wreckage 5.5K gavita, scrog+sog

  • Thread starter oxanaca
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Location 2: so i delivered another 40 plants to the growroom i now have 100 plants in this setup. i have 3 lights set to 1150 watts, they are 36 inches above the crop, my foot print is 12x6feet. the light readings werent what i was expecting, i was hoping for higher reading near the walls.
im going to try dropping the lights to 30 inches tomarrow to see what happens, with the readings.

i didnt take the camera to day as i didnt think i would mix well with all the plants i was transporting.

damn cant post paint pictures.


After reading midwestdensies grow I also switched over to peat moss. I could not get use to the watering and nute schedule after coming off from 2 years of growing in Canna coco and perlite. I've since gone to a hybrid system of Canna coco, perlite and peat moss. I can now water more often which is what I was use to.

I noticed oxanaca that you had your lights end to end which would be casting the light up against the wall and into your walking area. I believe the proper set up would be for the fixture, (bulbs) to be perpendicular to the wall. The wider foot print comes out the sides of the bulb not the ends. I could be wrong but this is the way I measured it with my meter.

yup the light does come out the sides. however at 6 feet wide this configuration seems about right. also i hung reflective mylar panels, so the light isnt wasted in the walkway anymore.

this thread desperately needs more pictures, ill update again tomarow. the plants really exploded at this location.


so i went to the grow site tonight and spaced my plants out properly. i am only growing 60 plants here. tomarow i will be hanging reflector panels that will hang from the ceiling and will be able to be hoisted into the air out of the way for hand watering
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i watered them in prior to taking the picture using full strength dankworths bloom formula

you will see i only have 2 of the lights on. i had some scary shit happen today. so a power cord from one of the gavitas was set on top of another gavitas reflector. this melted the rubber insulation on the wires and caused it to short, and arc like a motherfucker. it looked like fireworks until i unplugged the cord. im going to have to be more careful around the hot bulb / reflector from now on. im going to repair the power cord and fire it up again tomarrow.

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these lights are very impressive. i think im going to have to adjust my footprint as im over 1400 umoles in the center and 950 umoles near the edges. i think i will try 4'-4" x 5'-8" footprint per light. as you suggest tony69. 3x5 footprint is just to damn bright.
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i wasnt able to make the light map today as i got too stoned but i measured this in the middle.

Interesting thread with very unique information. Thanks for sharing Oxanaca. Was wondering at what distance from the lamp your readings were taken? When you took the edge readings I assume you pointed the meter toward the light? Been looking all over for someone to post this info. Thanks again.


Interesting thread with very unique information. Thanks for sharing Oxanaca. Was wondering at what distance from the lamp your readings were taken? When you took the edge readings I assume you pointed the meter toward the light? Been looking all over for someone to post this info. Thanks again.

this is something thats really been bothering me.

i did a little experiment. i found that light has an easier time penetrating the lense and making it to the sensor, when its hits the lense head on. from now on all my measurements will be made with the sensors pointing towards the source of the light, as it seems im cheating the design by pointing the sensors away from the source

first i put the sensor bar directly under a grow light. i got a reading of umoles 147 ppfd

then i turned the sensor 45 degrees and got a reading of 104 umoles ppfd

finally i turned the sensor bar almost 90 degrees from the starting position and got a reading of 68 umoles ppfd


for those of you low on dough, but still looking to take proper light readings. i have some good news for you.
you can make your own quantum meter.

all you need is an apogee sensor

a multimeter capable of millivolts (make sure of this)

cut the probes off the wires on the multimeter. strip the wires on both the quantum sensor and multimeter leads. twist them together. and test it outside. every millivolt equals 5 umoles ppfd. at 12 noon on a sunny cloud free day you should get a reading of around 400milli volts(2000 umoles ppfd)

make sure to heat shrink it to make it look profesional(add the heat shrink before you twist them together, for less frustration)

voila $150 quantum meter
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location 1:so i have my scrog underway. i still have to organize the branches, and readjust the lights. i think i will need to invest in another 400w ballast and 3 400w horticultural hps bulbs. as im really short of head space only about 3 feet between the ceiling and the screen . i currently have the 600s on top(their not aligned i know:))

heres some pics of the construction of my scrog. this was the second most frustrated ive ever been growing bud. i thought about quiting and throwing the plants in the trash several times. i finally discovered the secret you must slowly alternate between hoisting the screen down. and feeding the branches threw the holes. its going to take another hour or two to sort out all the branches.
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i have 6 trays of cuts rooting nicely using the method i learned on this thread. im really amazed i have sustained zero losses. i havent checked any for rooting yet, but i am noticing a lot of the leaves from the first tray are starting to turn yellow on the bottom, im assuming this means their starting to grow and are using nitrogen amongst other things.

check out these shitty looking cuttings, boy am i glad for alice D and organicyumyum. i think im gonna just dump these


alright just pulled all the branches threw all the holes. i think i need to prune some of the branches back a little. im also gonna cut off all undergrowth receiving inadequate light.


Thanks for answering my question, hope to see those numbers when you get them. Was going to suggest a screen with bigger holes but saw by the last posted pic you already had that figured out. First time there's always a learning curve and a frustration curve to go with it. Next time you'll be a 100% more experienced. Your thread's a good read, hoping to see it through. Don't lollipop those girls to hard now, don't want to shock em.


Matter a fact, maybe no more than 10% at a time like every other day. Just in case, 'cause you said "all undergrowth". Don't know if you meant all at once or not.


Don't lollipop those girls to hard now, don't want to shock em.

i just cut off the little itty bity branches. i left all the leaves. im not sure but i dont think theres any merit to cutting leaves off.


so heres area 1 as it sits now. im going to add reflective barriers as the room starts to fill.

DSCN0436 DSCN0439

heres my chill space. it fells so nice here like a warm fall night at the beach.


heres my screen. i cut 2 inch square holes into the material. took about an hour.
i wasnt exactly sure what i was doing this time around. i sort of modeled it after the first scrog grow i ever saw on overgrow.com back in 2006.
it seems nowadays people are using a large hole screen. just thought i would try it this way.
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so im about to start my first cannabis tissue culture experiments tomarrow night. i will be disinfesting 5 seeds using the method outined in "marijuana from test tubes". it recommends soaking the seeds in 3% H2O2+ a drop of dish soap, for 4 hours. it then instructs to strain the seeds on a sterile napkin, and transfer to culture vessels. i think im going to modify this by using polysorbate 20 at 0.1% concentratrion in place of the dishsoap, as this is gentler on seeds.

seed starting media (marijuana from test tubes)
in 1 liter distilled water:
full strength MS
30grams sucrose
no hormones
9 grams agar(gonna use my shitty asian store agar as i have limited quantitys of micropropation grade)
1 ppm PPM(gonna skip this, i want to see if the hydrogen peroxide can really take care of the contaminates)

i worry that this wont be enough to take care of all contaminates as cannabis seeds are suppose to be quite dirty.
but i will try it. and if it fails i will try a battery of tests to find something that produces satisfactory results.

im having a real problem finding seeds that dont cost $5-12 a piece. i managed to find 12 seeds. luckily i know some homeboys that still like to smoke brickweed in their blunts. i think they may be my answer to finding enough seeds to figure seed sterillization out. with out wasting expensive seeds.


be interesting to see this seed experiment ox,and im digging that screen setup.keep up the good work here,peace


be interesting to see this seed experiment ox,and im digging that screen setup.keep up the good work here,peace

hey sixstring i just read you thread, its one awesome picture of fat buds after the next, its awesome.
little question for you, do you have any suggestions for a some new seed strains. im looking for one bud plants that provide fat harvests in 8 weeks. and are not lacking in potency, taste or bag appeal. i know you dont grow sog strains but im sure youve ran into some that you knew would have worked.


I think master kush would do awesome in a sog setup for sure, it has the potency and weight.i actually liked running ak47 back a few years ago, all it did was grow big fat colas and get us baked out of our minds lol.i see a ton of farmers here running wifi in beds with screens and from what i see with my cross it is a heavy yielder.ill know more on these in 4 or 5 more weeks.but the mk has been in my garden for going on 5 years now i think and nobody has ever said they are tired of it :)


I think master kush would do awesome in a sog setup for sure, it has the potency and weight.i actually liked running ak47 back a few years ago, all it did was grow big fat colas and get us baked out of our minds lol.i see a ton of farmers here running wifi in beds with screens and from what i see with my cross it is a heavy yielder.ill know more on these in 4 or 5 more weeks.but the mk has been in my garden for going on 5 years now i think and nobody has ever said they are tired of it :)

funny you mentioned master kush. i actually have that one in my cart, im assuming your running dutch passions version? have to look up wifi never heard of it.
it sounds like a AK47 isnt what it useto be, however i would like to try a pack anyways.


Yeah the ak47 would seem to be watered down with so many versions over the past 10 years but if you could find some early genetics it would be worth it imo.the wifi also goes by the name white fire, there's a bunch of crosses of it here.the mk i have is from marijuanna-seeds.nl, i got a 10 pack of femme seeds back around 2009 and have been cloning her ever since.its an easy on to clone and takes to topping/training real well.she is not a picky plant with nutes or temps either. Honestly i have been in search of a better plant since the day i smoked her and have never found one yet.i bet i have run through over 100 strains since then ;)


Yeah the ak47 would seem to be watered down with so many versions over the past 10 years but if you could find some early genetics it would be worth it imo.the wifi also goes by the name white fire, there's a bunch of crosses of it here.the mk i have is from marijuanna-seeds.nl, i got a 10 pack of femme seeds back around 2009 and have been cloning her ever since.its an easy on to clone and takes to topping/training real well.she is not a picky plant with nutes or temps either. Honestly i have been in search of a better plant since the day i smoked her and have never found one yet.i bet i have run through over 100 strains since then ;)

i looked up your MK and on the webpage it suggests it needs 10-12 weeks flowering do you find that it needs that long. also do know if it was made by nirvana. they dont list manufactures on the site.
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