Super Silver Haze Dwc grow

  • Thread starter Thebestoftheworst
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Just performed a fimming leaving about 20 percent of the growth left I believe could have missed lol . Also current room temp 78 was 90 four two hours today but plants low and probably was around 85 . Hope that wasn’t to bad . And is it good to spray foliage with carbonated water for the small amount of co2 in it . Ppm is 260 ph 6.0
Seen some more root growth but how come my plant is so short lol ? It’s 3 weeks old almost 4
9142B474 3D28 4636 9F7A A8535045FD1A


@Moe.Red it’s about 6 inches and seeds came from a good friend currently growing the same seeds in dirt . His were about 14 inches tall at a month
AE9CCAE5 96B5 45D4 9035 2C8F990F3D37


One of the things I have noticed about hydro grows like this is early on the roots have mega free space and everything they need to grow and it seems like they grow down into the bucket faster than growing vertical at first. But once a little resistance from the bucket is encountered all that root mass makes for really fast veg growth. Once the roots catch up you will probably blow right past your buddy


Changed lights when dimmed from 20/4 to 18/6. Also had accident and lost my water from a poor water line and had caught it on time and no root damage but flooded room and had to mix nutes again I went to 5.9 ph at 400 /380 ppm and .9 ec . Went less on calmag this time . Room temp got up to 88 idk for how long had to be while I was sleeping last night . Room humidity is 71 current temp is 77 f . Just wanted to ask @Moe.Red why my leave were like this this morning is this a good sign since I wanted vertical growth and she does look taller in just one night after nutes

7.5 ml silica blast
7.5 calmag
2.5 ml micro
3ml grow
2.5 ml bloom
7.5 rapid start
2ml hydrogaurd
All in 3 gallon solution mix
EAD8DB45 BC14 40AF 97ED 40A62392C507
C54BB8B7 4AA0 4D1C AB57 058115C204D6


Looks good. Try not to use the blurple light when taking pics tho. Just turn them off for a minute and use the flash. You can practice by getting a shot of the roots. If you haven’t looked you will probably be surprised by the mass. Plant is developing like an iceberg right now.


Looks good. Try not to use the blurple light when taking pics tho. Just turn them off for a minute and use the flash. You can practice by getting a shot of the roots. If you haven’t looked you will probably be surprised by the mass. Plant is developing like an iceberg right now.
With out blurple lights
3F3F490A D9F8 420F B8E7 917084186126
562BC175 75B7 45FC 9AFA 4CFBEE1E3284
AE5BCBF0 53BA 4A78 8E0A E22A53797B5B


Hey guys just curious my ppm is still around 350 should I be higher around 400/600 just seeing a lot of people with plants my age introducing those levels around three week into veg maybe 4


low stress training would be better
It seems to have a pretty sturdy stock and very close node distance I even considered topping it just so those 5-6 new shoots could be level with what tiny canopy it is . With short nodes it blocks so much light I did happen to lower the lights a little bit ago . About 18 inches now so maybe the penetration of light can go a little farther. Lights still 18-6 which has helped the plant stretch . I hate I stunted it so early and for so long lol


Seems to be steady 300 ppm from 350 res temp still 69 degrees and ph 5.8
Water level is down 3 inches from net pot ,roots seems to be growing at speed of upper growth . Room temp in light 79-81 without light 66-75 just flux’s with ac and temps outside when heater is on low setting . Humidity 45-60 but set to 50 %
Light is about 20 inches from top of canopy .
think I’ll bump nutes up to 600 and give it another two weeks ?
also I noticed some slime build up on my tubes (airstone) lines . Is this the hydro guard ? Or bad stuff ? @Moe.Red
F3486CD8 900C 4895 A334 678B21746B62
261D91FC 558D 49CA A286 26ACC031CE66


Looks like a recovered plant to me. But it does not seem to be growing vertically much. That may be genetics or it could be lighting. Spectrum and intensity play a huge roll in steering plant development. For example far red will signal to the plant it is in the shade of another and cause it to become more branchy and grow sideways looking for light. I think there are a lot of blurple lights in landfills because people buy them when first starting out, realize the limitations in the first grow and upgrade. The only thing they have going for them is they are cheap.

is the slimy stuff on the roots?


Looks like a recovered plant to me. But it does not seem to be growing vertically much. That may be genetics or it could be lighting. Spectrum and intensity play a huge roll in steering plant development. For example far red will signal to the plant it is in the shade of another and cause it to become more branchy and grow sideways looking for light. I think there are a lot of blurple lights in landfills because people buy them when first starting out, realize the limitations in the first grow and upgrade. The only thing they have going for them is they are cheap.

is the slimy stuff on the roots?
No well I haven’t checked by touching roots I just see it on the wall a little and my waterlines were gooey . I’ll get rid of he marshydro light today And just use my bloom plus light


To the people who happen to stumble on the page thanks for joining me on my grow . As a novice at this I am just full of questions . Like for instance why is my ph going up if water level hasn’t really dropped nor has ppm changed ? With last water change (2week mark) the other day I set ph to 5.7 and returned today at 6.1 it seems to drift like this daily and requires adjustments to bring back to my 5.8 . Along with that are my spots from nutrient burns or is it ph lock out or really just my previous temps and humidity issues ?
when adding my solution I didn’t think 300 or 350 was still to high to cause spots so I figure it is the temp/hum . I recently posted up my feeding dosages for my 3 gallon res and still am unclear if I mixed them correctly and or if I did the silica right even tho I added it first ? Just wanted a kinda step by step run down how you guys do yours when mixing . Thanks again

PH drifts. It's supposed to. (Or at least that's what I've been told/read by Ed Rosenthal and a few others)...

Some other folks say it's supposed to stay at a particular PH.. I've noticed that when I let my PH drift, it brings out the terpenes, makes the plant more likely to change purple.

When I keep them from drifting though, they tend to extend their flowering times and stay greener, the pistils stay whiter for longer, plants take longer to mature, the buds get chunkier and denser due to being a bit longer to mature, but the terpenes aren't there and the flavor is greener and lacks the fruity grapey flavor that is present in drifted PH.

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