One Plant One Scrog Contest CannaGranny Style

  • Thread starter CannaGranny
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I’m excited for you! Will be interesting to compare terps, weight, take at the end.
She looks close according to the pistils, have you scoped out her trichs yet? Thats always my go to, as I have seen so many do different things. When I grew some landrace gold, her pistils were dark through the entire process.
The Durban Ice is a cross between ca landrace African Durban that I have had for years, and White Ice. A friend of mine sent a cut of the Durban out to the West Coast to a breeder and this is what we came up with. The idea was to try and bred the size of her down. My first grow with her in a tent was scrogged, it took three trellis nets to just shove her back down in flower. I mean shoved her literally back down, when I took her out and we stretched the limbs, she stood basically fourteen feet tall!
My grow buddy planted seeds as soon as they came back, he ended up with two much shorter and squattier plants and one super tall like her Mother. His is due out in the next week or so, so I will get to try her out! I on the other hand, just popped my first as room has not permitted it. Will let you know. If she is worthy I’d be happy to share some seeds with you!
Thank you for being excited with me! Even though its almost been a year since i starte growing, im still a noob so i wanna try it all out (except for dwc i dont have the intestinal fortitude for dwc lmao). Just scoped out her trichs before lights out and she is like 70-80% cloudy/clear. Soo i give her about 2ish weeks till i chop and reveg, totalling like 8 weeks from flip. Her pistils for sure are looking darker by the day so hopefully she will ripen up as quick as she flowered. This is the beginning of week 7 so she is budding FAST!

And when you say youve had a cut of durban for years, does that mean a plant just vegging away for years? Always wondered how that wirks where people keep a strain atound for a while like that. And i would love some durban ice seeds especially cuz its part of like "cannagranny genectics" lol. When my banana krumble is ready for clones i will share some with you if you want! After i smoke test her first :p


Thank you for being excited with me! Even though its almost been a year since i starte growing, im still a noob so i wanna try it all out (except for dwc i dont have the intestinal fortitude for dwc lmao). Just scoped out her trichs before lights out and she is like 70-80% cloudy/clear. Soo i give her about 2ish weeks till i chop and reveg, totalling like 8 weeks from flip. Her pistils for sure are looking darker by the day so hopefully she will ripen up as quick as she flowered. This is the beginning of week 7 so she is budding FAST!

And when you say youve had a cut of durban for years, does that mean a plant just vegging away for years? Always wondered how that wirks where people keep a strain atound for a while like that. And i would love some durban ice seeds especially cuz its part of like "cannagranny genectics" lol. When my banana krumble is ready for clones i will share some with you if you want! After i smoke test her first :p
In answer to your question, she has been carried on for years via clones. If I like this cross I will start a mother plant and yep, keep her in a constant state of veg. Im excited about having a lot of new stuff to try out for sure. You are close!


In answer to your question, she has been carried on for years via clones. If I like this cross I will start a mother plant and yep, keep her in a constant state of veg. Im excited about having a lot of new stuff to try out for sure. You are close!
Heck yea, pleasantly surprised ill get to smoke some nanner krumble sooner than i thought :D. Big apple cookies is a week behind me thinks. And thats pretty cool about the moms, will you be doing any crossing, or do you not allow any pollen around the farm? Anyway have a great Sunday! Sending you a care package next week :D


I’m excited about growing @Dragonsflame genetics! Thinking I would get a random selection by the breeder as a prize for photo of the month contest, I sent him a dm and gave him my address. He responded by telling me to go to his site and just pick them out!
Now this caused complete anxiety as I added to the cart, removed stuff, readded…and still had to make the final choices.
After half a day of being like a child handed a toy catalog I finally made my mind up. These are my choices:



I’m excited about growing @Dragonsflame genetics! Thinking I would get a random selection by the breeder as a prize for photo of the month contest, I sent him a dm and gave him my address. He responded by telling me to go to his site and just pick them out!
Now this caused complete anxiety as I added to the cart, removed stuff, readded…and still had to make the final choices.
After half a day of being like a child handed a toy catalog I finally made my mind up. These are my choices:

Wow those are some unique strains, and they look dank af. SO COOL you won and could choose! I think you chose wisely. That Hawaiian strain Haole Moonshine looks really frosty, and its cool to be able to breed some Hawaiian genetics! Orange Stash, gotta love the orange terps! Super excited for you to try out these strains!


I’m excited about growing @Dragonsflame genetics! Thinking I would get a random selection by the breeder as a prize for photo of the month contest, I sent him a dm and gave him my address. He responded by telling me to go to his site and just pick them out!
Now this caused complete anxiety as I added to the cart, removed stuff, readded…and still had to make the final choices.
After half a day of being like a child handed a toy catalog I finally made my mind up. These are my choices:

Also Im liking that Dragons Stash F3 and its humidity tolerance. We get hella humidity here in VA so that seems like a good strain for some Virginia outdoor!


@hyp3rids did the same! I spent hours looking at his genetics deciding which part of the world I wanted to experience. I finally settled on Thailand and Cambodia. Was just like Christmas! Looking forward to growing consuming and the experience. He offered to answer questions and was extremely helpful.
These are my choices:

HECK YEAH landraces, now these look interesting. Really good material for breeding :D. Imagine that Chocolate Mimosa with that Tuco.


Happy ❤️ to everyone

This was my valentine present
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She gets me.. 🥰


The banana krumble is legit the smelliest girl ive grown, i smell her in the mornings (lmfao) and almost expect the smell to be gone like it was a dream.
Just gorgeous Z and glad it's givin off some wicked breakfast phenos. Peep the song below and by way of NLP you will now associate this song with the smells in the morning 🤗
Stoked af to watch cause I'm cultivating one this next grow. Love seeing what she is capable of. I can almost smell nana just lookin at her 🍌



Working on next scrog. This is a Bruce Banner 2.0 popped Dec 26 (photo). Dog ate one when it was an infant, so this is unintentionally a 1 plant scrog. 2 autos (Knows Candy) are in the front Earthbox and will be taken out of the tent as soon as I need the room on the trellis. I also have a couple heirloom tomatoes started in there.

Ironically, my dog tried to eat one of the Knows Candy but I caught her with it in her mouth. I rescued it and replanted it. Something about seedlings she likes.

Same soil as the last scrog with only a minor amendment of castings, rock dust/gypsum and sprouted seedmeal. Water only from seed to harvest.
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