I think ive actually made it to my first feed? WOW.

  • Thread starter CosmoGrows
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Nor did i want you to spend more money - Im sure you will but later. already spent enough. lets get you into flower cheaply as we can.
I see dr meters has a ph pen for water, but not like a soil tester? Appreciate the wallet thoughts, LOL, the wallet be hurting, so thats a great idea lmao.


Oh fuck yeah i went way to low last night on the ph, i dont know what the hell i was doing. this flu is seriously killing me lmao. i tested the water i used last night and it was for sure low.


granted its not as nice, or as "accurate"....

But ive had mine for a year now, no problems.
Never had PH issues.


Yeah but it's only for water pH right? I'm looking for soil pH. Does Dr meter have one for soil?


Could it possibly be the strain?? Shes growing out just fine.
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Hey Cosmo, glad you are feeling better flu is not a joke. Glad you pulled through and your plants still look good!

Couple of opinions, watering your "big girl" you used 1 1/2 gallon to water right? The formula calls for 1/4 to 1/3 of pot capacity. You gave 1/2 the capacity (3 gal = 1 1/2 gallon) which is no biggie, though it will take longer before watering again. Downside is plant may start to run out of oxygen before the soil is dry enough to except fresh water (oxygen). One good thing you have going for you is the amount of run off you had, just eyeballing the catch basin size and depth it looks like you had 1/2 to 3/4 gal of run off. Basically 1/3 to 1/2 of what you gave the plant resulted in run off. On my 3 gal pots I usually give 4-5 of the water bottles full or right at 1/2 gallon as a heavy water, that's 1/3 of what you used . That results in a trickle of water out holes in the bottom of the pot, that just barely covers the bottom of a catch basin very similar to yours, and is wicked up by the plant in about an hour.

Also the small plant in your last pics has new growth that is tip burned. It will be light colored because it is new growth, but the curl at the end is tip burns. You can see it starting in the fan leaves as well with the pointy serated shape on the edges on some of the leaf's pictured. That plant was not in that spot in previous pics so I doubt it is wind burn. Even with the tip burn the plant still looks happy. I would be willing to bet there are quite a few growers on here who have had tip burns on their plants especially in flower when pushing nutrients, not all but a few, all have experienced it though. Did you feed that plant anything?


Hey Cosmo, glad you are feeling better flu is not a joke. Glad you pulled through and your plants still look good!

Couple of opinions, watering your "big girl" you used 1 1/2 gallon to water right? The formula calls for 1/4 to 1/3 of pot capacity. You gave 1/2 the capacity (3 gal = 1 1/2 gallon) which is no biggie, though it will take longer before watering again. Downside is plant may start to run out of oxygen before the soil is dry enough to except fresh water (oxygen). One good thing you have going for you is the amount of run off you had, just eyeballing the catch basin size and depth it looks like you had 1/2 to 3/4 gal of run off. Basically 1/3 to 1/2 of what you gave the plant resulted in run off. On my 3 gal pots I usually give 4-5 of the water bottles full or right at 1/2 gallon as a heavy water, that's 1/3 of what you used . That results in a trickle of water out holes in the bottom of the pot, that just barely covers the bottom of a catch basin very similar to yours, and is wicked up by the plant in about an hour.

Also the small plant in your last pics has new growth that is tip burned. It will be light colored because it is new growth, but the curl at the end is tip burns. You can see it starting in the fan leaves as well with the pointy serated shape on the edges on some of the leaf's pictured. That plant was not in that spot in previous pics so I doubt it is wind burn. Even with the tip burn the plant still looks happy. I would be willing to bet there are quite a few growers on here who have had tip burns on their plants especially in flower when pushing nutrients, not all but a few, all have experienced it though. Did you feed that plant anything?

Ahhh, i re-read your post, and i see where you say 1/4-1/3 capacity. Unfortunately, these discussion forums require comprehension, which, is not my strong suit. So bare with me as you may have to really pound certain things into my head. But now i got you. My plants do get rotated like once every other day, every two days. Usually when i water and take them out of the tent, they dont get put back in the same spot,just how it happens, its not really even on purpose.

Just for this posts sake, We will call her big girl Lol.
But yes, i fed the big girl 1/8TH of the manufactures recommendation of flora nova grow. 7-4...uh.. 10? I think its 7-4-10. I could be wrong ill have to look again, either way im sure you know what im talking about.
The manufacture said 1tsp per 1 gallon. So i did 1/4 tsp in 2 gallons of water, and used that. So it would dumb down the ratio to about 1/8th of the manufactures recommendation. (hopefully that makes sense?? THIS FLU NEEDS TO GO!!)

I figured i would start there, and if i needed to go higher then i would go up the next watering. Or water with normal water, and then water again higher after that.


1 gallon pot.
1/4 of a gallon of water.

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Today is the day i put the fox farm soil to rest. I chucked the rest of the bag, and i will be indulging in roots organics. Im done with that bullshit. i noticed the root organics soil is very soft, it doesnt compact up and create this issue. Future plants will be planted in roots organics. i am no longer using fox farm brand.


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Before/During Water you can see the extreme wilt

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After 1/4 of a gallon of water.



1 gallon pot.
1/4 of a gallon of water.

View attachment 924815

Today is the day i put the fox farm soil to rest. I chucked the rest of the bag, and i will be indulging in roots organics. Im done with that bullshit. i noticed the root organics soil is very soft, it doesnt compact up and create this issue. Future plants will be planted in roots organics. i am no longer using fox farm brand.

But didnt you forget to add perlite? Always better to stick with what we are working with rather than add a new learning curve. And always bad to transplant into different media than the roots are in already.

Once the roots have been damaged the grow will always be frustrating. Changes in my opinion always make things worse unless you know exactly why we are making them.


Nah I can't anymore I'm sorry mimed. :( Im just to discouraged now i cant break out of it. Let me go run myself into a brick wall and knock myself out real quick and then ill probably come running back screaming for mimedgrower help. lol.
I added perlite to this one. It's in a 50/50 mix(OR SO.). It lived a perfect life until now it's 2nd water.

I know mimed you're going to hate me for not listening and I know I'm going to be an idiot for not listening, but let me shoot myself in the foot this time. I won't transplant what I have into a new medium, but I'm going to switch soils for all future plants.

I love it. Some of you guys will even message me randomly to try and help out. Without u guys I'd be fucked. But I think I'm going to change some things for a little bit and take you're advice about the books @MIMedGrower.

I will do some shooting myself in the foot for a little bit. It's what I did the first run, but I had weed grow. I am going to go back to what I was doing at first when I got the weed to grow, with roots organics. trying a new method is re-motivating for me, as the possibility of results might be at the end of the tunnel. Probably not, but maybe theres success somewhere down there deep.
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Hey Cozmo, plants are looking GREAT man. I tried to get a few pictures of the watering process, but it was really hard to see so I did not upload, but maybe you can catch what I am saying with these. This is a 1.75 gallon. You can see how deep the soil is from the top. Every OTHER week I will fill this to the line you see inside the pot if you look to the right of the photo or about 1 inch covering the surface of the soil completely with water, which is usually about 1/3 to 1/2 gallon of water.
View attachment 923436

I am giving it 1/4 to 1/3 of the total capacity of the pot itself (2 gallon pot). You are in 1 gallon so you are looking at 32 oz. which is 2 of these.
View attachment 923435

I do not water with Aquafina, it is just an easy way to measure how much water I put in. After I pour all that water in I am waiting for run off. If I get runoff almost immediately, like while I am pouring the water in, thats not good. It means its running down the sides and not absorbing into the roots. It should take a few seconds and should start as a TRICKLE, not just start flowing out the holes on the bottom of the pot. If it does, its running down the sides, which again is not good.
So if I water like that on Saturday, I will not even start thinking of watering till Wednesday, that's when I start checking weight, dry/damp of soil, how does the plant look. It may be Thursday, Friday, or Saturday before I actually water again. After I give that much water I pick up the pot to notice how heavy it is FULLY WATERED. Now I have a point of reference for when I recheck it 4 days later. So if it is lighter and needs watering again by Wednesday I may give it 1 whole water bottle full (16oz for me 8oz for you), or if it still feels heavy I may wait, but by that Saturday (7 days after heavy water), it will get a whole bottle no matter what, because it needs oxygen in the soil, it needs a recharge. Then water again on Wednesday and it will be ready for heavy water on Saturday again, completing a two week cycle. As the plant gets bigger in that same pot the cycle will change as well, To watering Saturday Heavy, then normal 1 bottle Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Heavy again for the cycle.
Your cycle in a 1 gal pot would be 2 full water bottles (32 oz or 2 pints) on Saturday (Heavy), then 1/2 bottle (8oz or 1/2 a pint) Wednesday, Saturday, Wednesday Saturday (Heavy again 2 bottles). The main thing for you is your run off speed right now, how fast do you start to get run off when watering? Immediately not good, small trickle 4-5 seconds after water seeps in and soil settles looking good. Also what does your soil do when you water? Does it rise and then settle back in, meaning dry and full of air, or does it just lay there, saturated and turning to mud?
You have changed some things though, you changed the fan airflow so the girls are dancing now, which means transpiring plants, which is what you want. The bags will by drying out more quickly as well with the added airflow. They will be using the water you are giving them now. You may want to build a berm around the edges of the pot, make the dirt higher on the perimeter of the pot so it focuses the water towards the center where the main stalk comes out of your soil, especially if you notice quick or heavy run off.
This is not exact or even the best, its what works for me, hope it helps.
GreT description! Awsome info


Nor did i want you to spend more money - Im sure you will but later. already spent enough. lets get you into flower cheaply as we can.

I get better results from a slurry test those soil meters not even the good ones work well in my opinion , just tryin to give ya options that work without spending more cash


Sorry I’m late but catching up
Nah I can't anymore I'm sorry mimed. :( Im just to discouraged now i cant break out of it. Let me go run myself into a brick wall and knock myself out real quick and then ill probably come running back screaming for mimedgrower help. lol.
I added perlite to this one. It's in a 50/50 mix. It lived a perfect life until now it's 2nd water.

I know mimed you're going to hate me for not listening and I know I'm going to be an idiot for not listening, but let me shoot myself in the foot this time. I won't transplant what I have into a new medium, but I'm going to switch soils for all future plants.

I love it. Some of you guys will even message me randomly to try and help out. Without u guys I'd be fucked. But I think I'm going to change some things for a little bit and take you're advice about the books @MIMedGrower.

I will do some shooting myself in the foot for a little bit. It's what I did the first run, but I had weed grow. I am going to go back to what I was doing at first when I got the weed to grow, with roots organics. trying a new method is re-motivating for me, as the possibility of results might be at the end of the tunnel. Probably not, but maybe theres success somewhere down there deep.
Book knowledge! Great advice


Nah I can't anymore I'm sorry mimed. :( Im just to discouraged now i cant break out of it. Let me go run myself into a brick wall and knock myself out real quick and then ill probably come running back screaming for mimedgrower help. lol.
I added perlite to this one. It's in a 50/50 mix. It lived a perfect life until now it's 2nd water.

I know mimed you're going to hate me for not listening and I know I'm going to be an idiot for not listening, but let me shoot myself in the foot this time. I won't transplant what I have into a new medium, but I'm going to switch soils for all future plants.

I love it. Some of you guys will even message me randomly to try and help out. Without u guys I'd be fucked. But I think I'm going to change some things for a little bit and take you're advice about the books @MIMedGrower.

I will do some shooting myself in the foot for a little bit. It's what I did the first run, but I had weed grow. I am going to go back to what I was doing at first when I got the weed to grow, with roots organics. trying a new method is re-motivating for me, as the possibility of results might be at the end of the tunnel. Probably not, but maybe theres success somewhere down there deep.

Sometimes that’s how we learn best
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