Insane in the Membrane

  • Thread starter ProGroWannabe
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Nice looking buds under those TL's...looks like its gonne yield well :yes:


Purkle...thanks man! And yeah, they tend to get a bit fussy when your feeding them for more than 10 weeks. I think the biggest issues with feeding sats like these, is to flush the medium every few weeks, and once you find the maximum dose of ferts they like, back off a bit and be sure not to go over that number regardless. The two macros that mine were most sensitive to are/were nitrogen (of course) and also potassium. These sats don't like very much of either one.

Core.....thanks for stoppin by. Yeah the total yield is still hard to guess when ya have colas going all over the I've already gotten a shade over a QP out of there as they've started to finish up, but there is way more still growing, than I've harvested so far. wooohoooo So yeah, ya can yield under floro's.;)


Well boys and girls, I've just sampled two hits of Wonder Haze bear with me as I attempt to remember what I'm typing, and I'll give ya a lil smoke report.

I used a small sample. Small enough that my scale wouldn't register it, but it looked about the size of 1/5th of a normal joint. Smoking device was a simple aluminum bat that came with the dugout.

On the first inhale the smoke had a distintive bite--hitting mostly in the back of the mouth/top of the throat. I'm pretty pathetic at describing tastes and smells, but I guess it was a fairly spicey, earthy taste.Lung expansion was decent. It doesn't make you feel like a sumo wrestler is on your chest, but it's definitely there. The high came on quick! I wasn't blasted off, as if I were tied to a rocket, rather it was a comfortable acceleration.
After walking into the other room to get something, suddenly I had no idea what I weant in there for. Ok, I'm feeling it now, I thought. Once I remembered what I went in there for, I got it and came into the living room. But once I got in here, I couldn't remember what I was going to do with it. Suffice it to say, this has continued now for for almost an hour. This must be the most forgetful weed I've ever smoked. As I type this, I'm constantly having to go back over what I just wrote to remember what it was I was saying.

It's leveled off to a nice HIGH plateau now. I can feel my heartbeat in my skull. My lungs are nicely expanded (or so it feels). Breathing is easier. Great friggin weed--even if I did have to wait 13 weeks for it. I'm going to go enjoy my high now.

And now, a word from our sponsors.....


lovely work . .

1st of all i'd like to say great work you've done with your crop, i've been reading & looking at you pics, great work . .
i've to get my friend to show me how to put my pics on, i've a camera full of photos to show, i've also got ten ak 47, & ten skunk no 11 that will be ready the following thursday, i'm going to photo them all up on a connon ids mk3 2moro & put them up ok, i'll photo them all getting manicured next week as well, the dry out to ok,

so you high yet or what pro gro wannabe . . ha ha ha . .


Sounds great doc! I'm anxious to see what's poppin in your garden.

And uhhh yeah, I'm high I think!


Sounds great doc! I'm anxious to see what's poppin in your garden.

And uhhh yeah, I'm high I think!

you spend your life been anxious ha ha, me myself i'm just after been down watering them etc, & i am yes, getting 'very, very anxious' indeed, ha ha, it's my favourite time though, i'll put some nice photos up 2moro when i get my photos sorted . .

i've got 12 babies of skunk no 11 there 2, day are 7'' tall now, i'm going to put them under a 400w & veg them soon . .

p.s, ur new name is 'progroanxious' . .

i'll pm u s,n ok . .


Damn ProGro!! Tackling some serious Hazes under those T5's...

I dunno how I missed this thread for so long man, its a really great show thats for sure. I dont think I have ever seen yeilds and colas like that under flourescents. GREAT works man!

Be sure to give us some more smoke reports...Ive been thinking of starting some O*Haze x Skunk1 beans I have, and was thinking bout gettin some Wonder Haze a while ago... Haven't heard much on the Phnom Phen either so I really cant wait to hear how these ladies smoke for ya after a nice cure!!

So when do you think they will be coming down?

Keep up the awesome work proving what the T5s can do man!!



Doc, I know I STAY anxious, somethin going on that I'm waiting for.

Thanks CoS! Your welcome in my threads anytime man!

The Wonder Hazes I had were ALL DIFFERENT! There were absolute variations in each of them, no doubt. All of the phenos seemed to bring something nice to the table, but I'd have preferred a couple of plants to be similar so that I could decipher what Rez was after, but since there were no repeated phenos, I have no idea which plant met his goals (if there were any goals). Maybe I'm being harsh, but I prefer a little stability in a seed line.

As for when they are coming down: The rest of them will all be harvested at different times. The PP will be harvested a little at a time as it matures. There is quite a bit of variance in the ripening of diferent branches and colas. I harvested a few smaller branches today. Others look to go another few days. And still others will go another week or two.

As for the O.Haze x Sk1....It's putting on weight fast now, but it has taken it's sweet ass time. I believe that what really took so long, for the pheno that I have, is the stretch period. I think this thing stretched far longer than the others before it really started setting buds in earnest. If it weren't for the long stretch, it would probably be done by now.


PGW between your journal and the sales manager at my hydro store I and seriously thinking of going with these next summer over one of my gardens and HID on the other to see the difference. Summer time heat kicked my ass this year.

Do you think 2 of these over a 3 x 4 bed would work?



Premium Member
Mirror the size of the lamp with these T5's to determine the footprint your plants will thrive in JJ. PGW, can't wait to read about you in the papers after you smoke that OHaze son. Have you seen the John C. Reilly movie Walk Hard??


JJ I've been drooling over that fixture for a while. It puts out 6000 more lumens than mine, PLUS it does it in a smaller footprint---so you should see better penetration and higher intensity than what I get. I say do the damn thang brother!

hehe that's a cool store too hehe. goes it bro? If that OHaze cross ramps me up harder than the PP or the WH, I'm not sure if I wanna hit But I will for sake of the report:tongueout:giggle

And no, I haven't seen that movie. I take it I'm missing out?


Premium Member
Sorry bro, you're gonna have to take one for the team on that OHaze. Dial 9-1 and wait for that shit to kick in.

That is the funniest movie I've seen in a long time. It's a send up of Johnny Cash and lots of other musicians with a hysterical cast and script. Instant classic in my book. Will Ferrell and John C Reilly have done a bunch of movies together that I thought were OK, this is JCR solo and man he does it up big time. I think Tim Meadows steals the show.

If you're into comedies and music watch it.


I'll have to do that! Thanks for tellin me about it,bro.


Premium Member
I think I might wanna try me some of that cacain LOL:dance

PGW:hi I need to see you knockout some Indica CFL brother:handshake


Yeah bru, I'm workin on it! There are some indi-doms under the floro's right now. I just put 11 seedlings under there. See this page for details homie


it dose indeed . .

Way to work those plants, nice job.
This proves even greater that you don't have to have an elaborate set up to get great results.



it dose indeed prove it my friend, great work hes done . .


Thanks doc! I appreciate all the kind words guys, I really do. It kinda makes all the hours I've spent tying and retying worth it. Of course it's also for the good of our collective knowledge base as a community. One more thing that we now know CAN be done with acceptable results.

Keep the experiments going guys. I know I'm always trying to come up with a new one that's worthwhile. Keeps growing fun if we keep pushing our limits.


Thanks doc! I appreciate all the kind words guys, I really do. It kinda makes all the hours I've spent tying and retying worth it. Of course it's also for the good of our collective knowledge base as a community. One more thing that we now know CAN be done with acceptable results.

Keep the experiments going guys. I know I'm always trying to come up with a new one that's worthwhile. Keeps growing fun if we keep pushing our limits.

ProGrow your enthusiams for gardening is inspiring and your gardens are impressive I must say. The one thing that bothers me on forums such as this is when some one says "that's wrong" or "you can't do that" or "black pots suck" etc but I think you get the meaning of what I am saying.

Each garden is different, each gardener is different. What works for me just might not work so well for you because your parameters are different than mine. White pots promote algae, black pots absorb heat if you are running 10k of lights then heat would surely be an issue but if you are under 400w then algae would be my biggest concern and not heat. All I am saying here is that no one method is better than another, it's what works best for you.

Keep up the good work PG, I'll be watching and learning.:handshake



Wow thanks JJ! I'll definitely keep at it. Afterall, the only thing I love more than growing is the lil mrs. and my kids. So I guess that makes growing 3rd on the list of things I love--gotta keep at! lol

And yeah JJ, I COMPLETELY agree with you about everyone's methods being a bit different. And that's one of the things that make forums such interesting places to read, learn, and have fun.

There have been some major changes to the garden and I promise to get pics up as soon as I can. The last Wonder Haze has been chopped, as well as the top and some of the side colas of the Phenom Phen. So needless to say, there is way more room for light penetration now.


Here's a few harvest shots. There would have been more by this time, but I've been busy as hell and just didn't get the pics guys. Sorry.

The first is the main cola on the OHaze x Sk1. There are 3 more colas in there that are all bigger than this one, but I guess I'll let em foxtail a little longer.

The rest of the pics are of one of the Phnom Phen's side-branch-colas. There were several of these and I regret not getting more pics of them. I truly love the bud structure on this plant. All it does is stack one calyx right on top of the other to form tiny "calyx poles" for lack of a better description. Really neat when your used to seeing standard indica-type buds.

The buds have all filled in well, but once dried they take on that classic haze look--open, airy type look. I DO wish that they had put on a little more resin, but as is, these buds pictured have flowered for 15 weeks. I think that's

I have yet to hit the OHaze cross. It obviously needs some drying. A cure won't hurt But I know the PP is great if ya like a little pep in your step.

Anyhow, here they are:
PP Cola
PP Cola2
PP Cola3
PP Cola4
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