Arguing vs Debating vs Discussing

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Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
I have been so nice and patient with you, repeatedly. Even when you tried to set me up by your help request I was nice. I knew it was a setup so there wasn't any surprises on my end.

Please stop painting me as the bad guy. You offered your opinion, I gave you a reason why I didn't want to include it. Simple. But you got butthurt and turned into a pest trying to battle me. I made a VPD video and why VPD is useless. You go make one praising it, idc, cake. Problem solved. I'm sorry to offend you.

So just stop with me, I feel you're trying to run me off, building a little 'I hate AC Sippi and you should too' fanclub. Well stop building, there's already one, just join them. Nah, maybe do your own fanclub, that other club is full of failures.

Why all this drama tho? A whole thread about me and all I'm trying to do is help, giving my everything like I always have. Giving it for free when I could easily go get a job and be one of those awesome master growers you idolize. Then wut? Do you know how many jobs I've respectably turned down? Not me seeking work but people dropping into my emails of messages wanting me to work for them.

It's an honor to me, to be wanted > seeking out employment myself.

Then other contacts, one spicifically, a poser like yourself comes along with your pitch why you or someone else would be better and negotiations break down with the prospect employer saying 'Nah I don't think you know what you're talking about so I'm going with another guy.' I was literally told that. Where is that guy today? It's been a year and a half, no product yet. I think he ran out of money buying $150k pre-made grow buildings. I told him those were a horrible idea but the poser convinced him otherwise.
Oh man it's between the both of you?!?!?! Shit man I think your a good dude....

Let's all just 🤝🤝🤝 bigons be bigons...agree to disagree respectfully!!!! I'm not speaking at you A.C... just using this reply to get both attention....

Shit happens tones can be lost...

I didn't even get into the issue or read what was said....

Let's all just take a big gravity bong and 🤝 ✌️


Answer any of my questions yet?

My tone has changed, re-read my quotes from your thread, I posted them here
Never forgetti 😇
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My take is the bullshit can only be manipulated in the presence of actual applications
like someone else knows what’s best, hybridization is ruining marijuana more than helping,. geezus science is still discovering new cannabinoids terpenes etc,. like some stoner dude breeding knows what he’s creating,. ya i grow the modern weed and smoke it and too be honest its really only been 5-6 years of this with me and ive had it with this junk, its not a real high, so things will be changing with my grows hopefully sooner than later,..
also science has also proven outdoor weed to contain more cannabinoids and a have much wider terpene selection than indoor,.
i agree hashish made from outdoor is better to me,.


Oh man it's between the both of you?!?!?! Shit man I think your a good dude....

Let's all just 🤝🤝🤝 bigons be bigons...agree to disagree respectfully!!!! I'm not speaking at you A.C... just using this reply to get both attention....

Shit happens tones can be lost...

I didn't even get into the issue or read what was said....

Let's all just take a big gravity bong and 🤝 ✌️
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52872D76 CFA8 4D13 AD59 F192DB1D84C9

I’m there!!


Oh man it's between the both of you?!?!?! Shit man I think your a good dude....

Let's all just 🤝🤝🤝 bigons be bigons...agree to disagree respectfully!!!! I'm not speaking at you A.C... just using this reply to get both attention....

Shit happens tones can be lost...

I didn't even get into the issue or read what was said....

Let's all just take a big gravity bong and 🤝 ✌️
Nah, we can smoke and get along if he can atleast answer anything I've asked. 1 time, or tell everyone how he is so connected... but not connected 🤣


A lot of those big companies are failing. Paying big bucks for scientists then having to lay them off after they spend all that time getting things to run. Discarded so the business can save money yet still possess the knowledge.
But you said they don't know shit about weed? What knowledge would these charlatans have that these businesses would want to possess after they've paid the big bucks to these bullshit artists, i.e. degreed professionals? Your statement contradicts what you have been saying.
That's why I'd need a contract to work, I ain't setting someone up to grow millions of $s then they lay me off after paying me 60k. They'd save way more money using me then buying a stolen SOP they gotta figure out themselves with a 'master grower' that'll work for peanuts, way lower than what they would have payed me.
So you're bitter that people that went to college to learn about agriculture are undercutting what you feel you're worth.

You said you worked in a facility? I know your mindset...
With all due respect, you don't know shit about me OR my mindset anymore than I know anything about yours. I can only respond to what you post.

You want to go do basic grow videos? Have at it. I'm not stopping you. I think your mission is worthy. Will you be able to do it justice? That's up to whoever watches it and the results they're able to achieve from them.
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like someone else knows what’s best, hybridization is ruining marijuana more than helping,. geezus science is still discovering new cannabinoids terpenes etc,. like some stoner dude breeding knows what he’s creating,. ya i grow the modern weed and smoke it and too be honest its really only been 5-6 years of this with me and ive had it with this junk, its not a real high, so things will be changing with my grows hopefully sooner than later,..
also science has also proven outdoor weed to contain more cannabinoids and a have much wider terpene selection than indoor,.
i agree hashish made from outdoor is better to me,.
Yeah, I've mentioned it a few time on the board how I feel on over hybridization without stabilization, and (my admittedly unfounded) bias to autos.


@ACSippi , who is helping this community here on the farm more? A thread open for discussion or you side stepping and misdirecting questions? Engage and try to teach if you want to be a teacher. If not, atleast be upright enough to reply directly


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
So I battle heat but not the cold....I don't run perfect environments or vpd...I even water the wrong way....but that still has not restricted my plants ability to produce big yields with great flavor and aroma...

Look at my giant blue dream...started flower Nov 25th... basement was a steady 62... humidity was 30%... I flooded my pot every time I watered.... I feel like environmental control is a very small factor....

As for indoor vs outdoor.. even with same cultivar indoor vs out... I usually get headaches from outdoor cannabis... most likely from other types of pollen that finds it way to the flowers.... so I have never been a fan of outdoor... even when I grew my own outdoor I never smoked it cause it was a guaranteed headache....

I like that type of environmental control for indoor grows...


you blatantly made it seem like you were closer with people than you are.
Bingo! I knew it was a setup. This is why I don't mess with people like you. You're defiantly showing all your colors in this thread proving me right about the type of person you are.

Where did I ever say I was close to anyone? I said I reached out to Todd, via his 'help' email like any other normal person. We chatted, I told him what I was doing and he thinks it's a great idea. He offered a care package to help out my mission, I declined. He offered again and I accepted because he wouldn't have offered a second time if he didn't mean it.

Todd is friendly and easily approachable like a lot of guys are. I've chatted with many popular people thru the years. What's wrong with that? I tried showing my credibility with the support I've gotten, I mentioned Todd can be critical, I trust him and that's why I reached out. I got several people here and in my messages that are supporting me.

Why are you trying to tear me down? Turn people against me? Attacking me. Because I don't support bs like VPD? Because I won't make videos how you want me to? Because you can't even lace my boots? Who are you to do that to someone as a beginner?


I get it, there are tons of experienced growers who have learned their own way. There is no 1 correct way, only 1 correct way for the grower.

What is more important in conversations on growing, the years of practical experience, or accepted data from an ever expanding and advancing field as legalization opens up?

To me both are equally important and should respected, no matter the source or years of growing experience


So I battle heat but not the cold....I don't run perfect environments or vpd...I even water the wrong way....but that still has not restricted my plants ability to produce big yields with great flavor and aroma...

Look at my giant blue dream...started flower Nov 25th... basement was a steady 62... humidity was 30%... I flooded my pot every time I watered.... I feel like environmental control is a very small factor....

As for indoor vs outdoor.. even with same cultivar indoor vs out... I usually get headaches from outdoor cannabis... most likely from other types of pollen that finds it way to the flowers.... so I have never been a fan of outdoor... even when I grew my own outdoor I never smoked it cause it was a guaranteed headache....

I like that type of environmental control for indoor grows...
Do you think not growing in organic soil plays a factor in that?
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