doing that, the prices around the country will drop dramatically!


Central washington prices are dropping. a few weeks ago I heard as low as 1000 for top shelf indoor which was bullshit, stingy dispensary. But I got a buddy who pays 2000-2400 for all the top shelf in his dispensary.


I'm on record now as saying that sooner or later the going price for smoking herb will be $250/lb. That's right, not per zip, but by the pound. And it will be mids or better. This might be five, ten or twenty years, but eventually it will happen. If there is one thing America does better than anything else, it's drive the price down!
250/lb for mids is a joke in texas


dispensaries in SEA are picking up for 17ish as of today, selling for 22-24 for fulls. but, we are still feeling the end of the outdoor season up here so the prices sway this and that.


Cool to see the WA heads in here...

Seems like it's hard to find a dispensary as of late to even buy a full. But this outdoor season dropped prices like I haven't seen... but that is tapering off and prices are much better. I'm on the warmer side of the mountains, away from the city, back to around 22 and maaaaybe 24 for quality of quality's quality.

Gahdamn guys were letting em go for 14-15 n shit there during Autumn... I just don't do that. However, if so, I do hope they take me out to dinner first and at least cuddle me for a little while after I get fucked :o
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