I think ive actually made it to my first feed? WOW.

  • Thread starter CosmoGrows
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Hey Cozmo, plants are looking GREAT man. I tried to get a few pictures of the watering process, but it was really hard to see so I did not upload, but maybe you can catch what I am saying with these. This is a 1.75 gallon. You can see how deep the soil is from the top. Every OTHER week I will fill this to the line you see inside the pot if you look to the right of the photo or about 1 inch covering the surface of the soil completely with water, which is usually about 1/3 to 1/2 gallon of water.

I am giving it 1/4 to 1/3 of the total capacity of the pot itself (2 gallon pot). You are in 1 gallon so you are looking at 32 oz. which is 2 of these.

I do not water with Aquafina, it is just an easy way to measure how much water I put in. After I pour all that water in I am waiting for run off. If I get runoff almost immediately, like while I am pouring the water in, thats not good. It means its running down the sides and not absorbing into the roots. It should take a few seconds and should start as a TRICKLE, not just start flowing out the holes on the bottom of the pot. If it does, its running down the sides, which again is not good.
So if I water like that on Saturday, I will not even start thinking of watering till Wednesday, that's when I start checking weight, dry/damp of soil, how does the plant look. It may be Thursday, Friday, or Saturday before I actually water again. After I give that much water I pick up the pot to notice how heavy it is FULLY WATERED. Now I have a point of reference for when I recheck it 4 days later. So if it is lighter and needs watering again by Wednesday I may give it 1 whole water bottle full (16oz for me 8oz for you), or if it still feels heavy I may wait, but by that Saturday (7 days after heavy water), it will get a whole bottle no matter what, because it needs oxygen in the soil, it needs a recharge. Then water again on Wednesday and it will be ready for heavy water on Saturday again, completing a two week cycle. As the plant gets bigger in that same pot the cycle will change as well, To watering Saturday Heavy, then normal 1 bottle Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Heavy again for the cycle.
Your cycle in a 1 gal pot would be 2 full water bottles (32 oz or 2 pints) on Saturday (Heavy), then 1/2 bottle (8oz or 1/2 a pint) Wednesday, Saturday, Wednesday Saturday (Heavy again 2 bottles). The main thing for you is your run off speed right now, how fast do you start to get run off when watering? Immediately not good, small trickle 4-5 seconds after water seeps in and soil settles looking good. Also what does your soil do when you water? Does it rise and then settle back in, meaning dry and full of air, or does it just lay there, saturated and turning to mud?
You have changed some things though, you changed the fan airflow so the girls are dancing now, which means transpiring plants, which is what you want. The bags will by drying out more quickly as well with the added airflow. They will be using the water you are giving them now. You may want to build a berm around the edges of the pot, make the dirt higher on the perimeter of the pot so it focuses the water towards the center where the main stalk comes out of your soil, especially if you notice quick or heavy run off.
This is not exact or even the best, its what works for me, hope it helps.


The cycle may change depending on strain. I have some sativa leaners that are camels and do not drink that much, I have others that will drink a bottle a day. My cycle is is just a reference, something repeatable that is used a a base line that works on most plants. I adjust accordingly as plant dictates.


Dude, i appreciate this, full of info. I do get water seeping out of the sides, instantly. It takes no time for the water to run out of the sides, hence why i was going to make the switch to plastic pots. when i water, i water super slow and the soil doesnt really do anything except sit there. It doesnt "mud" up though, i mean, im sure if i watered it a bit faster, but not to much faster, i would get that oxygen filled lift youre talking about. Hmmm, makes me think, me not watering with the lift, and not creating that loose soil, its just compacting my soil down from the water pushing on it? Maybe?

Sorry its taken me a minute to get back on here, came down with the damn flu, so the past few days have been alot of just chillen. Which is good, giving the plants time to dry up because i really just dont have the motivation to do much with them right now.

Really appreciate the time you took to make the detailed guide @Hidd3nGr0w im going to refer to that when i do my next waterings.


Wow, This flu is wrecking me. Havent been around the past couple days, pretty bed ridden. I wanted to post a quick update, ill probably go back to dreamland here soon once the next round of meds kick in so i just wanted to get something up for the people that do care about my always dying plants. LOOL.

Doing good! Really, were not doing to shabby. One started to wilt cuz my neglect because of being sick. I did give her a LIGHT feed. The manufacture recommendation was 1tsp, per gallon, so i did 1/4tsp in 2 gallons of water. a SUPER light feeding. Will bump up from there if needed. Hopefully it can help turn this girl around. So heres a little documentation of my big girl that had root problems watering tonight.

Like i said, i filled a 5 gallon bucket with2 gallons of water and mixed the nutrients at 1/4 of the manufacture rec.
IMG 20191224 215720 9

Some full plant pics before the watering. *BEFORE*
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Soil is very very dry, so i know i need to water it, WELL.
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Then plant pics, AFTER THE WATERING: before i put her back in the tent.
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I used about a gallon and a half, on a 3 gallon pot.
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The soil afterwards, its not muddy, i dont think? I feel like its pretty aerated!

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The run off, fairly clean. The pot was VERY HEAVY when i put it back in the tent.
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And then ... this is what being sick does to ya... what a dirty ass grow room. I had an influx of grow packages arrive while ive been sick, and i havent been able to put them away, just to lazy right now. LMAO, With that being said. i picked up the next size plastic pots, i picked up some promix HP, roots organics soil and some extra perlite (ALL FOR FUTURE RUNS)

Some Grow more 20-20-20 water soluble fertilizer came with the promix hp????? is this useful for pot?


@Hidd3nGr0w ill be testing out your method of watering, on my next water on my younger plants, see if i can get that cycle going with some healthy plants. i once again do appreciate the effort you put in towards the information you posted.

@BloodShot did not forget about the plant pic you wanted, if you look above i got a few. Sorry for the delay, damn flu.

As for the rest of the garden, i mean, we're hoppin' :D
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Have a good christmas guys, hopefully ill be a lil more active again here soon!


How many days does it take for it to droop that bad from a lack of water?

Shave 24 hours off that and water abit earlier. But you are for sure getting it, id rather see them droop and recover in a few hours.
Than over water and take a week.

keep up the good work!

They are really looking good now.
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How many days does it take for it to droop that bad from a lack of water?

Shave 24 hours off that and water abit earlier. But you are for sure getting it, id rather see them droop and recover in a few hours.
Than over water and take a week.

keep up the good work!

They are really looking good now.
Bunker, are u ready for this? It took nearly a week and a half... Maybe almost two weeks man. 3 gallon pot. i know, i feel like thats a long while? But yeah i got you bunker! i know i went a little far and i need to catch it before that wilt from lack of water, i wont lie, being sick too, i saw that plant started to wilt, and i waited like, another day while it was wilting to water. i know i know, im a bad person, but i was sick and lazy lol, feeling better now so ill be able to keep a better eye, and ill catch her and get her watered sooner ,rather than pushing her off till she wilts like that.

Thanks for the feedback bunker!

PS: Hopefully santa is treating all of you well! Merry christmas!


Sounds about right. Id guessed 9-10 days.

Now you know :) They like dryish soil.

Anytime you water - it takes days to even get into a decent moisture content.
If you water too much, it just never gets any oxygen.


I noticed that when they are pissed they don’t drink as much, sometimes 5-10 days in my 5gallon cut off buckets, and it was hard to water the right amount!
But once I got the routine down, and figured out some proper nutes the plants needed, they started drinking more and more, same dirt same plants now I’m watering every 2-3 days!


I noticed that when they are pissed they don’t drink as much, sometimes 5-10 days in my 5gallon cut off buckets, and it was hard to water the right amount!
But once I got the routine down, and figured out some proper nutes the plants needed, they started drinking more and more, same dirt same plants now I’m watering every 2-3 days!
Your doing great man! It’s exciting once they start getting happy right? I’m enjoying your excitement almost as my own, I have a couple plants trying to come back! It’s pretty exciting lol

merry Christmas!


Your doing great man! It’s exciting once they start getting happy right? I’m enjoying your excitement almost as my own, I have a couple plants trying to come back! It’s pretty exciting lol

merry Christmas!
Appreciate the vibes bro! THIS GIRL HAS TURNED AROUND 360!!! Im fucking pumped bro. I have been lurking your grow thread too finisher, i am keeping track too :D


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the thin new growth?

looks like pk toxicity but i dont think that makes sense with your setup.

Its something that needs to get addressed. But its not a hard correction.


Oh your feeding them 20-20-20? That's likely why. Reduce.
They already got food in the soil.
and are not in their prime growing fast.

Check your soil ph as well.

FF Big Bloom Recommends 1/2 CUP per gallon on "heavy feed:

Me and the guy at the hydro shop were like dafuq, no? Never lol.

They are just guidelines. 20-20-20 is strong.
im only running like 8-3-5


Oh your feeding them 20-20-20? That's likely why. Reduce.
They already got food in the soil.
and are not in their prime growing fast.

Check your soil ph as well.
No no no, im not feeding them anything yet. That 20-20-20 came with some soil i got, i was wondering if its even useable or not for pot?

Im thinking it was ph, i watered her last night, i may have gone to low.


noOooO dont buy a expensive one :P lol.

Dr. Meters are only like 30 bucks and have a 1 year warranty.
Doesnt have to be bluelab. Over priced imo.


Nor did i want you to spend more money - Im sure you will but later. already spent enough. lets get you into flower cheaply as we can.

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