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well said. Too many times it's about ego and who has the most expensive toys. I like the k.i.s.s. method. Keep it simple stupid. As for humans the high from organic or non-organic is the same. The brain chemistry can't tell the difference but responds to either the levels of cbd or thc according to the individual brain chemistry. Just like taking a vitamin or getting the vitamin from a vegetable, your body can not tell the difference.
Not only this, there is also a difference between being elevated by the plants potency being thc, CBd, terpenes, etc or simply cutting oxygen from your brain by smoking dog hair,cat hair, bugs, molds, etc that are in your buds.


Not only this, there is also a difference between being elevated by the plants potency being thc, CBd, terpenes, etc or simply cutting oxygen from your brain by smoking dog hair,cat hair, bugs, molds, etc that are in your buds.
I'd say there was a little more house cleaning to be done. Two cats and a dog and I don't have that problem.


Not only this, there is also a difference between being elevated by the plants potency being thc, CBd, terpenes, etc or simply cutting oxygen from your brain by smoking dog hair,cat hair, bugs, molds, etc that are in your buds.
if you end up smoking mold on your bud you are going to be in some shit. Might as well take acid.😂


I'd say there was a little more house cleaning to be done. Two cats and a dog and I don't have that problem.
I have 3 cats and a long haired Intern that I'm trying to show some tricks to, and after my last grow, I had to lay down the law about pulling hair back and changing clothes before dealing with plants, otherwise I find more hair on my buds than on my head (although that wouldn't take many!). I'm just finishing up the time honored and intensively pleasurable task of trimming, and the results from the hair rules was notable. It doesn't bother me as much as I can't hardly see the damn hairs anymore, and I don't sell it, so nobody complains. After the previous grow, however, even I saw the hair everywhere and even if I couldn't see it, I knew it was around and it bothered me like a Chinese Water torture, the more I thought about it.


I have 3 cats and a long haired Intern that I'm trying to show some tricks to, and after my last grow, I had to lay down the law about pulling hair back and changing clothes before dealing with plants, otherwise I find more hair on my buds than on my head (although that wouldn't take many!). I'm just finishing up the time honored and intensively pleasurable task of trimming, and the results from the hair rules was notable. It doesn't bother me as much as I can't hardly see the damn hairs anymore, and I don't sell it, so nobody complains. After the previous grow, however, even I saw the hair everywhere and even if I couldn't see it, I knew it was around and it bothered me like a Chinese Water torture, the more I thought about it.


I have 3 cats and a long haired Intern that I'm trying to show some tricks to, and after my last grow, I had to lay down the law about pulling hair back and changing clothes before dealing with plants, otherwise I find more hair on my buds than on my head (although that wouldn't take many!). I'm just finishing up the time honored and intensively pleasurable task of trimming, and the results from the hair rules was notable. It doesn't bother me as much as I can't hardly see the damn hairs anymore, and I don't sell it, so nobody complains. After the previous grow, however, even I saw the hair everywhere and even if I couldn't see it, I knew it was around and it bothered me like a Chinese Water torture, the more I thought about it.
I keep my hair short, after my dog mauled one of my mother plants(she is fine, the dog and plant), I really became a tyrant about ANYTHING going back there. Yes I do have hair, I still do keep it clean, I smoke it, the woman I love smokes it, and that is it.


I keep my hair short, after my dog mauled one of my mother plants(she is fine, the dog and plant), I really became a tyrant about ANYTHING going back there. Yes I do have hair, I still do keep it clean, I smoke it, the woman I love smokes it, and that is it.

Compost Man

What do you mean by organic? If you speaking of the definition of it, then just place a plant outside and let it grow, that would be a purely organic grow. Organic nutrients? Growing medium?
If an earthworm can live in it, my conclusion suggest organic.


I'm doing this G13-HAZE grow using liquid organic nutrients, like bat guano and a fish/kelp souluable. I'm using silica sand and Sphagnum peat moss. I've never grown that way. I have an open mind though . Wish me success 🖐🤣🇺🇸

ORGANICS aid the soils life.
While chemicals destroy it. Put an earthworm in each type of additives. Organics you don't have to regulate, the soils life breaks it down and regulates what's available for plants. Chemicals on the other hand, you must constantly check. Have you ever noticed the"white" residue outside of containers, chemical residues.

I do wish you success. I just disagree with some of your claims.

And container gardening is quite different than in the ground or a garden size bed or even huge soft pot.

I have a small low ceiling space. I stick with 3 gallon nutsery pots to help limit plant size. “Living” organics would not yield the potential i can get with supplemental fertilization. I use pure blend pro grow. Works well with my soil and well water and nothing else needed. Its a mostly organic style grow as most nutrients need to break down first and i am really feeding the soil not the plant directly.


You can go out to a farmer's field that treats with chemical fertilizers and find many earth worms. Also mice, moles, groundhogs etc...
so the whole earth worm stance is silly. You can kill anything if you drown it in organic or chemical based anything. After all everything alive needs water to live, yet too much and it will drown everything.


Some people are just super proud of what they do despite not having much of a frame of reference. And for all we know what he grows IS the best hes ever had... we dont know what other pot hes used to smoking..

I'll admit the pics dont look that great compared to what I'm used to seeing, but I dont feel the need to belittle the guy over it. Hes got strong opinions, misguided perhaps and I dont agree with a lot of it, but who really cares. A little respect for each other goes a long way.

Burned Haze

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
― Confucious

“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

“There are no bad pictures; that's just how your face looks sometimes.”
― Abraham Lincoln

“Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty.”
― Albert Einstein


“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
― Confucious

“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

“There are no bad pictures; that's just how your face looks sometimes.”
― Abraham Lincoln

“Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty.”
― Albert Einstein

Really great post!


Some people are just super proud of what they do despite not having much of a frame of reference. And for all we know what he grows IS the best hes ever had... we dont know what other pot hes used to smoking..

I'll admit the pics dont look that great compared to what I'm used to seeing, but I dont feel the need to belittle the guy over it. Hes got strong opinions, misguided perhaps and I dont agree with a lot of it, but who really cares. A little respect for each other goes a long way.


Some people are just super proud of what they do despite not having much of a frame of reference. And for all we know what he grows IS the best hes ever had... we dont know what other pot hes used to smoking..

I'll admit the pics dont look that great compared to what I'm used to seeing, but I dont feel the need to belittle the guy over it. Hes got strong opinions, misguided perhaps and I dont agree with a lot of it, but who really cares. A little respect for each other goes a long way.
Forum, a public place outdoors, Rome, Greece and several other nations of the time had forums. The term Professor:someone who proclaims to be an expert in some field such as art or science. What we have now is the same thing, the same situation, with the same ideology. The person in question did issue a challenge when stating proof, when asked to provide proof of some sort it fell flat. If you have absolute proof then show it"professor", otherwise it is a statement of opinion, which is fine even if it is bold. Remember why these BBS is called forum.

“Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”
― Lao Tsu, Tao Teh Ching

A tree as great as a man's embrace springs from a small shoot;
A terrace nine stories high begins with a pile of earth;
A journey of a thousand miles starts under one's feet.
― Lao Tsu, Tao Teh Ching

Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.- Aristotle

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -Aristotle

Some animals are cunning and evil-disposed, as the fox; others, as the dog, are fierce, friendly, and fawning. Some are gentle and easily tamed, as the elephant; some are susceptible of shame, and watchful, as the goose. Some are jealous and fond of ornament, as the peacock. -Aristotle
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