The next grow and others.

  • Thread starter Icristal
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Update on these lovely plants. I have stopped all fox farm nutrients at 3 weeks flower. I now use a molasses tea and cla/mag only. Even though the FF nutrients worked well, the plants responded so much better to the new tea.

Purple Berry X Playboy 5 weeks flower, getting frosty and stacking up. It looks like this one will go 8 or 9 weeks the most.
20141206 210528 20141206 210548 20141206 210623 20141206 210605

SMS 5 weeks flower, I laugh every time I look at this plant, it sure is interesting, lol, short with skinny leaves and loads of bud sites, now getting frosty. I believe this one will go 9 maybe 10 weeks for sure.
20141206 210450 20141206 210507 20141206 210512

GSC, 4 weeks flower, this one mainlined to 8 colas, long stems, several bud sites with lots of space in between, hoping they get real fat to fill up, but looks real good, getting quite frosty. Also included a picture of the manifold.
20141206 210355 20141206 210405 20141206 210411 20141206 210434

All in all they are doing great and looking forward to the finish.


The ladies are doing good.Both of these are a little over 6 weeks flower.
The Purple Berry x Playboy has some very nice dense buds. Most concentrated on the main stalk, but the side ones are quite nice too. It is close to the finish line, the tric's are turning cloudy some, about 50 percent, but not there yet. It should finish at around 8 weeks. It has a very pleasant sweet smell to it, not skunky at all.

The SMS, I do not think I will grow this one again for awhile. It is a strange plant. It has very small buds and though there are allot of them, they will not get very dense or big, the frost is only concentrated on the buds, it is not producing much sugar on the leaves, I thought a 9 week on this one, but changing faster than expected. It is already 80 percent cloudy and watching it for any herm changes. Plus it has a very odd smell that is not quite appealing, and looks like a trimmers nightmare, lol.

The GSC at a little over 5 weeks flower, is a nice plant, the buds are average size with a good amount of space between them, but are filling in as they swell. They are a dense bud as well and it has a few more weeks to go, this will be a very nice one when finished.

Also in the flower room is one 99goji and one mojo kush, finding out if male or female, they will be set aside for the next to run if female. In the veg room is another set of 99 goji and mojo kush waiting to be sexed. The Moondawg clone has been up-potted to get bigger for more clone taking for another run. My reveg Bitch, lol,after putting her clone in a half gallon container, she slowed to a crawl again. Now all of a sudden she has hit her stride. So I will be up-potting her next week, so I can have her as a mom and get some clones off her. She was a bag seed, but oh well worth growing her again. Good vibes on all your grows everyone.

Purple Berry x Playboy
20141215 214128
20141215 214134

20141215 214144
20141215 214148
20141215 214152

20141215 214200
20141215 214206
20141215 214215
20141215 214220


Well apparently there is some pollen floating around in my flower room. I have had issues with the room since the Moondawg seeded. The 3 currently in there have seeded as well. So they are all being pulled and the room shut down. I will be doing a major cleaning of the room, new wall covering and cleaning all the fans, and equipment. Then starting over fresh and clean, i should have it up again after the first of the year. As the holidays approach, the work schedule gets heavier.

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope all your grows are doing great and vibrant. It has been a year of learning and a year making new friends who have helped me ever so much. Thank you all and new things coming after the new year.


Hey Icristal!

Now that's a bummer :( . But I wouldn't ditch the whole grow. You could always make hash or canna butter. After all the work you've put in, it just doesn't make any sense. Let those plants finish and do the clean up later. I've also found a single male part on one of my girls. Lucky enough the sack hasn't opened yet, otherwise I would be on the same boat as you. And look for the male sacks so you know which plant efed you over so you can keep your eyes peeled next time you grow that strain


Keep it green and happy holly daze


Yea bro don't cut them've gone to far..seeded bud is still good to smoke..if its a good strain..try and find the source...and pull the male flowers Toaster79 said..u can still have some nice hash and butter..ect...its a nice grow man..


Hey Icristal!

Now that's a bummer :( . But I wouldn't ditch the whole grow. You could always make hash or canna butter. After all the work you've put in, it just doesn't make any sense. Let those plants finish and do the clean up later. I've also found a single male part on one of my girls. Lucky enough the sack hasn't opened yet, otherwise I would be on the same boat as you. And look for the male sacks so you know which plant efed you over so you can keep your eyes peeled next time you grow that strain


Keep it green and happy holly daze
Yea bro don't cut them've gone to far..seeded bud is still good to smoke..if its a good strain..try and find the source...and pull the male flowers Toaster79 said..u can still have some nice hash and butter..ect...its a nice grow man..

Thank you both for you advice. It is so much appreciated. I had to pull one for sure it was real bad (the GSC did not make it), and after looking at the other 2 again, I will let them finish, so the other 2 have not been pulled yet. I was just so frustrated I wanted to pull everything, but have since calmed down.I have misted the room and equipment<(as best I could). And am hoping to finish the other 2 out as long as they need. One is just about ready to harvest anyway, so this is good. The other has 2 more weeks to go.

As for the source, not sure, thinking it was from the Moondawg that hermed on me and seeded, I did find male flowers on the bottom buds on her and some were open and had dropped pollen. Rookies mistake not misting the room then, so figure pollen was in the room hiding on me. Who knows, and when you look them over every day and all of a sudden things go nuts to balls, frustrating.

I have just made some butter, so I guess I will be making another batch, lol, I have been making Caramels, OMG, soooooo yummy and works great, lol. . I have not and do not know how to make hash yet, but will learn someday.

I will be redoing the room after the first of the year. The walls are old horsehair plaster covered in mylar film. So I will be sheet-rocking them , fresh white paint and new covering, plus adding in more hooks and braces to hang everything. I will also be moving my inline fan to a better and quieter location, lol. Man those are noisy sometimes, lol My veg room is exploding, so I hope to get this done soon.

Is there issues with fresh painted rooms for flowering, or do you have a suggestion for a particular type of paint? I appreciate any advice please.

Thanks again for your help
Happy Holidays and thanks again :)


I also had another purple berry x playboy (clone of current lady flowering) starting to flower to replace the one being harvested that got hit with pollen as well, so I removed it and the pods, isolated it until I can see how it will run, if no go have a mom to make more. The 2 I was finding out the sex have been put back in the veg room. I will also post pictures of the harvest when finished. As for the smoke, I don't mind early testing, but I like it after a bit of curing, and will give a smoke report. I am looking forward to testing these as I have never had these strains before.

Every grow is different , with there own issues and it makes you a better grower by defeating the bad issues and reveling in the kick ass harvest, lol I do not like some of the situation, but I am glad some have happened and I still have allot to learn. I find growing is therapy in more ways than one.


I found the source of the current pollen. The first Purple berry x playboy has beautiful and very very dense lady bud, but with a hidden agenda, lol. Deep inside some of the buds I found open flowers that had dropped pollen at sometime. As deep in the bud they were, I can see how I missed them. But that's no excuse for not seeing them much earlier when the buds were smaller. I take full responsibility for that. After seeing pollen sacks at 3 weeks flower on a clone of the same lady, I understand when I missed it the first time. They also were tucked in deep under the new buds. And this gives me a timeline when the GSC got hit hard with pollen. This is actually a good lesson to learn about pollen and how it all works so quickly. Time to get back into the science of it, after releasing the frustration of the situation, I am intrigued. But pollen chucking will be another adventure down the road, just not now. lol


Hapi-holi-Daze My friend
I have been digin on your grows from the start and even setbacks can have there good points
Just trying to see the positive in it all
You may have a seed that changes one persons life, Or gives you a chance to change up the room abit if you wanted to a little..
IMHO a learning experience for sure . . . . . .I will be looking forward to seeing your next round and wish you all the best,
I also wanted to add your plant, The SMS is Very Sweet lookin lady
Keep it Green super Cristal Vibes


Thank you Flyin,,,always love it when you stop in. Yea after the first impact of what was going on, I calmed down and went to work fixing the issues. My husband is going to help me reconfigure the room when I am ready. I am saving the viable seeds and making sure they are labeled.

As for the SMS, it is a great looking lady, but the smell is terrible (like someone stepped in dog poop), lol. I do not plan on growing this indoors again and will be setting one up to grow outdoors in the spring. I think it is best suited for outdoors. I can imagine it now, with it's sativa traits, should be a good run of it.

I will be growing the gsc again, as I see lots of good things with this one. The next run is 99goji and Mango Kush, I hope so far I have 4 males out of 6 plants, 2 males each. I am up-potting my reveg lady today and will take clones for the run after the next. And since up-potting the MoonDawg, I can take larger clones and hope for at least 2 more so I can go to flower again with it. I would like to get a few more runs in before summer. I do not plan on any indoor gardening this summer right now, just outdoors.

I have some more strains to try, so we will see what those are about. And I would like to check out some old bag seeds. I was given these from someone who smoked in the 70's and saved the seeds. So I am looking forward to seeing what comes of this. But at a later time. I am looking for a few to have as mothers and just run those. So far I have 2 that I am keeping around.

Merry Christmas Flyin and thanks for the good vibes, and returning some your way too, I love watching your grows and love your personality. Makes me smile and I am sure you make lots of folk smile.
My best my friend


The veg room getting ready for next couple of runs, left to right back row, 99goji---reveg lady just up-potted tonight, should be able to get clones in 2 weeks---mojo kush...........front row in half gallon pots random seeds----moondawg clone of last run ( took 2 clones again, they are sitting on top of the lights). And will be popping a few others, not sure what yet, lol. Over the next 3 weeks the flower room will be taken down, cleaned, removing a few things and adding a few more, lol

20141222 212634


Hey all, as I said before, grower (me) error on last run and getting seeded, and very good lesson learned. But still ended very well.

Despite culling early the GSC is a very good smoke. Smells like candy and taste like candy, very pleasant. And has a good punch to it, mellow all over, get thing done, day time meds. I will be growing this again. Seeded buds cleaned and headed for the butter bin, lol

The SMS, smelled really bad when growing, now as curing smells fruity/earthy, smoke instant ears ringing, head rush, and then hits body, by then you pass out sleeping, good night time meds, very very strong. This will one of my outdoor choices for this summer for sure.

The purple berry x playboy, very dense buds, still curing and will try after it has cured more, looking forward to this. Not rushing this one, lol

Happy New Year all, and be safe


Hello all, I hope everyone had a great holiday. After curing the purple berry x playboy, it was too full of seeds to keep as smoke, it was okay but made better use of it, lol. I made a batch of butter and then a batch of cana caramels, so yummy and love the body effect. So all in all the end results were good and had a use for most of the harvest.

I have finally cleaned up the flower room and reconfigured a few things. And am happy to say, I am up and running again. Day 1 ,, First in the flower room is a huge 99Goji, this one turned into a tri whorler after 4 nodes. I am praying this to be a female, I so would love to grow this one out. No topping on this one and if female, due to it height now will be huge. The second one in flower is a Mojo Kush, not quite as tall as the other, but a beautiful plant. It has huge leaves and not sure if male or female yet. The third one in flower is the clone of the MoonDawg. I will post more on this one is the other thread.

Awaiting in the veg room, is my reveg lady. I just took some clones of her and if they take, she will be run again as soon as possible. Also in veg are 2 unknowns, very nice plants, just messing around with these two., lol And in the clone section are 2 Moondawgs and 2 reveg ladies. (praying they take, my clone experience is not very good, hahaha). And I will be popping more seeds soon, just not sure what yet. I will post pictures this weekend of them. Just happy to be running the flower room again.

Keep it green everyone and great vibes to all of you.


Here are the plants in flower, it has been almost a week and all seem to be doing well. First is a 99Goji, this one after the 4th node, turned into a tri whorler. It has not shown its sex yet, so hoping its a female. It is around 30inches tall, going to be a big plant.
20150112 215104
Here is the Mojo Kush, this one is a bit shorter and I will have to put it on a stand to get it closer to the light, since the 99 is so tall, lol Unknown sex at this time, but it sure has a great structure.
20150112 215406
So keeping fingers crossed we have females. Along with these 2 is a MoonDawg.


Now for the reveg lady. I have finally taken clones of the clone, lol As soon as they root the first clone will go to flower. I will be trying to get the original lady that is resting in the cellar going again in a month. Not sure if it will work, but willing to try.

As for the reveg the first clone of her is ready to flower, but only when her cutting roots. Pictures are the timeline of the reveg.

Picture 1 and 2, day of harvest of the lady 9/21/14 Re-potted in new soil and fed it 300 to 500ppm of fox farm grow big for one month, then just water. And the clone of her has had only water as well.
20140921 225211 20140921 225223
Picture 3, old growth decaying and new growth starting, 10/14/14
20141004 000814
Picture 4 , more new growth 10/17/14
20141017 181735
Picture 5, clone taken from reveg lady. 11/7/14
20141107 185821
Picture 6, the clone as it is now, ready to flower. 1/12/15
20150112 215636
I am happy with the results of the reveg and would do it again if the plant was this special.


Well I do believe we have a couple of dudes,,they have been in flower for only 9 days, looks like balls to me and not new leaf growth.

99Goji, there are none of these on the bottom 4 nodes, interesting.
991 992

Mojo Kush, same signs.
Mk1 Mk2


Too bad those do look like males. The 99Gojis are hives yielders too, so that would have produced even bigger self topping itself (if u will) Do u have more going @lcristal ? Nice work!


Too bad those do look like males. The 99Gojis are hives yielders too, so that would have produced even bigger self topping itself (if u will) Do u have more going @lcristal ? Nice work!
I have a few in the veg room, not ready to flower yet, these 2 the 99 and mojo took up most of the space while flower room was down, so trying to catch up now, but am so far behind now that these are dudes. But i will persist, I soaked more of the few beans left beans tonight and set up several more clones from my reveg lady. So time will tell and we just keep plugging along.

thanks for stopping in my friend


So time will tell and we just keep plugging along.
You always have great things Growin and a happinin
And your re veg helped me so much getting mine where it is now, I haven't taken clones yet but soon . . .
So yea Mang... Pop more and get to them Keeper that are hidding in your gear... They are in there I can
hear them calling to you . . . . .
Grow US GROW US ! ! ! ! !
May the Icristal be ever DANK

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