CannaGranny Tell All Successful Scrogging

  • Thread starter CannaGranny
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Hey, just want to say this is all really great, I remember reading about SOG and SCROG and other techniques in High Times years ago, as well as various books.......a quick comment about the English language......yes there are some particular peculiarities around certain spellings and all, but I think what makes English so good (whether it's what's made it dominant, or it's for other reasons I don't know), but I think it's because English is more built around its ease of speaking and dynamic communication, with the written parts of it being secondary, or afterthoughts. It's certainly not the same English of 300 years ago, or even 100 years ago. In many ways it's changed quite a bit since just the 1940s-50s. Look at movies and the way people spoke then, the words they used.......some of it is kind of comical. I'm sure English teachers would cringe at the way I write, which is as similar as I can get to the way I speak......maybe I should thank Jack Kerouac and a lot of the beats and hippies. ;). One of the words I use more than most people is "dude", which used to be a derogatory word for phoney cowboys or something. Nowadays it's mostly a term of endearment, or just a way to address someone you're familiar with. I don't do it but I know people who call women "dude", and it's not derogatory at all. It can also mean "what the heck is wrong with you why would you do that that's crazy!". And all you have to say is......"..Dude!!" ;)

Ok, the growing weed thing then I'll let you all get back to the SCROG thing, and what sounds like Star Trek talk about watering systems and me, that's all a foreign language. Watering is something you do with the pouring or hosing of the clear liquid into the pots, and nutrients are things that come in containers that you add a little of into the clear stuff after a month or two as the soil and peat and compost and......guano.....start wearing down a bit. ;)

So yes, these methods are great, and many people would be well-served to listen and learn and adopt these methods. Maximizing yield, minimizing growth time.....maximizing space.....and when it's all said and cured.....maximixing $ return. A lot of people need, want to do all of these things.....all the way to production oriiented commercials growers.

So i can only speak for myself, and maybe some I look at these systems some things I wonder are how you can access everything, what you do if part or all of the watering system fails (and you're not there), what you do if you want to go away for a week, although this can be a problem for all growers all the time.......automated systems are like self-driving cars, all good until a crash happens, then, not so much.....

And there are answers to all of these things, I'm not saying there aren't, but these things all together require lots of time and work and attention. Building and maintaining things, cleaning them, monitoring systems, wifi alerts......

Ok, so again, speaking for myself, what's great about all of this is that there's something in growing for everyone. Like any brewers. One person likes Pilsners, another likes huge 11% stouts......whatever it is, to each their own. The reasons the SCROG thing isn't really for me? I want to grow many varieties at once. Maximizing space, and time......isn't important to me. Maximizing yield isn't important to me. I couldn't consume an ounce of great weed, with my wife, in 3 months. I could supply us, and 10 friends for free, without ever having to maximize yield. And I don't care if it takes 100 days from seed to harvest, or 150 days. I have seedlings right now that are more than 3 weeks old, poor the time they're ready to flip they'll be on social security... ;). I also like to see different varieties grow into their own various natural (as much as it's possible) shapes and sizes. I like good dirt, I don't want to root clones, I like crossing different strains and making seeds and seeing how they turn out. And all I want to do is wheel around a certain number of larger pots, with 4 foot plants, water them, and roll them back.....maybe marvel at their unique developments for a little while, then go watch TV or something... ;)
You can do scrog with multiple strains. After flipping to flower it might get more complicated, but not to the point that your grow is going to fail or something.


Three lovely too large ladies in my five by five. Lollypopped and ready. When you prep your plants for the table, anything that does not reach the table top is removed.
Second pic, is scrog on! If it’s not ugly, bent and shoved below the screen, then you’re not scrogging.
D73C8FD4 AF3A 4714 B60F 60B6C828155E
50ED2C02 E4E8 4843 BA62 391082FB11F1


You can do scrog with multiple strains. After flipping to flower it might get more complicated, but not to the point that your grow is going to fail or something.
Ii could, t's just not for me. Not just because of lack of uniformity, but for all those other reasons too. I'm not going for efficient/max yield. I like to let plants get bigger and take on their natural shape......then there's the breeding.....


Second pic, is scrog on! If it’s not ugly, bent and shoved below the screen, then you’re not scrogging.View attachment 1339943
Do you happen to have the tuck on video?

Topping and FIM I’m okay with. Had to learn that early do to the 3x1 zones. I enjoy try to guess how it will grow. that’s a different story. I can LST but in order to tuck I had to do HST and you don’t do that. (Although I think you told me you had in the past/beginning.)

Because my plants usually sit in what I call pre-veg until the 3x3 zone is free they get larger and thicker. I also had to top twice before ready to move so the base gets pretty thick.

I’ve broken a few branches trying to tuck without HST. I’ve been using soft wire and making s-hooks. Can I see your method or is it to late?

Enjoyed the video and thought it was direct and to the point. I’m a little slower on the cut for FIM, eyes.


Two days after tabling. What a difference! Now that the plants have faced up I will turn them over to 12/12. I want the stretch from every tiny node site versus length of the limb. After the stretch the defoliation will begin.
3CFC924B 5E0E 4638 8738 B6D16C4297D1


Do you get broken branches when you set the table down?do you try to weave the branches where you want them?


Do you get broken branches when you set the table down?do you try to weave the branches where you want them?
At times yes I do. I dab the break with honey and tape it up with vet wrap and keep on moving. Most of the time they have no clue that they are broken. That generally only happens when I allow the plants to get too tall before tabling. I allow the plant to do its own thing, as weaving causes all kinds of probs when you try to remove the top. As they stretch I may move the limb under the table allowing it to basically find its own space.


Two days after tabling. What a difference! Now that the plants have faced up I will turn them over to 12/12. I want the stretch from every tiny node site versus length of the limb. After the stretch the defoliation will begin.View attachment 1340529
This is where i think i forked up....
I never let mine recover, i just smash them and flip to flower the same day.
Oh well going back to 4 plants in a 4x4, this net thing is just not for me. I'm not pleased by this grow of mine at all. I could go in there right now and cut it all down and not be bothered by it at all. Prolly would be when im buying weed later on but yeah, just not happy with my "scrog"


This is where i think i forked up....
I never let mine recover, i just smash them and flip to flower the same day.
Oh well going back to 4 plants in a 4x4, this net thing is just not for me. I'm not pleased by this grow of mine at all. I could go in there right now and cut it all down and not be bothered by it at all. Prolly would be when im buying weed later on but yeah, just not happy with my "scrog"
So sorry to hear this! Can ya tell me what’s going on with it?


So sorry to hear this! Can ya tell me what’s going on with it?
I dont think either of the plants turned out the way they should have. I tucked everything under the net and it stretched like 2 inches. So i untucked it all after 2 weeks and just let it do its thing. Will try again but most likely just in my 2x2 til i figure it out.
Even Zen is confused why im struggling with it.


question when using a 2 inch square net do you try to have branch coming through each square?
I never place my branches, I shove the entire limb under the table and they do the rest. Now, sometimes if I have a branch that grows longer than it’s initial placement, I will stretch it out by pulling it out of the square and allowing it to come up through another hole.
Just so I’m clear on this, nets are never good scrog tops! By nets, I am speaking of stretchy trellis nets. They cannot hold the plant down, and have way too much give to them. They also cannot support the weight.


I dont think either of the plants turned out the way they should have. I tucked everything under the net and it stretched like 2 inches. So i untucked it all after 2 weeks and just let it do its thing. Will try again but most likely just in my 2x2 til i figure it out.
Even Zen is confused why im struggling with it.
Well if I can help, don’t hesitate! I raise my light an extra seven to eight inches as soon as I flip to cause a massive stretch. This may be where some are falling short. A person doing a free budding grow, will tell you, Oh M Gee dont do that! Stretching is bad! Well with a scrog method that is exactly what we want.
Its a method of its own that goes against the grain of a normal grow. Maybe that’s why I like it so 🙂


Well if I can help, don’t hesitate! I raise my light an extra seven to eight inches as soon as I flip to cause a massive stretch. This may be where some are falling short. A person doing a free budding grow, will tell you, Oh M Gee dont do that! Stretching is bad! Well with a scrog method that is exactly what we want.
Its a method of its own that goes against the grain of a normal grow. Maybe that’s why I like it so 🙂
Im honestly not surprised everything went to shit since ive been thinking about it lol.
Im running all new lights, all new nutrients and soil, the only thing that is the same as before, is my tap water. This grow just ended up being another trellis instead of scrog.


Im honestly not surprised everything went to shit since ive been thinking about it lol.
Im running all new lights, all new nutrients and soil, the only thing that is the same as before, is my tap water. This grow just ended up being another trellis instead of scrog.
Ah ha! That explains a lot! Well when ya ready to really get ya scrog on, I’ll help 🙂


Ah ha! That explains a lot! Well when ya ready to really get ya scrog on, I’ll help 🙂
Ive got some peanut butter breath x okie seeds from trustfall i wanna do a 1 plant scrog in my 4x4 but i need to figure out what im doing before i waste a good seed.


My very first instructional video! A short vid on how to fim your plant vs topping.

Awesome video. Quick question , I topped my blue dream once and I'm interested in the scrogg but do you also "top" the other branches? Also about 4 of the other plants that I topped came out with triple branches. Did I do something wrong? I think I have a pic on my indoor virgin page. Thanks and thanks for the video. You should do a series of videos. You would be a hit!
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