The Police are out of Control !!

  • Thread starter oscar169
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Living dead girl
This happened in HAWTHORNE. 'Nuff said..?

Although... that said, I think the guy was a fucking idiot for putting his dog in that situation, for walking a dog with an idiotic leash like that (I've owned and handled Rotties, that leash ain't shit and if he's using that, is his dog trained to voice commands? Past tense, was the dog trained? probably *not*), and then not securing the animal well enough to prevent its escaping. He pretty much asked for his dog to be shot, and he will have absolutely NO legal recourse, none whatsoever, with regard to his dog being killed.


If the police were properly trained to handle this situation, this dog would be alive still. They saw he had a dog.

So you're telling me, that a noise ordinance (what he was arrested for) is immediate grounds for arrest?

Where I'm from they issue a written citation, run your record in the process, and then they arrest you if you have outstanding warrants.

Dude was just talking. talking. thats it.

not waving a gun, not hurting anyone.

I value a dogs life 2nd to a humans, but in this case I believe those police handled this situation TERRIBLE. and should be held accountable.

The police escalated the situation. and that cop sure had a happy trigger finger. and a TERRIBLE shot I might add.


Five, if the police have any reason to contact you, in this case noise ordinance, they can frisk you for "officer safety" . They cant just stop a random dude on the street and frisk. Just like a cop can stop you for a tail light out or tinted windows. Think the cop cares that your windows are tinted? Nope, he wants to see what else is going on in the car or on your person.

They saw a guy being a jackass, almost taunting them, so they used the noise ord as a reason to see if he was holding or had warrants. If nothing had happened out of the contact, no drugs, guns or dogs shot, Id guess no mention of the noise ord would have been made or citations issued.


There were a dozen other lookie lous there recording sea that they said nothing to at all but they singled out the one guy who has a civil rights lawsuit against the department?And for a total bullshit reason,an excuse to hassle him really,so in my eyes they escalated the situation instead of diffusing it,he was no threat to them or anyone else they were just pissed and gonna get even and the dog who did nothing wrong paid the ultimate price.
Im the first one to be on the cops side IF they are right but thats about 50/50 anymore and not an acceptable ratio for those who are supposed to serve and protect.


Five, if the police have any reason to contact you, in this case noise ordinance, they can frisk you for "officer safety" . They cant just stop a random dude on the street and frisk. Just like a cop can stop you for a tail light out or tinted windows. Think the cop cares that your windows are tinted? Nope, he wants to see what else is going on in the car or on your person.

They saw a guy being a jackass, almost taunting them, so they used the noise ord as a reason to see if he was holding or had warrants. If nothing had happened out of the contact, no drugs, guns or dogs shot, Id guess no mention of the noise ord would have been made or citations issued.

you sir are correct.

no argument here.

my only thought is, why did they have to cuff this dude? an "excuse me sir, sit right here on this corner while my much larger cop partner stands right next and on top of you", while they run the record......that dont work?

and as a society we stand here and take it like friggin scared little sheep....baaahhhhhh,...dont hurt me mr cop..protect and serve, right?

this isnt my first rodeo, i know what the 5-0 are all about.

i was 21 when i had 2 warrants for my arrest, got stopped by a cop for a supposed "tail light" ( it wasn't broken, nor did his club break it either),
but this was my first case of a stop and search. needless to say my tongue was silver that day and I evaded the arrest. but I learned a lesson the same.

My point is, as a society, this man was complaining..complaining about a PROBLEM with the police and he was ARRESTED for voicing his 1st ammendment rights and his dog was killed.

if this cop was TRAINED PROPERLY and had handled this situation correctly. nothing would have even occured..

its OBVIOUS from the video the dude DOESN'T want a problem. he puts his dog up, he turns right around for the pig, and easily is taken problem!

but the cops are poorly trained to handle this man and his situation.

the police are here to make money for you city/county/state and not for anything else.. my car was broken into 3 times at my old house, and you know what the cop said..stop leaving it parked in your driveway or in front of your

not one mention of stepping up any patrols in the area..nope. don't park there no more dude...

the system is broke, the cops are a joke, your government is corrupt. wake up people!

it's simple, when your kids are upset about things what do they do? they cry and whine to get what they want..and then? you either tell them to shut up , or give them what they want..

i could go on and on. but this just steams me up inside..

that,its sad.


Five, if the police have any reason to contact you, in this case noise ordinance, they can frisk you for "officer safety" . They cant just stop a random dude on the street and frisk. Just like a cop can stop you for a tail light out or tinted windows. Think the cop cares that your windows are tinted? Nope, he wants to see what else is going on in the car or on your person.

They saw a guy being a jackass, almost taunting them, so they used the noise ord as a reason to see if he was holding or had warrants. If nothing had happened out of the contact, no drugs, guns or dogs shot, Id guess no mention of the noise ord would have been made or citations issued.
theres a story about the new york police department and their "stop and frisk" policy. you should read up on it.

basically it's if your black or latino and your walking down the street they stop you, ask you to remove all the items from your pockets and then frisk you. the catch is, you just pulled out your dime bag or w/e and then it's in plan sight and arrest you..

Watch the interesting video at the end of this ..might just open up your eyes.

that's just one example..


likes to smell trees.
theres a story about the new york police department and their "stop and frisk" policy. you should read up on it.

basically it's if your black or latino and your walking down the street they stop you, ask you to remove all the items from your pockets and then frisk you. the catch is, you just pulled out your dime bag or w/e and then it's in plan sight and arrest you..

Watch the interesting video at the end of this ..might just open up your eyes.

that's just one example..

Actually, they will pull it out of your pocket and throw it on the ground for you, then arrest you for public display. Faggots.

That dog video made me pissed. No fuckin way did they have to shoot it like that. Cop should be shot.


This is just another outragous example of yet another abuse of power.

Until you break the law, (even then I would argue no law need be followed if it is unjust) Police Officers have no authority or jurisdiction over you, they may act in your interest or to protect your person or themselves if they believe harm to be imminent.

Its sad how many people blame the citizen for the demise of his dog.

The officers are public servants, funded and given authority by the citizens to ensure our protection, not brutalisation. Accepting this as 'his fault' is ridiculous and contemptuous. The more we accept others exerting their will and force over us the more it will continue. Do the words protect and serve ring any bells.


Farming 🌱
That's called a terry search bro, and NO THEY CAN'T. You have the right to refuse or not consent to such a search. If they do search you, and you refuse you can sue the cop for a civil rights violation.

You really need to get your facts straight, spreading misinformation does not help people.

Not trying to be a dick, just letting you know you have it a little confused.

They have law class's at community collage you can take. ;) you might want to check up on that.

Ill tell ya a story, me a buddy were going to the d. We got flicked, Cop comes up says Blah blah, I think I smell marihuana, I want to search. We didnt have shit we were on our way, not our way back. It's my homies car, and he's says ok. I'm like fuck this dude tell him no. The cops like I got potable couse blah blah, and Im like what ever, it ain't my shit I can't say anything. So we get out, cop goes to my homie and says his speal about bazzookaz and hand grenades, dudes like no, cops asks to pat him down he's like what ever. Yea.

Cop comes to me ask my ass, I say I ain't got shit and I don't consent to a terry search and if you do search me Ill be filling a law suit in the morning on your ass.

Needless to say, I wasnt searched, now my homie at this point is fucked up. Says to the cop, YO that's fucked up, why didnt you search him. Cops says he told my I couldn't.

The homie was baffled for weeks, on what happend. He ended up going to the collage book store and buying all the books.:)

Moral of the story no your rights.

"[A] protective search for weapons in the absence of probable cause to arrest (is valid) because it is unreasonable to deny a police officer the right to neutralize the threat of physical harm when he possesses an articulate suspicion that an individual is armed and dangerous."​
In more detail, the same Court, Justice Rehnquist writing the opinion of the majority, in Adams v Williams, added:
"In Terry this Court recognized that a police officer may in appropriate circumstances and in an appropriate manner approach a person for purposes of investigating possibly criminal behavior even though there is no probable cause to make an arrest. The Fourth Amendment does not require a policeman who lacks the precise level of information necessary for probable cause to arrest to simply shrug his shoulders and allow a crime to occur or a criminal to escape. On the contrary, Terry v Ohio recognizes that it may be the essence of good police work to adopt an intermediate response. A brief stop of a suspicious individual, in order to determine his identity or to maintain the status quo momentarily while obtaining more information, may be most reasonable in light of the facts known to the officer at the time.
"The Court recognized in Terry v Ohio that the policeman making a reasonable investigatory stop should not be denied the opportunity to protect himself from attack by a hostile suspect. When an officer is justified in believing that the individual whose suspicious behavior he is investigating at close range is armed and presently dangerous to the officer or to others, he may conduct a limited protective search for concealed weapons. The purpose of this limited search is not to discover evidence of crime, but to allow the officer to pursue his investigation without fear of violence, and thus the frisk for weapons might be equally necessary and reasonable, whether or not carrying a concealed weapon violated any applicable state law. So long as the officer is entitled to make a forcible stop, and has reason to believe that the suspect is armed and dangerous, he may conduct a weapons search limited in scope to this protective purpose."​
The pat-down search must be limited to what is necessary for the discovery of weapons and, if it goes beyond that limit, the fruits of the search will be suppressed.1

The State of Louisiana has codified the authority for a Terry search at 215.1(B) of Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure (2011).
"When a law enforcement officer has stopped a person for questioning pursuant to this Article and reasonably suspects he is in danger, he may frisk the outer clothing of such person for a dangerous weapon. If the law enforcement officer reasonably believes the person possesses a dangerous weapon, he may search the person."​


Blaming the owner for the dogs death is total bullshit. C'mon folks, wtf. Seriously.

BTW when a pig has probable cause and creates or fabricates a crime that you supposedly committed you can lose your rights in regards to search consents. They then have the right to search you.

This happened to me. Pigs wanted to talk with me. I said no thanks I am exercising my 5th amendment to remain silent. They said they were investigating an incident that involved me. I told them I still won't talk. They told me they were charging me with "obstruction of a investigation." They told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back. I refused. The second pig pulled out a taser and pointed it three feet away from my chest. I clearly saw his finger one the trigger and he was a young punk who was dying to pull it. I complied. They took my dog and impounded him. They searched me against my will but the fact that they charged with something negated that right. They stuck me in jail, no phone call. I still wouldn't talk. I sat in there for 6 hours. NO phone call. No right to a attorney. They finally let me go. I got my dog out of the pound. Power Pigs-fuckers. Pigs are most criminal and violent gangsters on the planet.

I took the case to court, represented myself, had a 8 man jury and won. I convinced the jurors that exercising your 5th amendment right to not self incriminate yourself was NOT obstructing their investigation.

Pigs do what they want and let you battle in out in the courts. They lie, they plant evidence and they violate everyone's rights on a daily basis. The fucking dumb-asses do not even know what the Constitution is. I put both cops on the stand (I had them sequestered ) so neither one would know what the other one was testifying about or what my questions were) And neither one of them knew what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was about and neither one could state ONE of the 10 Bill of Rights. I even tried to help them and I asked them what the 2nd amendment was all about (right to bear arms). They did not even know that one. During that time I kept looking at the jurors and just shaking my head in disgust. Both cops looked like total assholes.

Now how can these motherfuckers uphold their sworn oath to the constitution when they have no clue to what it entails. This was the backbone of my case and I made it clear to the jury that both pigs committed treason and I reminded everyone in the courtroom that the punishment for treason is life in prison or death.

Learn the laws, stand up for your rights, fuck attorneys and fuck the cops. This is a peaceful solution to fight back. And win.

It was the owners fault for the dog being shot????? You have got to be kidding me. I can't believe some people said that. Orwell was right.


Living dead girl
Absolutely it was the owner's fault! Didn't you see that leash? Didn't he notice what was going on? He could have taken measures to protect the animal, like using an actual leash, but he didn't. Whose fault is that? The cops didn't compel him to bring the dog along for the ride.

Honestly, it's amazing to me how many people seem to think that how this guy handled the situation and his dog was perfectly fine. Or do you folks think that we should be treating all dogs like humans?
There were a dozen other lookie lous there recording sea that they said nothing to at all but they singled out the one guy who has a civil rights lawsuit against the department?And for a total bullshit reason,an excuse to hassle him really,so in my eyes they escalated the situation instead of diffusing it,he was no threat to them or anyone else they were just pissed and gonna get even and the dog who did nothing wrong paid the ultimate price.
Im the first one to be on the cops side IF they are right but thats about 50/50 anymore and not an acceptable ratio for those who are supposed to serve and protect.
This is Hawthorne, and honestly, if this cat is known to the department, he was practically begging for it. Again, he brought the dog into the situation, not the cops. He failed to control the dog, not the cops. He was in the wrong as far as the dog being hurt goes, and didn't give enough consideration to the actual department he was dealing with.

You know I come from SoCal, and we all know that some departments are better than others. I'd rather deal with the sheriff of L.A. Co. than, say, LAPD, for example, pretty much ANY day of the week. Same in SD, I'd rather deal with the sheriff's department than SDPD. Why? Because, they're known for pulling tactics. If you already know that, why be surprised when you get exactly what you asked for?


Farming 🌱
Absolutely it was the owner's fault! Didn't you see that leash? Didn't he notice what was going on? He could have taken measures to protect the animal, like using an actual leash, but he didn't. Whose fault is that? The cops didn't compel him to bring the dog along for the ride.

Honestly, it's amazing to me how many people seem to think that how this guy handled the situation and his dog was perfectly fine. Or do you folks think that we should be treating all dogs like humans?

This is Hawthorne, and honestly, if this cat is known to the department, he was practically begging for it. Again, he brought the dog into the situation, not the cops. He failed to control the dog, not the cops. He was in the wrong as far as the dog being hurt goes, and didn't give enough consideration to the actual department he was dealing with.

You know I come from SoCal, and we all know that some departments are better than others. I'd rather deal with the sheriff of L.A. Co. than, say, LAPD, for example, pretty much ANY day of the week. Same in SD, I'd rather deal with the sheriff's department than SDPD. Why? Because, they're known for pulling tactics. If you already know that, why be surprised when you get exactly what you asked for?

Oh No that dog was trying to protect the owner, that dog did NOT BITE THE COP, they could have let the guy take the Dog and put him back into the car, b/c either way the cops were goping to have to call the pound to come get the dog out of the car anyway, so instead of shooting the dog in front of the kids and people that were on the sidewalk they could have handled it way better then Shooting it not 1 but 4 FUCKING TIMES, 1 shot it might have live but 4 TIMES !!!!!!!!! Fuck that..:mad:


The police weren't concerned with the dog, it wasn't an animal safety issue or concern.
They were more interested in an individual they recognised as having taken out a lawsuit against them. They spotted an opportunity for payback, which is an abuse of power and a corruption of their office.

It speaks volumes when WE fund law enforcement agencies via taxation (OUR money) to protect us and ensure that our rights, persons and property are respected and not violated and then 'we' end up tip toeing around 'them'? Regardless of the 'Where'. This is the tip of the iceberg, all publicly appointed officials seem to have forgotten who's interest that they are working, accepting the status quo and not challenging the rights and wrongs of this obviously out of control behaviour only perpetuates the situation.

Public officials are appointed to serve.

Where the 'Officers' upholding the law?
Did they have legal or moral authority within the situation to question, detain or otherwise discriminately harass a member of the public?
Was it a situation that they needed to esculate?
Why will there be a lack of 'sensible' punative action against an 'officer' for escalating the situation unnecessarily and then discharging a firearm in a public place, further endangering public health and life?

We must address corruption of authority and the mishandling of power or suffer the same brutal oppression continually. It stems from corrupt government officials, lobbyists, Warmongers, corrupt lawmakers and a general unwillingness to let us be free and self determining.

If we stand up for nothing, we will lie down for everything.


Living dead girl
Oh No that dog was trying to protect the owner, that dog did NOT BITE THE COP, they could have let the guy take the Dog and put him back into the car, b/c either way the cops were goping to have to call the pound to come get the dog out of the car anyway, so instead of shooting the dog in front of the kids and people that were on the sidewalk they could have handled it way better then Shooting it not 1 but 4 FUCKING TIMES, 1 shot it might have live but 4 TIMES !!!!!!!!! Fuck that..:mad:
First, I didn't watch the video, Dave watched it and reported what happened. I'm not going to watch it, either, I don't want to watch more dogs die because humans are fucking idiots. He told me that the guy put the dog into a/his car and it escaped.

Second, the cops are not going to wait for the dog to bite them. I know this factually. Y'all remember my story about my sister's little 40lb border collie being shot to death in the street in front of their house? Five times that little dog was shot. A little 40lb dog, no recourse, and they weren't out on the street with the dog, they were at home and the dog was in her yard.

I'm not saying the cops handled it well, I'm placing a whole lot of responsibility on the owner's shoulders here because he HAD to know that this particular department is known for not playing nice, he had a very large breed on a completely insufficient 'leash,' and he was also already known to this department.

I'm not saying he had it coming, but he HAD to know it wasn't going to go well at all, and the dog paid the price. He will have no legal recourse here, none whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned he fucked up as badly as anyone else did. He doesn't get to shift all responsibility onto police because they shot his dog.


First, I didn't watch the video, Dave watched it and reported what happened. I'm not going to watch it, either, I don't want to watch more dogs die because humans are fucking idiots. He told me that the guy put the dog into a/his car and it escaped.

Second, the cops are not going to wait for the dog to bite them. I know this factually. Y'all remember my story about my sister's little 40lb border collie being shot to death in the street in front of their house? Five times that little dog was shot. A little 40lb dog, no recourse, and they weren't out on the street with the dog, they were at home and the dog was in her yard.

I'm not saying the cops handled it well, I'm placing a whole lot of responsibility on the owner's shoulders here because he HAD to know that this particular department is known for not playing nice, he had a very large breed on a completely insufficient 'leash,' and he was also already known to this department.

I'm not saying he had it coming, but he HAD to know it wasn't going to go well at all, and the dog paid the price. He will have no legal recourse here, none whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned he fucked up as badly as anyone else did. He doesn't get to shift all responsibility onto police because they shot his dog.

I watched it with a friend and they started crying, it was kinda fucked up, it is so obviously wrong. I felt bad for showing them such an outrage.

Sorry to hear about your sis's dog, the police seem to all be out of control.

I guess we gotta pick carefully the time and place, as well as the battles we choose to fight, in our moments of resistance. That makes a lot of sense sea.
Prime C

Prime C

Defender of Dank
I do everything in my power to protect my children. Any thing less is neglect! My dogs are my children!! The owner of the dog is responsible for him period! Know the saying " If it was a snake it woulda bit ya". He got bit!!! It's 99% his fault!!! We all know the cops do what they want. Really kolah? Really???

Lets take this somewhere else. Over the weekend someone I know wrecked their car and killed themselves. Not only himself but his 12 yr old son too. His son had know choice in the matter and paid the ultimate price for it.............................................
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